25 October 2007

In the department of not really news: O'Reilly is still an idiot

Oh dear friend, and source of much unintended levity, the great Bill-o O'Reilly once again loses the plot and accuses J. K. Rowling of being a gay agent provocateur because she said that she always thought of her character Dumbledore as being gay. According to Bill-o:

"Although those wizards, I’m very very suspicious about what they’re doing in their spare time. So, I think, this is my conclusion, is that J.K. Rowling is a provocateur, did it on purpose, and now is going to let all hell break loose."

What with Halloween coming up we all must be on our guard and never, not even for an instant, turn our backs on a wizard.

In related Bill-o news: still no apology to Shawn Hornbeck. Perhaps Shawn is an agent provocateur as well. Allowing himself to be kidnapped, imprisoned and sexually abused and then letting "all hell break loose". I will await clarification on this issue from Mr. O'Reilly.

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