03 September 2007

Slacker in chief

Anyone who expects the Decider(TM) to have an active retirement is, well, deluded. Robert Draper whose magazine, GQ, is known for its in depth political analysis and hard hitted investigative journalism, was given unusual access to the President for a book that discusses Bush's future.

To cut to the chase Captain Codpiece expects to spend his post Washington twilight years doing what he does best; very little.
"I can just envision getting in the car, getting bored, going down to the ranch...I'll give some speeches, to replenish the ol' coffers...I don't know what my dad gets - it's more than 50-75 [thousand dollars a speech], and Clinton's making a lot of money".
It is good to see the nation's leader giving American schoolchildren across the country something to aspire to, isn't it?

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