13 December 2007

Yes, you too can be President

Now that the American people have spent the past seven years with a complete moron in the White House it seems that every complete moron in the country believes that he should be the Republican Party nominee for President. At least that applies to most of the morons who are either white men in suits or Alan Keyes. As a demonstration of this point go over to Crooks and Liars and view this clip from last night's "debate" in Iowa between a bunch of white morons in suits with a special guest appearance by (Ex-)Ambassador(?) Alan Keyes. (Why do we have to refer to this people by the titles that they used to have? If I run for President will you all have to refer to me as Class Clown Stringer?)

Extremely approximate transcript below:

Ms. Interlocutor: "I'd like to see a show of hands. How many of you believe that global warming is a serious threat."

(Ex-)Senator Thompson: "There weren't any hand shows in the script. I've gotta talk to my agent."

Unidentified white male: "Hey. I haven't got an agent but I'm with him."

(Ex-)Governor Romney: "I can not talk about this issue in less than half the time it took Fred to not talk about this issue."

Ms. Interlocutor: [repeats question]

[General cacophony]

Senator McCain: "It's good to talk."

Senator McCain: "As someone who has been travelling the world for the past hundred years actually causing climate change I am the only candidate with actual experience on this issue. My policy is to pretend that climate change is not real but to do something about it anyway. Technology! Capitalism!"

(Ex-)Mayor Giuliani: "Me too! Energy independence! Let's embrace." [Staccato burst of subliminal 9/11s.]

Ms. Interlocutor: "What price should we be willing to pay?"

(Ex-)Governor Romney: "It'll be free and no foreign oil sold to us by evil doers. Did I mention it was free? Just don't call it America warming. I will do it globally AND unilaterally."

(Ex-)Ambassador(?) Keyes: "I quite mad you know (and I don't mean angry). There are some people that these white men in suits don't want you to hear from but that can't be me because I'm here. (Why am I here?) Betrayal! Border! Vote for me! (Have noticed that I am black on the outside?)"

(Ex-)Senator Thompson: "Is this a good time for a joke about the guy who's black on the outside?"

(Ex-)Ambassador(?) Keyes: "If the bunch of us idiots would just shut up there probably wouldn't be any global warming."

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