20 November 2006

Shag for peace!

As someone who has long advocated radical means to achieve peace in this troubled world I am willing to go to almost any extreme if I feel it will advance the cause even a little.

You should not, therefore, be surprised that I am even willing to go so far as to have sex (to orgasm!).

Veteran activists Donna Sheehan and Paul Reffel want to coordinate a "global orgasm for peace" on 22 December. (I'm a bit dubious about this as it is nigh on impossible to get two people to come at the same time let alone millions.)

In any case you can found out more at their surprisingly safe-for-work website www.globalorgasm.org.

No one should get nervous or anxious about this. If you’re a bit rusty and out of shape you still have over a month to practice. Novices welcome! Remember it's for the good of mankind!

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