occasional musings on politics, culture and life in general from an american in exile
31 October 2008
OK, so I'm down me local...
God I love Harry Kalas!!!!
She's no atheist....
1,000 reasons John McCain shouldn't be President
Just good old fashioned investigative journalism
I wonder if Dylan gets royalties for this
Apparently the Straight Talk Express is barred from the High Road.
The gift that keeps on giving
- Allow federally funded health care workers to refuse to perform abortions
- Impose mandatory drug testing on miners (whilst doing nothing to improve their abysmal and dangerous working conditions)
- All the Interior Department to approve development projects without scientific input (they'd just ignore it anyway)
You may find this of interest
Could this be the end of a beautiful friendship?
It will also be interesting to see if any of the US press pick up the story. In addition to The Guardian the story has been covered here by The Independent, The Times and, rather surprisingly the right wing Daily Mail, although they couldn't bring themselves to use the word "torture" without putting quotes around it.
30 October 2008
The economic climate sucks for almost everyone...
Life is good, eh?
Jeez - you'd think that they didn't trust us!
Well what did we expect from a woman who thinks the planet is 6,000 years old??
More on the endorsement front
"I’m voting for Barack Obama this November for a very simple reason. It is hard to imagine a more disastrous presidency than that of George W. Bush. It was bad enough that he launched an unnecessary war and undermined the standing of the United States throughout the world in his first term. But in the waning days of his administration, he is presiding over a collapse of the American financial system and broader economy that will have consequences for years to come. As a general rule, democracies don’t work well if voters do not hold political parties accountable for failure. While John McCain is trying desperately to pretend that he never had anything to do with the Republican Party, I think it would a travesty to reward the Republicans for failure on such a grand scale."
Live from Mudville!

I didn't stay up to watch it although I do have it recorded and will probably watch it this evening; after a few celebratory pints down the pub. However I did receive a frantic phone call somewhere around 2 AM this morning from the 6 1/2 year old grandnephew with the news. I wonder if his Mum ever got him to sleep last night.
In any case the win was followed by the traditional mildly homo-erotic scene of about 30 writhing men in uniform in a pile pile on the floor which can be seen at the end of the clip below.
29 October 2008
Pretty scary stuff
Hero of the day
Because ensuring that everyone gets the same chance to vote should not be a partisan issue!
Well what do you know?
Once again...
Today in Schadenfreude
World Series cluster fuck continues
And the answer to this question is "how can you be so stupid of course She does!"
28 October 2008
On the endorsement front
McCain gets the endorsement of (not) Joe the (non-)plumber.
Damn liberal press.
How's that abstinence thing working out for you?
Curiouser and curiouser
Dear Mr. Monbiot -
"How was it allowed to happen? How did politics in the US come to be dominated by people who make a virtue out of ignorance? Was it charity that has permitted mankind's closest living relative to spend two terms as president? How did Sarah Palin, Dan Quayle and other such gibbering numbskulls get to where they are? How could Republican rallies in 2008 be drowned out by screaming ignoramuses insisting that Barack Obama was a Muslim and a terrorist?
Like most people on my side of the Atlantic, I have for many years been mystified by American politics. The US has the world's best universities and attracts the world's finest minds. It dominates discoveries in science and medicine. Its wealth and power depend on the application of knowledge. Yet, uniquely among the developed nations (with the possible exception of Australia), learning is a grave political disadvantage."
"Obama has a lot to offer the US, but none of this will stop if he wins. Until the great failures of the US education system are reversed or religious fundamentalism withers, there will be political opportunities for people, like Bush and Palin, who flaunt their ignorance."
And his number shall be six, thrice score and six
Today in Schadenfreude
There is a special circle in Hell...
Heroes of the day
Well done and thank you.
1,000 reasons John McCain shouldn't be (and probably won't be) President
How do you say "Jihad" in Redneck?
Yes - the spittle filled braying would be truly terrible to endure so I can hardly wait for the wave of outrage over the fact that these two Christian-American men, who were clearly planning an act of terror (which would make them terrorists), who indeed intended to be "suiciders", are being treated so fairly and charged with such low level crimes. Could it be that if one's plans are simply to decapitate some niggers and assassinate an American hating socialist it really isn't that big a deal?
I wait, with bated breath, to be proved wrong.
All I have to say...
27 October 2008
Is Iraq a sovereign country?
The end of British Summertime blues
It sucks. It's time for four or five months of fighting off SAD.
Another fine day in Mudville

The Phighting Phils crushed the Rays in World Series game 4 last night and the Philadelphia sports writers prepare to get their hyperboles out!
Still dreaming.
26 October 2008
Dear Melanie Phillips
More joy, some mud

I managed to stay up and watch the Phillies last night; probably the only match I'll see live. And I must say it was well worth it if a bit tense.
A man can dream; even at my age.
25 October 2008
(Not so) proud to be Pennsylvanian
So like what will they have to do to get the merit badge?
Just plain wrong
Heroine of the day
A bad idea on so many levels
And just a word of to the (ever helpful) bar staff at The Partridge if you try ever try to slip one of this by me it's heading straight back for topping up!
1,000 reasons John McCain shouldn't be President
"More tea vicar?"
1,000 reasons John McCain shouldn't be President
Why does Focus on the Family hate God?
:"Even if homosexuality is someday proven to be inborn, inborn does not necessarily mean normal, or divinely sanctioned."
Now this is interesting
Question of the day
24 October 2008
Can't someone please make it stop????
21st century Fascism
Stefan Petzner told Austrian radio that Mr Haider, whom he met five years ago, was "the man of my life".The BZÖ claims the relationship between the two men was strictly platonic.
Hr. Haider was married with two kids.
If it walks like a mea culpa...
More mud - less joy

The (not so) Phighting Phils dropped game 2 of the World Series last night and therefore it is not too soon to panic!
23 October 2008
How's that trickle down thing working out for ya?
The most egalitarian city in the world? (Prepare for wingnut heads exploding!)
Beijing. Thank heavens that communism has turned out to be such a failure and the unbridled free market such a success story, eh?
Dear Governor Palin,
Kind regards,
Yank in London
I need an American (resident) to do me a favour
Come the revoluition...
I think the "cunt" word is the only adequate description, don't you?
Friends like these
In a particularly damning passage, Lord Justice Thomas and Mr Justice Lloyd Jones said claims by Mohamed's lawyers that the US was refusing to release the papers because "torturers do not readily hand over evidence of their conduct" could not be dismissed and required an answer.
Once again I am reminded that it is not only possible, but often necessary, to be ashamed of the actions of one's government.
The joy of Mudville!

I shall be a happy camper all day thanks to the Phighting Phils success in game 1 of the World Series. I would celebrate with a pint but it is a bit early; I'll have to settle for a coffee.
22 October 2008
Suffer the Phillies fan....
Say it ain't so Joe Barack!!
You will note that the article states that McCain "mistakenly" used the team's old name but I doubt that it was accidental. It is nearly certain that, as the Antichrist, Senator Obama would indeed be supporting the DEVIL Rays!
Just a good cuppa Joe?
21 October 2008
Captain Codpiece sorts out his retirement home
In praise of Colin Powell
"Is there something wrong with being a Muslim in this country?' The answer is 'No.
That's not America."
18 October 2008
1,000 reasons John McCain shouldn't be President
Discrimination in the name of God
The next time I talk to God I am going to ask Her if She thinks that is right.
I'm worried....
Will I awaken feeling refreshed?
Meanwhile in Cloud Cuckoo Land
Of course before we get to high and mighty about this on my side of the Big Water we should probably note that the bonuses are still bubbling up in The City.
I think I gotta get me one of these "jobs".
1,000 reasons John McCain shouldn't be President
*Not me."People keep telling me that John McCain spent five years in a Vietnamese prison," he said. "Well, so did Gary Glitter, and I'm not voting for him either."
When they came for our chocolate sex toys...
I smell an invasion comin'!
If the figure is roughly correct the find will put Cuba's reserves at nearly 70% of those in the US. (What's the Spanish for "drill, baby, drill?)
17 October 2008
Will they be called BASBOs?
Not just any old amendment!!
1,000 reasons John McCain shouldn't be President
It must have been all that free checking
16 October 2008
Is it all over but the collecting?
1,000 reasons John McCain shouldn't (and probably won't) be President
From the department for hubristic cojones
On the letters page of The Guardian...
"President Bush said the US government will 'aggressively' use a 'wide range of tools' to resolve the financial crisis. Apparently, Bush's 'wide range of tools'" is not wide enough to contain a single free market policy. All the 'tools' our government has aggressively used to date - bail-outs, takeovers, bans on short selling, manipulation of interest rates, creation of fiat money out of thin air, increased spending - have been yanked right out of the socialist and fascist toolkits.
We will only get out of the mess created by our government if it cans all of those 'tools' that got us where we are and starts freeing the market from its statist policies."
David Holcberg
Ayn Rand Center for Individual Rights, Washington DC
Quote(s) of the day
"Straight onto the tax attack, and a strong start for McCain, though he's blinking madly, it has to be said."
"McCain gets very cross indeed when Obama accuses him of negative campaigning. 'Let me just say categorically, I'm proud of the people who come to our rallies,' he says, and adds something completely confusing about people wearing hats."
"John McCain is a very strange chap. I'm sorry, but there it is."p>
All from Oliver Burkeman's live blogging of last night's debate over on the Guardian website.
More middle east madness
Hey - wait a minute the incident took place in Israel and the man is charged with offending the Jews. That IS very different isn't it?
Today in infamy
Ecstasy in Mudville!!

I think the picture speaks for itself!
Oh, and England won too (Belarus 1 - England 3).
15 October 2008
It's all happening tonight, innit?
In the news
As usual...
1,000 reasons John McCain shouldn't be President
"To Ayers or not to Ayers, that is the question"
Number 95: The Aged One is threatening to raise the "issue" of Obama's alleged close association with William Ayers in tonight's debate. If he does I predict that there will be blood. After all the (very) senior Senator from Arizona has spent two and a half centuries decades in Washington and the list of his dubious association is lengthy and its exposure will be unpleasant, for him at least. I would assume that the Obama campaign has done their homework.
So Senator McCain, should you choose to take this path, I can only recommend that you sling your mud and then brace yourself for a ton or so of mud coming back!
A memo to Ramb-ette
I do think that it might behove you to get your dictionary out, there must be one in the Governor's office somewhere, and investigate the meaning of the word "vindicate".
It is likely that you will find the result your minmal effort enlightening.
That is all.
Kind regards
Yank in London
"But the truth is so limiting!"
Surely this qualifies as child abuse*
*Or at least as grounds for divorce as Mr. Ciptak made the decision without his wife's input or knowledge.
Finally we find out what doner kebab meat is made from...
Somehow this seems appropriate
"The trouble with the rat race is that even if you win, you're still a rat."
I love Ms. Tomlin but I've still never really forgiven her for this unprovoked attack on Philadelphia some 30 odd years ago.
So where's the Secret Service then?
I believe that this is generally known as a "double standard" but I can't be sure.
14 October 2008
Elsewhere in good news...
And the Lord saw socialism...
13 October 2008
The understated headline of the day....
Beware - wing nut heads exploding ahead!
It looks as if I might not have to burn my old Flyers sweater after all
11 October 2008
Hero of the day
The awkward squad
1,000 reasons John McCain shouldn't be President
1,000 reasons John McCain shouldn't be President
Let them eat gefilte fish!
Dear Senator McCain
And don't even think about point to your own "in depth" and undoubtedly unbiased investigation into the matter. None of us, including you I presume, actually take that seriously!
More joy in Mudville
10 October 2008
I would just like to say...
09 October 2008
In which I announce....

....that I'm going to have to burn my Flyers sweater if Ed Snider goes ahead with his plans and allows Ramb-ette to drop the first puck on opening night.
Middle eastern religious extremists run riot...
If you think things are bad in the Western world...
08 October 2008
Would this be a good time to privatise Social Security?
Today in Schadenfreude
I suggest that they be given government housing somewhere in the heart of America; I think Crawford Texas would fit the bill admirably.
07 October 2008
Today in Schadenfreude
Kenya moves back up my list of places I'd like to holiday!
Don't worry your $700,000,000,000 is in safe hands...
In which I prove the existence of God...
No Child Left Behind - Florida style
06 October 2008
Stop making sense....
1,000 reasons John McCain shouldn't be President
Well this is rich from someone whose husband is a traitor (at least to "America firsters")!!
Religious zealots on the loose in the Middle East!
Oh, did I forget to tell you? They're God loving Jews!
So, which history will repeat itself?
04 October 2008
OK - I finally got around to watching the debate...
"How do I loathe thee? Let me count the ways."
"So, how they bitin''?"
Does this mean I'm on the "no fly list" now?
Darwin akbar!!!!
Oh dear!
The good news is that she'll still get a tax cut from President Obama.
IF he did it
Sarah Palin - eliltist!
1,000 reasons John McCain shouldn't be President
Even The Guardian has noticed...
Having watched this again I am starting to wonder if Bill-o didn't lose a bit of money on Fanny Mae and her brother....