26 February 2007

What do they do with kids like this in America?

The Tyneside mother of an eight year old boy who weighs 14 stone (89 kilos / 196 pounds) has been required to appear before a child protection conference tomorrow and it is possible that he could be taken into care. He has already lost a stone and half since Xmas.

I would certainly hope that it doesn't come to the last resort of removing the child from the family but clearly something has to be done for this kid or he isn't going to live very long. If all other measures fail then I guess there is no alternative but surely there must be something that can be done. The mother indicates that he won't eat anything but processed foods ("Connor had a mouthful of apple once and he didn't like it") and I'm sure we all know kids whose diets are troublesome but even if he only eats rubbish he surely is getting way too much of it.

There are certain to be those who will say that the mother's rights are being infringed but surely the interests of the lad must come first mustn't they?

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