24 July 2007

But they're on the list! The list!

An Italian court has found that Youssef Nada, an Egyptian, and Ahmed Idris Nasreddin, an Eritrean, innocent of charges of funding terrorism and ruled that simply appearing on the United Nations' or European Union's terrorism blacklists does not in itself constitute legal proof that a defendant is indeed a terrorist as such lists are "politically motivated".

But they are list damn it! Of evildoers! Even though Messrs. Nada and Nasreddin have walked free in Italy I think we can be relatively secure in the knowledge that some day soon they will be walking down the street and a huge black SUV with tinted windows will appear out of nowhere. Masked men will shuffle them into the vehicle and they will be whisked away to a super secret location free from the needless impediments of the laws of evidence and guilt where they will have an opportunity to meet Truth, Justice and the American Way!

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