27 April 2007

Wackos, wackos everywhere and not a mole in sight

As if the suggestion that the US Constitution should be amended for the purposes of regulating violence on television wasn't barmy enough now we have someone named John M. Snyder that Congress should prohibit Federal tax funds going to any institution of higher learning that doesn't allow students to pack heat! In the words of this obviously obsessed and possibly unstable man legislation could be written that

"could provide that on any college or university campus receiving federal funds, students or faculty there who have state issued permits to carry concealed firearms will not be prevented by institutional officials from carrying them."

I don't think Mr. Snyder goes far enough. I think that taxpayer financing should be kept from any college or university that does not REQUIRE students to carry concealed weapons! Why should taxpayer funds be spent on security and police to keep people safe when it is a citizen's responsibility to take care of that him or herself.

The other curious thing about this news release is that was issued by an organisation that calls itself "Christian Newswire". Is this a religious issue? Has God told us to carry automatic small arms with us everywhere when I wasn't listening to what She was saying? I don't get it.

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