27 October 2007


A bunch of overfed, seriously undereducated Americans have come to London to play a regular season American football (NFL) match at Wembley.

If you are unfamiliar with the sport that is fifteen minutes of playing time that will take three or more hours to complete the Guardian offers a handy, dandy bluffers guide. (If you can't ba asked the real football kicks off in twenty one minutes!) My favourite bit is it's description of the mode of play:

"Game advances through series of staccato set plays, with one team in control of the ball until turned over.

Looks a bit like

Football with nothing but carefully rehearsed set pieces. Like watching Watford play Wimbledon in 1986.

I think the NFL bosses are a bit over optimistic if they think the sport will gain anything other than a cult following over here. Basketball has a much better chance.

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