30 January 2007

The The Lord saves Washington DC (sort of)

In July of 2006 some Christian groups held a week long prayer vigil in the nation's capital. They asked the Lord that "the number of murders in Washington D.C. would drop dramatically over the next five months from the previous year". I found this a peculiarly specific but none the less laudable prayer request.

Well the results are now in and clearly my cynicism was unwarranted. According to a news release from the Christian Defense Coalition the Washington murder rate was down 27% in the last five months of 2006 as compared to the last five months of 2005. Halleluiah. Of course for the year as a whole there were only 3 fewer murders than the prior year. Q.E.D.

You what I wonder? Why didn't they pray to God for NO murders from that point forward or couldn't God do that? Why did they only pray for reduced murders for five months?

Of course there are other people, undoubtedly evil non believers or even Satanists, who think there might be other, more sensible reasons for the decline than a bunch of folks who spent a week in a tent on the Mall during the best of the summer weather. But don't you believe them!

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