07 December 2007

The Anti-Judaics made him do it!

I haven't commented on the extremely dodgy and probably illegal donations to the Labour Party by businessman David Abrahams. Mr. Abrahams hid the contributions by using surrogates, including at least one Tory voter, to funnel the over £500,000 to the party's coffers. I only plead that I was exhausted by the Lolly-for-Lordships scandal, which was at least as bad, and which has resulted in exactly zero prosecutions.

Now Mr. Abrahams is claiming that he used his unorthodox methods to get the money to the ruling party because he was afraid of attacks from anti-Judaics. Well I confess I haven't heard this one before.

I have a word of advice to Mr. Abrahams. There are probably better ways to convince people there isn't a dark conspiracy behind political events than to act like a political conspirator.

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