08 April 2008

Whilst Petraeus speaks

I thought I would remind you all of the late Dr. Martin Luther King Jr's 10 Commandments of Vietnam (via Waging Peace). I have made slight editorial adjustments, in italics, to adapt them to the current circumstance.

1. Thou shalt not believe in a military victory.
2. Thou shalt not believe in a political victory.
3. Thou shalt not believe that the Iraqi people love us.
4. Thou shalt not believe that the Baghdad government has the support of the people.
5. Thou shalt not believe that the majority of the Iraqi people look upon the insurgents as terrorists.
6. Thou shalt not believe the figures of killed enemies or killed Americans.
7. Thou shalt not believe that the generals know best.
8. Thou shalt not believe that the enemies’ victory means terrorism.
9. Thou shalt not believe that the world supports the United States.
10. Thou shalt not kill.

That is all.

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