27 April 2007

The Devil's doing

A delegate to the Utah Republican Party conference, what a load of laughs that must be, has put forward a resolution that he believes to think clarifies an issue that is currently of great interest to many Americans. Don Larsen of Utah County Utah, not to be confused with this Don Larsen, uses his resolution, to be debated by the state's prominent Republicans, to point out "Satan's plan to destroy the U.S. by stealth invasion". Couldn't be clearer in my opinion. To quote from his submission:

"In order for Satan to establish his 'New World Order' and destroy the freedom of all people as predicted in the Scriptures, he must first destroy the U.S....The mostly quiet and unspectacular invasion of illegal immigrants does not focus the attention of the nations the way open warfare does, but is all the more insidious for its stealth and innocuousness."

Will this make it to the party's national platform one wonders? One can only hope so.

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