30 October 2006

Why Italian politics will always be more interesting

Because they fight over stuff like this. Vladimir Luxuria is an MP for the Communist Refoundation Party which is a coalition member in Romano Prodi's government. He (she, it) is also a pre-op transsexual.

Elisabetta Gardini, of Silvio Berlusconi's Forza Italia party, complained after she ran into Ms. Luxuria in the ladies' room in parliament and said that she felt physically ill after the encounter. Forza Italia has called for the creation of "trans-gender" toilets to address the issue. Ms. Luxuria said that she had been using the "ladies' toilets for years".
Maybe Ms. Luxuria should become a minister and accompany Sr. Prodi on his next trip to the states. I wonder what she and Mrs. Bush might chat about whilst powdering their noses. Oh to be a fly on the wall!

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