occasional musings on politics, culture and life in general from an american in exile
29 June 2008
1,000 reasons John McCain shouldn't be President
Maybe you can fool all of the people all of the time
I fear I know where they are going with this
Gay Jews to trigger Armageddon!
1,000 reasons John McCain shouldn't be President
Bobby's big week
Why we shouldn't always listen to the "generals on the ground"
La plus ça change...
1,000 reasons John McCain shouldn't be President
Quote(s) of the day
"He was a patriot - the best sort, the kind who do not walk around with American flags in their lapels."
"Twelve wrecked homes. The chaplain's words echoed. That's twelve wrecked homes. The doctor and I think in terms of human suffering not statistics. I thought about Sullivan again. He was one of the statistics, just like the four enemy soldiers killed that morning. The only difference was that they were in different columns on the colonel's scoreboard. Twelve wrecked homes. I thought about Sullivan's young widow in Pennsylvania, and a chill passed through me. Maybe her husband had died for nothing, maybe for something. Either way, it could not make much difference to her now."
Both come from Philip Caputo's book, Rumor of War, about his time as a US Marine in Vietnam in the Sixties. Not that much has changed.
28 June 2008
Shari'a law comes to Louisiana
What a shitty idea!
And God said "let there be guns"...
I don't know about you...
Double standards?
Meanwhile white-skinned and presumably Christan suspected evil-doers get to stay at home and end up with a cheque for $4.6 million.
Just doesn't seem fair does it?
1,000 reasons John McCain shouldn't be President
Meanwhile you should probably be aware that the enlightened and cuddly Reverend Fred Phelps knows where Mr. Carlin is now!
27 June 2008
A hiatus
I hope no one minds!
22 June 2008
Proving my value as a football pundit
Today's Schadenfreude moment
I confess to having felt just a wee bit sorry for the poor man and then I got over it.
A message to the good people of Vincenza Italia
1,000 reasons John McCain shouldn't be President
Sorry Scott...
no pardon
Today in infamy - "thank God this could never happen today" edition
21 June 2008

1,000 reasons John McCain shouldn't be President
Bill-o leave our ads alone
I'm just surprised that Bill-o forgot to mention the rather obvious Heinz-Teresa Heinz Kerry-John Kerry-oh my God liberal America is poisoning our kid's minds with gay mayonnaise connection!
Fighting back
It has also been alleged that Mr. Freshwater branded his students with crosses using an electrostatic device; a charge that should, one would think, lead to criminal charges of child abuse. Or perhaps not, it is America after all.
Guns don't kill people...
Mr. Johnson was firing his weapons, including an AK47 and two handguns, into a lake across from a crowded camp ground. His shots were ricocheting into the ground sending campers scurrying for cover. Fortunately, by dumb luck, no one was injured. When told that he shots had ricochet off the water into the camp ground the 25 year old Mr. Johnson apparently replied that "he didn't know bullets could do that" and presumably returned to picking his nose.
The appropriate punishment? No guns; ever again and maybe some jail time.
Is La Cosa Nostra running the country?
Yes, I'm disappointed
What do Captain Codpiece and Robert Mugabe have in common?
"Psst. Hey buddy, wanna buy a Eurofighter?"
Crude pro quo
Well surprise, surprise!!
Gitmo means never having to say you're sorry (or just bloody wrong)
20 June 2008
For your listening pleasure
Cool! (Pun possibly intended)
Just when you thought it was safe to get back in the water...
Meanwhile at the other end of the Keystone State...
The people of Cranberry Township must be awfully proud!
A letter to the City of Brotherly Love
I spent most of the first 37 years of my life living in the Philadelphia area and I still have a great affection for the city. Perhaps the thing I have always loved about it is that, in opposition to New York, it always seemed human scale rather than gargantuan. So please don't ruin this by building a building a huge, fuck all building on Logan Square, OK?
That is all.
Kind regards,
Yank in London
Shorter David Brooks
Israeli government exercises restraint after rocket fire!
Rabbi Yitzik Shapira, the head of the Od Yosef Chai Yeshiva in Yitzhar, said that the priority for the students is "net Torah study" and that rocket attacks by the students are only authorised once all of their schoolwork is completed.
Look, the omniscient hand of the market at work
Sold down the river
Well done everyone; especially Steny Hoyer of Maryland. I'm sure you will sleep well tonight in the Land of the (Not So) Free (as It Used to Be).
World Refugee Day
Have a nice day.
Is it time yet?
Europe the Evil!
I reckon that means I should head down the pub for a large Cuban rum, thereby violating America's most ridiculous law!
This no longer qualifies as a "slip of the tongue"
I simply no longer believe that these occurrences are accidental any more but rather part of a none-too-subtle campaign to associate Senator Obama with terrorists and further confuse those addled voters, who make up more than 10% of the electorate, who believe that the Senator is a Muslim.
Blackwater goes Muslim!
19 June 2008
Your tax dollars not at work
Have there been inspections?
Why do they hate marriage so?
Not so fast you two!
Nonetheless the two of them shouldn't get carried away as, even if the ban were lifted tomorrow, there aren't enough drilling rigs to go around as it is and the situation won't improve for several years if at all.
Question of the day
18 June 2008
If a bandwagon goes "off-shore" does it become a bandboat?
You've been Condi-ed
Today in panspermia
Why does the Israeli government...
In which I explain why I am not proud to be an American
Key quote: "If the detainee dies, you're doing it wrong".
Perhaps it is time
See Blackwater run, see Blackwater run away!
17 June 2008
"He said it, not me!"
Get out of jail free (at least for now)
Today in war crimes
"Stop - you're killing me here!"
Paging Maxwell Smart
This is just one expert's opinion - your experience may vary
Your tax dollars (hardly) at work
1,000 reasons John McCain shouldn't be President
(Is it just me or is he harder to pin down than an epileptic eel coated with Vaseline?)
It can happen here (and I think it just did)
I have no words to describe this so I'm afraid....
Today in infamy
The saddest thing of all is that, after nearly 8 years of Captain Codpiece and his evil minions, the Nixon Republicans are looking better and better (and not nearly as criminal)!
What they did next
Every journey begins with a single step
The Veepstakes
16 June 2008
"If we showed you we'd have to kill you!"*
*Note: we reserve the right to kill you anyway.
Get your fear out!
1,000 reasons John McCain shouldn't be President
15 June 2008
"Don't even think about it! Gordo"

The European leg of Captain Codpiece's Legacy '08 Tour ends in London tomorrow and he's come will all guns blazing as he warns our beleaguered Prime Minister againstwithdrawing troops from Iraq. He also paints himself as a Simón Bolívar for the 21st century as he claims that he has liberated "50 million people from the clutches of barbaric regimes", possibly single-handed. He also threatens to write a book.
He is clearly a man capable of extraordinary self-delusion.
Now this could prove more than a wee bit tricky
Saving the nation (and the world from judicial activism)
It is also possible that I could be wrong in this and that this carefully crafted conservative legal philosophy is only followed as long as convenient. Hard to tell.
*Should you not believe Mr. Dean or myself I give you the following from Federalist Paper (84):
"It may well be a question, whether these are not, upon the whole, of equal importance with any which are to be found in the constitution of this State. The establishment of the writ of habeas corpus, the prohibition of ex post facto laws, and of TITLES OF NOBILITY, to which we have no corresponding provision in our Constitution, are perhaps greater securities to liberty and republicanism than any it contains. The creation of crimes after the commission of the fact, or, in other words, the subjecting of men to punishment for things which, when they were done, were breaches of no law, and the practice of arbitrary imprisonments, have been, in all ages, the favorite and most formidable instruments of tyranny. The observations of the judicious Blackstone, in reference to the latter, are well worthy of recital: 'To bereave a man of life, [says he] or by violence to confiscate his estate, without accusation or trial, would be so gross and notorious an act of despotism, as must at once convey the alarm of tyranny throughout the whole nation; but confinement of the person, by secretly hurrying him to jail, where his sufferings are unknown or forgotten, is a less public, a less striking, and therefore a more dangerous engine of arbitrary government.' And as a remedy for this fatal evil he is everywhere peculiarly emphatical in his encomiums on the habeas corpus act, which in one place he calls 'the BULWARK of the British Constitution.'"
Is this a crime?
"Hurry up, please, it's time!"
1,000 reasons John McCain shouldn't be President
1,000 reasons John McCain shouldn't be President
14 June 2008
1,000 reasons John McCain shouldn't be President
Topsy turvy world
Follow the Blair
Shorter Melanie Morgan
Hot enought for ya?
"Is this heaven?"
And it's not fairing too well at the moment. But don't worry. I'm sure FEMA's ready and raring to go!
1,000 reasons John McCain shouldn't be President
In the name of peace
The future's bright! The future's orange!
1,000 reasons John McCain shouldn't be President
13 June 2008
This can only be a good thing
Good news for Cardinals' fans

If InBev takes over Anheuser-Busch maybe you'll be able to get a pint of Stella at newly renamed InBev stadium!
1,000 reasons John McCain shouldn't be President
oh mccain
And the number one new word in the Oxford English Dicitonary is....
See also "disaster", "greed" and "runaway neo-liberal, free market capitalism".
Yesterday in infamy
I hope they didn't spend too much on this
Maybe they should amend the law so that motorcyclists not wearing helmets lose their "rights" to sue for injuries sustained given their reckless disregard for their own safety. I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for that though as there is no constituency to pander to by doing that.
From the department of "not exactly news"
His lips are moving; again.
Next rumour please

I am a bit suspicious as to the length of time it took the registrar to record the birth however. Who knows what kind of skullduggery his crack campaign staff could have got up to in those four days!
How to tell we are well and truly well down the slippery slope
What do you do when then isn't enough abstinence to go around?
Don't be too hasty Barack!
"Holy Gay Holy Land Batman!"
I thought we didn't do peacekeeping
In which it is explained why you should vote Republi-con
Today in infamy - "well how the hell are we going to get them to Grannie's by Xmas now?" edition
12 June 2008
I thought these guys were bought and paid for
Once again Iran proves itself to be the worst country in the world...
Good news for Jack Abramoff and I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby
Benvenuto in Italia
In which I praise a Tory
"Up until yesterday I took the view that what we did in the House of Commons, representing our constituents was a noble endeavour because with centuries of forebears we defended the freedoms of the British people - well we did up until yesterday."
Are there any (probably not New) Labourites who wish to follow his example?
Scolari, oh, oh
"Cause we're out of here the minute the oil runs out!"
The precautionary principle at work
The headline says it all
Today in infamy - "just don't take it as carry on" edition
1,000 reasons John McCain shouldn't be President
Why not try some Lawrence Welk Senator? It's bound to be a hit with your core constituency as long as the batteries in their hearing aids are fully charged up.
War in a time of cholera
Think before you buy
The perfect economic storm?
1,000 reasons John McCain shouldn't be President
A word of warning Senator: I wouldn't try and give him an impromptu neck rub if I were you. He knows karate!
Keeping democracy safe from the Shirley Preisses of this world
1,000 reasons John McCain shouldn't be President
And this time he's angry!
Let's be prudent
11 June 2008
"You fucking idiot! Iran's the other way, stupid!"
How did Kucinich miss this one?
Is our Senators learning?
In which I admit that...
What have we become?
It depends on what the meaning of "everything" is!
Should have a pity party for the lumpen lass?
Your tax dollars at work
Looks like they're weeding them out!
1,000 reasons John McCain shouldn't be President
Peut-être il regrette quelque chose?

Say it ain't so! It looks as if the Captain is considering retiring his Codpiece as he expresses regret over being such a wanker. No word as yet as to whether he regrets lying but I am sure it is only a matter of time.
Do you reckon I will be able to find it on eBay?
A joy to watch
Today in infamy - "ain't no nigras goin' here" edition
What will I learn at Electoral College?
10 June 2008
I reckon someone is not going to like this
How to know you're having a bad life
2) Get so angry you set fire to £17,000 worth of bank notes.
3) Get found guilty of arson for burning said bank notes.
Gate open? √
Close gate? √
Captain Codpiece has come out in favour of the (memory of) the strong dollar. According to the Captain:
"We believe in a strong dollar and that the relative value of economies will end up setting the valuation of the dollar."
How to guarantee panic buying
Step 2: there is no step 2.
Today in infamy - "because nothing like Sharia could ever happin in America (again)" edition
If it ain't broke don't fix it...
Well 58 is a nice round number, innit?
Why the wing nuts should learn to love Iran
If only they had had guns
Curiously these normally careful and thorough researchers are silent about the shameful US-imposed gun control measures in Iraq!
Now this could prove interesting
1,000 reasons John McCain shouldn't be President
My hero!!!!
Now it is up to Pelosi and I reckon we all know what that means. Nonetheless it had to be down.
Does this make me gay?
09 June 2008
Dear Captain Codpiece,
Shorter Grant Swank
Sorry Grant but you're wrong. I reckon you must be used to that by now.
Let me preface this by saying...
Why they hate us for our freedoms
The city council responds by saying "you didn't think that was a real poll, did you". It's just we have some friends in the polling business and we wanted to throw some money their way.
Why does no one ever answer me?
Is Laura Bush a terrorist or just trying to sell doughnuts?

The soon to be ex-First Lady is visiting Afghanistan to let us know how well things aren't going there. But what is that around her neck? I, for one, am suspicious but I shall let others claim the credit!
Holidaying in America?
Uh oh, I don't think he cleared this with the neo-cons!
It's not such a problem if you live on a hill...
I thought I might share this with you
"I would put nothing past a man who, it has been alleged and not denied, has called his own wife a cunt."
Well what the hell else are they good for?
It's not really what I expect from IHoP
"As I tore the pages, I felt a generational curse of immorality and perversion breaking off my family...I felt it."
You had better get used to it
Now repeat after me - "shareholder value, shareholder value, shareholder value". See. I' certain that you feel better already.
All Bill Moyers, all the time
Should I cancel my haircut appointment?
So who the hell wants it then?
Gordon, I think you're hanging your hat on the wrong peg.
Have you heard about it yet, Numb Nuts?

Remember that press conference about three months ago when Captain Codpiece was surprised when a reporter suggested that gasoline could shortly be hitting $4 a gallon?
"That's interesting. I hadn't heard that."Well it seems that it happened yesterday.
Note to Americans: 4 USD a US gallon still sounds terribly cheap to me.
Isn't there a crime here or are we no longer a "nation of laws"?
1,000 reasons John McCain shouldn't be President
It's good to laugh, innit?
Goodbye and good riddance
*Is it just me or does "Porter Barry" sound like a name that could only come from a family deeply immersed in the East Coast, old money, intellectual elite that Bill-o and those of his despicable ilk so like to scorn?
Whose oil do they think it is anyway?
Note: towards the end of the article you will find a quote from the head of Libya's National Oil Corporation, Shokri Ghanem:
"The easy, cheap oil is over...Peak oil is looming."