25 January 2007

US s-u-r-g-e v British e-g-r-u-s

Cracks are appearing in the grand coalition of ex- and neo-colonial powers the United States of America and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. (We really need a shorter name for this country.) The British plan to pull some of their 7,000 troops out of southern Iraq later this year and the Yanks are not well pleased.

The US ambassador to Iraq Zalmay Khalilzad said:

"We would like to coordinate and for us to have a joint plan, and we are talking about this. It is clear our preference would be 'the longer we stay together here the better'."

The failure of the British government to consider the impact of their foreign policy on the historic legacy of the Decider (TM) must certainly be condemned and certainly should be reversed!

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