22 February 2007

In the footsteps of the master

Following in the tradition of the Decider (TM) Tony Blair, British Prime Minister (almost) Emeritus and George Bush's succubus, says that he listens to the generals on the ground and then ignores their sage advice. British military commanders wanted a bigger and swifter withdrawal of troops from Iraq than that promised by Big Tone yesterday. Their position is that the duties that they are currently performing in and around Basra in the south of the country are effectively little more than policing and would be better done by the, well, police.

Today St. Anthony went further. In speaking on the Radio 4's the Today Programme he denied that he was in any way responsible for the "very grim situation" in Iraq and left open the possibility that British troops might return or, one suspects, not leave at all should condition further degenerate.

Does he have a departure date yet? If not - why not?

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