18 March 2010
It's a shame that Hunter Thompson is dead....
...because I think that this means that things have gotten weird enough for anyone, even him.
"Have you no sense of decency, sir, at long last? Have you left no sense of decency?"
Perhaps I have lived away from America too long. Perhaps I have forgotten that the country was always this way. Perhaps so but I think not. There was certainly this level of vitriol in the years before I was born and the effect lingered into my early childhood in the early sixties. But it was not like this in my adult years in America until I moved away in 1993. When did it change? I haven't been back to the states for the past nine years and maybe it is only distance that has altered my perspective.
Where has the humanity gone? When did we cease treating each other like human beings?
Where has the humanity gone? When did we cease treating each other like human beings?
17 March 2010
In praise of....
....Marie Stopes who opened Britain's first family planning clinic 89 years ago today.
16 March 2010
No parent really wants their kids to be smarter than them...
...and it would seem that the (once) great state of Texas has a solution to that little dilemma; "fix" the kid's textbooks. Of course the real losers are (in no particular order):
- The school children of Texas.
- The school children and families in other states that are
stupidlucky enough to use Texan-books. - The country.
Of course any countries that look to compete with the US in the "knowledge based economy" can only be jumping for joy.
15 March 2010
Beware of Daffo-panie
Officials in Cumbria are extremely worried about the lack of daffodils in the Lake District and the potential impact on tourism. (Who the hell goes to the Lake District in March?) So if you see a few get Tweeting....
12 March 2010
New York notices Sarf London, innit?
A nice write up in the NYRB about the Dulwich Picture Gallery. Well worth a visit if you're ever south of the river; not that tourists ever come further south then the South Bank.....
Are no traditions safe?

The annual Cooper's Hill Cheese Rolling had been cancelled for this year due to health and safety fears. Possibly due to the saturated fat content of a big old hunk of Double Gloucester!
09 March 2010
Well he's not welcome here!
America's finest Big Fat Idiot has promised to flee the country if health care reform is passed.
As the official Yank in London (of and for London) I have veto power. I suggest he try somewhere where he might feel at home; perhaps Uzbekistan or Zimbabwe.
As the official Yank in London (of and for London) I have veto power. I suggest he try somewhere where he might feel at home; perhaps Uzbekistan or Zimbabwe.
08 March 2010
Today in Schadenfreude
Am I the only one enjoying the spectacle of the Tories trying to 'splain away the disgraceful situation surrounding Lord Ashcroft's noble and patriotic tax dodge? When Norman Tebbit has him in his sight;s these can't be happy days in Tory Central!
(Not so) compassionate conservatism
Down wherever it is that Tom Delay is from they seem to think that people are unemployed because they like it. Or at least they do in the bar at the country club where he goes to make contact with the little people.
I would suggest that he is a small, evil and extremely un-Christian man but that would belabour the obvious.
I would suggest that he is a small, evil and extremely un-Christian man but that would belabour the obvious.
04 March 2010
Double reverse irony
The British House of Lords has passed an amendment that will outlaw caste based discrimination in the workplace.
Isn't the House of Lords the ultimate exercise in caste based discrimination?
Isn't the House of Lords the ultimate exercise in caste based discrimination?
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