20 May 2008

It's all happening now

Parliament is in the process of debating the new human fertility bill which will regulate amongst other things the creation of hybrid embryos, stem cell research, IVF treatment and abortion. Yesterday an amendment that would have prevented the creation of hybrid embryos was fortunately defeated but tonight's votes on amendments to IVF provision that prohibit it for gays and single women (or at least make it almost impossible to access) and amendments that would reduce the upper limit on abortion from 24 weeks are harder to call. I am especially worried about the abortion amendments. Despite there being significant scientific evidence that there has been no improvement as to the viability of embryos outside the womb before 24 weeks the largely Catholic opposition have tabled so many amendments (reducing the limit to 9 weeks, 13 weeks, 18 weeks etc) that some may feel that a new 20 week limit is reasonable.

You can follow it all here.

Note: curiously all of the parties are allowing members a so called free vote,ie they do not have to follow the dictates of the party platform, but in reality the votes will be anything but. Instead of, as one would expect in a representative democracy, looking to their constituents for guidance these rebel MPs will be following the dictates of their church!

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