17 April 2007

Thought jihadis

Over at Family Security Matters their so called "contributing editor" Dr. Walid Phares takes issue with UK International Development Secretary Hilary Benn's announcement yesterday that he, and the British government believe, that the Decider's tag line the "War on Terra" only is not helpful and that it will no longer be used by British government officials. Dr. Phares sees organised jihadis everywhere, probably even in his sleep, claiming that their international organisation dates back to the 1920's.

In his rambling essay he does come up with what I believe to be a new term that I believe will be very useful in the near and distant future: "potential future terrorists" (or PFTs for short). He claims that the UK government is tracking more than 1,200 of these thought criminals and that, for reasons he does not explain, this means that it is not a "local police issue".

I find Dr. Phares's arguments unconvincing and I think it is best that we rid ourselves of this phoney war against an undefined, indeed indefinable, enemy lest it go the way of the "War on Poverty" (poverty won) and the "War on Drugs" (drugs won).

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