03 November 2006

My big, fat Burmese wedding

If you are a member of a brutal military junta in a poor country and your daughter is getting married in a lavish ceremony with lots of expensive gifts it is probably important that you ensure that you have control of whoever is running the video camera. If not something unpleasant is likely to happen.

General Than Shwe, the head of state of Myanmar, threw the ostentatious affair for
the wedding of his daughter but a copy of the video got out and has made it to the internet. The celebrations and wedding gifts reputedly cost around £25 million or three times as much as the government spends on health for over 50 million Burmese.

I would like to offer just a few words of advice for the bridegroom, Major Zaw Phyo Win; don't even think about a divorce!

For those of you with a taste for such things (or are looking for tips for your own tasteless wedding) the video may be found here.

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