30 October 2007

What they (accidentally) didn't tell you just might hurt you

It seems that when the White House edited the Congressional testimony of Centers for Disease Control Chief Julie Gerberding "for clarity" it is because they were shocked (shocked!) to find some clarity in it and that obviously had to be expunged!

What did they leave out?
  • FEMA will have plenty to do as climate change will cause extreme storms, like Katrina, to occur more frequently (obviously bad for your health).
  • Malaria and dengue fever are on the way so buy some mosquito nets the next time you head down to buy more duct tape.
  • Buy something nice for the grandparents for Xmas this year; they're probably going to die soon.
  • Smog will worsen increasing the likelihood of lung disease. So if you haven't quit smoking yet don't bother.
  • Severe water shortages will become common in the United States, especially in the West.
  • Wild fires will become more widespread and occur more frequently.
Other than that I don't believe that they cut anything of substance.

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