03 October 2007

In which I channel an only very slightly altered Michael Medved

If the gifted and creative Mr. Medved had been sitting in Germany rather than the US when he penned his recent column it may have come out just a wee bit differently.

Six inconvenient truths about Germany and the holocaust.

1. Anti-Semitism and persecution of the Jews were ancient and universal institutions, not a distinctively German innovation.

2. The holocaust lasted only briefly, and in isolated areas many of which were not even in Germany, in the history of the Third Reich - involving only a tiny percentage of the ancestors of today's Israelis.

3. Though brutal, the holocaust wasn't genocidal: live Jews were valuable but dead Jews brought little profit.

4. It is not true that Germany, along with many German and American corporations, became wealthy through the abuse of slave labor.

5. While Germany deserves no unique blame for the the existence of anti-Semitism, Germany merits special credit for its rapid eradication.

6. There is no reason to believe that today's Israelis would be better off if their ancestors had remained behind in Germany (or Palestine for that matter).

How's that sound? Any better?

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