His campaign for President has been up and down in any case but I do not see how Mitt Romney is to survive the news that he strapped the family pooch to the roof of his estate car and drove twelve hours to Canada. Of course it is entirely possible that the story is a complete fiction and he has only allowed it to be circulated so that folks will take him seriously when he struts to the bar and orders a Double Guantánamo.

Of course I do have to remember that the US is a country that used to have a president who thought that picking up his mutts by the ears was a good idea so it is possible that I am wrong in dooming Mitt for this seemingly minor infraction.

Of course I do have to remember that the US is a country that used to have a president who thought that picking up his mutts by the ears was a good idea so it is possible that I am wrong in dooming Mitt for this seemingly minor infraction.
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