23 March 2007

Breadbasket of the world?

The US General Accounting Office indicates that inefficiencies and poor planning over the past five years have caused the amount of food aid delivered by the US to fall by 43%. For instance the US is now paying 171 USD a tonne (metric ton) to move grain by sea as compared to 123 USD in 2002. That fat, bloated, inefficient bureaucracy (just ask John Bolton) that is the United Nations is currently paying around 100 USD to ship a tonne of grain today.

In addition, US law requires that most, if not all, of the food donated be grown in America rather than in lower cost nations thereby further reducing the effect of each tax dollar spent.

Inefficiency? Poor planning? Somehow this reminds me of something. If this is running government like a business how did any business run by Bush make any money? Oh, I forget, they didn't do all that well.

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