occasional musings on politics, culture and life in general from an american in exile
30 April 2007
Wolfie to leave cheaply?
By today's standards 400K barely qualifies as a handshake let alone a golden one!
The Decider(TM) ♥'s Wolfie!
Hey - the Beeb does baseball!
Science gone mad!
This Safer World - brought to you by Bush&CO
Anyone want to bet this goes out late on Friday afternoon?
Mixed marriages just don't work
Up close and personal
On everyone's lips but mine that is! What I want to know is whether they've booked senior statesman Senator John McCain as the musical entertainment.
Looking to do something different this summer?
April is the cruelest month
What's the matter with Kansas (or is it Missouri)?
Is Kansas City such a dangerous place that this isn't news? I admit I haven't been there since the early 80s but it certainly wasn't like that then.
Looking for a way out
Why treat churches with kid gloves?
What I do not understand is why churches (I won't use the term "religions" as I think that is too broad based) and other church related institutions are treated in this favourable way whereas other institutions are not? I even think that one of the attorneys who fought the case against the state agrees with me. Timothy Tracy is quoted as saying that "the right of a religious organization to align itself with individuals of shared belief is as central to that organization's mission as other viewpoints are to nonreligious organizations". If I understand him, and he was not quoted out of context, he is saying that all employers should be allowed to discriminate based on belief so that a scientific publishing company should be allowed to exclude those who do not believe in evolution from their workforce and that oil companies should be able not refuse to hire those folks who believe that the Earth is only 7,000 years old as it takes millions of years to make fossil fuels and this would be a sign that they don't believe in the product.
If that is not what you are saying Mr. Tracy I would appreciate it if you would clarify your remarks.
This is wrong. Just plain wrong.
City of Brotherly Love
Old MacDonald had a pharm
As presented in this story the use of crops to produce medicines that could not otherwise be produced inexpensively enough to aid the emerging world would seem to have enormous potential, again not in the hands of huge multinationals.
There is also much to fear. We have to ensure that they stay out of the food chain. The recent experience with GM rice in the United States clearly indicates that that country's protocols in this regard are woefully inadequate and, given the lack of uproar over the incident, are likely to remain that way.
Care, in the form of governmental regulation with harsh penalties that would include explicitly defining the criminal responsibility of corporate executives and boards and ensure custodial sentences, needs to be taken to ensure that:
- No products are released without sufficient testing to ensure that they products, foods or pharmaceuticals, present no danger to humanity.
- That all products are marketed in a manner that ensures that they are labelled as genetically modified and that all down stream products (i.e. crops and / or livestock that are fed or treated with GM products) are identified as such
- That sufficient safeguards are in place and rigidly complied with so that these products cannot "accidentally" get into either the human or animal food chain
- That sufficient safeguards are in place and rigidly complied with so that these organisms cannot cross breed with other strains and in this matter be released into the wild
The unreality based universe
Tenet speaks
The Bushies, of course, "say it ain't so".
Only in America
Now this sort of thing happens all over the world, usually in the developing world (and one suspects Italy as well) but the scam is not so brazen. In order to receive special treatment a "client" has to discretely slip large amounts of cash or drugs to a "member of staff" and the relationship generally lacks official sanction. Only in America would this be an opportunity for the state (or a private prison) to open up a new "revenue stream" in order to "maximise investment" and taxpayer (or shareholder) investment.
It can only be a matter of time before they offer loyalty card schemes; stay 1000 nights and get a free conjugal visit! This is so nineteenth century don't you think?
See it before it melts!
Gone-zo watch (day 42)
England football manager Steve "I've never really coached a winning team and it doesn't look like I'm going to start now" McClaren is still lying low and rooting for Gone-zo.
(To be continued...)
29 April 2007
You're not exactly free to go
I guess that they are lucky they are in such a nice place with excellent conditions. Maybe they can even wrangle an upgrade to business class!
Just because you're paranoid
12.5% isn't bad
Why should Wolfie be any different?
Iraq update
Like dominos I imagine
1001 reasons American must be armed at all times - number 233
What to do, what to do
Crystal Palace reborn*
*Note: I am not referring here to my football side, Crystal Palace FC, who are languishing in mid-table obscurity in the Championship and are unlikely to be "reborn" or promoted anytime soon.
A very royal surge
Gone-zo watch (day 41)
The other contestant vying for second place in the who-will-get-sacked-first England football manager Steve "I've never really coached a winning team and it doesn't look like I'm going to start now" McClaren probably just stayed home.
(To be continued...)
28 April 2007
The Trojans of Terror
Americans agree...
Better safe than sorry
"I guess that means I'm in the clear"
Dissent in aisle 14
One to a customer
I would suggest to anyone who thinks this is a good idea that perhaps they should move to Southern Lebanon where, as a result of the recent Israeli invasion, there is a least one unexploded bomb for every resident.
"Go on out and play kids. Just don't play in traffic."
I'm sure he can do it!
And now for the Scientology
I saw some of his comrades out on Bromley High Street earlier today. Perhaps I should go get one of their free "stress tests". Or perhaps not.
Lest we forget
I like having a Congressman I actually voted for!
Dear Mr. Stringer,
Thank you for contacting me to express your views about our current engagement in Iraq . I greatly appreciate your input, and I apologize for the delay in my reply.
As a Member of Congress, it is my responsibility to represent my constituents' concerns and interests and to provide them the honorable and enthusiastic service they deserve. I truly value your input and suggestions on issues before the House. In a representative government such as ours, it is essential that I know what your thoughts and views are on these issues.
As you may know, I firmly believe that Iraq is a tragic misadventure because it was never a clear and certainly not a present danger for our nation. We are now on the road to nowhere in Iraq , and our current policies are doing nothing but taking us farther down this path. We need to do the following things in order to extract ourselves from this situation:
1) Decrease the dependence of the Iraqis on us, both politically and militarily, so they are able to shoulder the burden of their own security when our troops are no longer present
2) Acknowledge and accept the evidence that increasing troops in Baghdad will not work. This is something we have tried time and again but which has failed to curtail the violence. The resolution to this civil war is dependent upon the political decisions that need to be made by Iraqi leaders to cease the sectarian violence - not on the number of troops we have in the country.
3) Finally, we must stop overextending our military. We have an army at home that is nearly broken because of the strain of multiple deployments to Iraq . Continuing a military engagement will further hinder our readiness, and divert attention and resources away from our global security concerns in North Korea , Iran , Afghanistan , the Western Pacific and the Middle East .
These are all steps that I have laid out in legislation that I have sponsored - H.R. 960, the "Enhancing America's Security by Redeployment from Iraq Act." This binding legislation sets the end of 2007 as the date certain for our redeployment from Iraq . The rationale for doing so is clear - only the Iraqis can bring about the needed reconciliation in their country. Their political leaders must take the difficult political steps needed to cease the violence, by building coalitions among competing sects, ensuring minority rights, balancing power between provincial and central governments, and sharing oil revenues among all regions in Iraq . We simply cannot do this work for them.
While the redeployment specified in my legislation will be carried out to enhance the global security interests of the United States and to improve our military readiness, it will not apply to: special operations forces assigned outside of Iraq that conduct targeted counter-terrorism operations or periodic support operations of the Iraqi security forces in Iraq; air forces assigned to locations outside of Iraq that conduct air operations over Iraq; or other military liaison teams that operate within Iraq.
In addition, H.R. 960 calls for the United States to take a leadership role in the diplomacy and negotiations necessary to bring regional nations together to ensure a stable Iraq . It also calls for the convening of an international conference of nations with the goal of providing economic aid for rebuilding Iraqi infrastructure and other reconstruction efforts that are key to its long-term stability.
The fact of the matter is that everyday we are in Iraq , our overall security goes down. Afghanistan is again prey to terrorists as the Taliban has begun to control the Southern Provinces. North Korea has exploded a nuclear device, Iran is bent upon developing one, and the Middle East is in a perpetual state of conflict - while we have failed to address the center of strategic gravity in the future-the Western Pacific, where China is emerging diplomatically, economically and in other areas.
We simply cannot afford to continue on our current course any longer. There is a better strategy - one that will better address our security interests both abroad and at home - and as your Member of Congress, I will work to ensure that it is implemented.
Again, I appreciate you taking the time to share your views on this matter of utmost importance to our nation's security. If I can be of any additional assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me again. If you would like to receive regular updates on these and other Congressional issues, please visit my website at http://www.house.gov/sestak to sign up for my e-newsletter. I look forward to our future correspondence.
Joe Sestak
Member of Congress
This is vastly superior to all those years of "Crazy" Curt Weldon.
A useful primer
Whatever you do don't mention the war
In celebration of this insightful decision I give you the finest example of not mentioning the war known to mankind.
Bye bye Wolfie bye bye
A World Bank committee investigating president Paul D. Wolfowitz has nearly completed a report that it plans to give the institution's governing board, concluding that he breached ethics rules when he engineered a pay raise for his girlfriend, three senior bank officials said Friday.
Friday evening, the committee was debating whether to explicitly recommend that Wolfowitz resign, according to the sources, who spoke on condition they not be named, citing an ongoing probe into leaks.
Wolfowitz is scheduled to appear before the committee with his attorney on Monday morning and mount his defense, and the bank's 24-member board of directors will convene that afternoon to discuss the report. The sources suggested that a vote by the board could come that day.
Through his attorney, Wolfowitz vowed to continue the fight to keep his job. "He will not resign under this cloud," said his attorney, Robert S. Bennett, when told of the imminent completion of the committee's report. "He's not going to give in to these coercive tactics."
Oh dear
How did I miss an earthquake?
If George Tenet refuses to fall upon his sword he must be pushed!
"Hmm. Now just where did I put those darn documents?"
Why is the Alabama Free Militia like Luis Posada Carriles?
The Huntsville (AL) Times - "anti-government militia"
The Sand Mountain (AL) Reporter - "anti-government group"
The Birmingham (AL) Times - "a group"
The esteemed Washington Times - - "a militia operation"
ABC News - no categorisation at all
Abdul Hadi al-Iraqi to face American justice
I am not saying that Mr. Hadi is not in all probability a not very nice person. I am just saying that with the process so stacked against him that irrespective of the outcome I will always harbour a suspicion that justice has not been served.
To boldly go where only Gene Roddenberry has gone before
My advice for the good women of Indiana
Are we up for it?
Read it and get to work will you?
Fußball und Fruchtbarkeit
What's a country to do?
But then your damned activist judiciary gets in the way and says: "Sorry mate. We can't trust these geezers and you've got to set the men free." I can't wait to see the next idea they come up with.
Gone-zo watch (day 40)
Steve "I've never really coached a winning team and it doesn't look like I'm going to start now" McClaren has also staggered into the weekend still employed largely by keeping his head down.
(To be continued...)
27 April 2007
An interesting new theory
Is Google taking political positions now?
The Washington Times misleads me!
*"D.C. region seen as prone to blackouts"
War is good!
Wackos, wackos everywhere and not a mole in sight
"could provide that on any college or university campus receiving federal funds, students or faculty there who have state issued permits to carry concealed firearms will not be prevented by institutional officials from carrying them."
The other curious thing about this news release is that was issued by an organisation that calls itself "Christian Newswire". Is this a religious issue? Has God told us to carry automatic small arms with us everywhere when I wasn't listening to what She was saying? I don't get it.
Why does the Bush administration hate the Second Amendment?
A common sense approach (except for that bit at the end)
Failing that [more activist right wing Supreme Court Justices], the Constitution will have to be amended to clarify that the First Amendment does not prevent government from enacting reasonable legislation to protect children from entertainment that is harmful to them."
Maximising shareholder value - the Abbot Labs way
Some may call it unethical but I say “Unethical my arse - it's just good business!”
Freedom on the march!
Bible porn!
A step further
Cruel and inhuman and not justice either
The Devil's doing
"In order for Satan to establish his 'New World Order' and destroy the freedom of all people as predicted in the Scriptures, he must first destroy the U.S....The mostly quiet and unspectacular invasion of illegal immigrants does not focus the attention of the nations the way open warfare does, but is all the more insidious for its stealth and innocuousness."
Peer reviewed religion?
Good news from Iraq!
Don't anyone dare to tell me that I'm always so negative!
If Americans didn't have a "right" to guns...
I think that should settle it once and for all don't you?
Wolfie's bedroom folly continues
Don't forget check your bacon carefully
Lest we forget
"and the land of the free" (an occasional series)
I don't know about you but that is certainly good enough for me!
Thou shalt have no other gods before me
The Pinking of Poland
I am sure this will all work out in the end. It is not as if they are kilometres apart, is it?
Cold war redux?
The world is a little less today
Getting worser all the time
Don't tell ExxonMobil but...
Those are some mighty big toes you've stepped on Tony
My awe is even greater now that I learn the Tony is risking the considerable wrath of the Decider(TM) who has had his Ambassador lodge an official complaint over the cancellation of the inquiry into BAE's alleged corrupt practices.
One does wonder what caused the Americans, usually such good friends to young Tony, to get their knickers in a twist over this. The options are limited. I seem only three probable scenarios:
a) The United States is launching a campaign against corrupt business practices and, in addition to this complaint, have decided to cease offering no bid contracts in Iraq, have severed all ties with US Vice President "I'm a Big" Dick Cheney's former firm Halliburton because of a fear that there would appear to be a conflict of interest and that the Decider(TM) has decided to decided to order World Bank President Paul Wolfowitz to resign.
b) The US is concerned that the sale of advanced weaponry to countries in such an unstable part of the world could lead to wider conflict and ruin the chance for peace in the region. (The BAE deal which sparked the cancelled inquiry was to sell EuroFighters to the Saudis.) The US is set to announce the cancellation of all proposed and previously contracted arms sales to Israel, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirate, Egypt, Qatar, Kuwait and Pakistan.
c) The US is pissed off because they feel that the British deal, corruptly arranged, took the place of a deal between the Saudi's and an American merchant-of-death that could have been corruptly arranged.
I know I can't dance - he doesn't seem to know that he can't
As you watch this remember this is not your slightly embarrassing and intellectually challenged neighbour from a few doors down but the person is generally described as the "leader of the free world" and who has his finger on the launch button of the largest nuclear arsenal in the world.
Gone-zo watch (day 39)
Steve "I've never really coached a winning team and it doesn't look like I'm going to start now" McClaren is also still hanging onto the England football manager spot.
(To be continued...)
26 April 2007
I never looked at it this way.
Shit. This might not be good news!
And we haven't even got a (written) Constitution
Only one to a customer!
We can't OK. If we fuck this planet up that is it. No second chances. No hopping off to this rock orbiting Gliese 581 and fucking up that one too.
No, no, a thousand times no!
"Mummy - why does Rover sleep all day?"
For these pet symptoms and many, many more Eli Lilly has the answer!
Prozac for dogs.
Is this a high crime or a misdemeanour?
A violation of the Hatch Act? Maybe, maybe not. Impeachable? Now that is a much better question!
Who knew the pill popping prima donna was this talented?
Quite a guy our Rush. I wonder how is erectile dysfunction is coming along.
An up and coming war (or is it just a front)
I wonder how the Decider(TM) will manage to spin this as progress; not that I doubt he will at least try.
The invisible hand of the market....
Swiss guns
Dumb like a fox
I don’t see why those damn hard left liberals (I think I stole that phrase from Bill O’Reilly) don’t think this is such a good idea. If you are going to go looking for corruption and ethical violations you wouldn’t want some choirboy doing the looking would you? How the hell would he know where to look? You need someone just a sleazy. I say that Mr. Bloch is exactly the man for the job. It's just like hiring hackers to be in charge of internet security!
A bold green initiative from the Bushies
At least it's not a hooker this time
This time he's been arrested for attacking a photographer with baked beans.
Wolfowitz asked to resign?
And take your bloody socks with you!
Calling all editors
By the way is it just me or is there more than a passing resemblance between Sr. Posada and Andy Griffith during his Matlock period?
The Decider(TM) tries his hand at healing
Don't the Chinese follow the American press?
Where have all the constructionists gone?
That no longer seems to be the case; at least with the conservative, or perhaps one should say, right-wing, justices on the US Supreme Court. They recently overturned precedent in the decision to allow bans on certain late term abortions to stand and it would now appear that they are seriously considering overturning the McCain-Feingold Reform Act which regulates political campaigns. If they do it will be on the basis that they equate the unlimited spending of money as free speech. I defy anyone to go into the Federalist Papers and related documents and show me something to prove that framers clearly had that intent.
Go on. I dare ya!
Can you blame them?
Since Karen Hughes is so capable and she also works for a man who values competence above all else we can only assume that things were much, much worse 18 months ago before she took on the task of improving America's image amongst the world's Muslim people.
I am beyond words
Is there something about the Decider(TM) that they're not telling us?
"We’re not fighting terrorism...we’re sitting here in an air conditioned place"
1001 reasons to be a (British Republican) - number 138
Why is it I wonder...
Isn't gambling illegal in America?
The global "War on Truth"
In related news the United Kingdom government refused a transit visa to Dr. Riyadh Lafta, co-author of the study published in the Lancet to allow him to pass through London on his way to present a paper in British Columbia. The United States had already denied him a visa that would have allowed him to speak at the University of Washington. What is it that an epidemiologist has to say that is so dangerous?
Gordon and Paddy in a tree
Will they bring the Stonehenge set along?
The nature of secrets
I find this argument specious and dangerous. In reality what suffers the most damage here is not Britain's but the standing, reputations and future legacy of Blair and the Decider(TM).
Gone-zo watch (day 38)
Steve "I've never really coached a winning team and it doesn't look like I'm going to start now" McClaren front is also still hanging onto the England football manager spot.
(To be continued...)
25 April 2007
In the spirit of "no one like's me I don't care"...
I should say so!
Gone too far
I think so. I believe in free speech as much, and generally much more, than the next guy but once you cross the line of endorsing or encouraging violence it is a crime as far as I am concerned. Lock 'em up I say!
Strange but true?
Like ships that pass in the night
I thought you should know
"Don't you think there should be a law that you cannot have control of nuclear weapons unless you can pronounce the word 'nuclear'?"
Corrections and clarifications
"Attaching the penis is a very long, complex and painstaking operation"
Schadenfruede alert
"We're number two - we're number two!"
Americans, will you take this lying down or will you fill yourself with a good old American can-do attitude (and the Hummer with petrol) and get out there and start emitting like mad before it's too late?
We must have forgot to declare victory!
"We didn't actually say $50 billion did we? Oh dear!"
As long as they got re-elected they probably don't care either. I mean who will remember?
Gone-zo watch (day 37)
No news on the Steve "I've never really coached a winning team and it doesn't look like I'm going to start now" McClaren front.
(To be continued...)
24 April 2007
The Decider(TM) gets his facts wrong (again)!
Link between abortion and breast cancer refuted
SNL and Gone-zo
I'd stick to the computer games
I'm not this optimistic
It is good to know I'm right!
Now I my prescience has been confirmed by no less a luminary than a son (not the gay one I think) of Ronald Reagan who tells us in unequivocal terms that "Gun laws kill". So there!
I guess they wouldn't let Aldous Huxley into the States anymore either
Some country, eh? It makes my heart swell with pride it does.
Don't they know gun control kills people?
They'll be pitching for warm beer, cricket and driving on the left anytime now I reckon.
I can't hear you!
I wait with bated breath.
Addendum: Also are these generals, by saying the "War on Terra" is not going to be a long war in fact telling the terrorist, evil-doers and Islamofascists that it will in fact be a short one and ergo all they have to do is wait? That strikes me as "aiding and abetting".
Love the corrupter - hate the corruption
New name for Gone-zo
Alien sues US under US Alien Tort Act
Anyone want to bet that the government cries "national security, national security" to stop the case getting to court and gets away with it?
Note his fair and balanced discussion group that consists of Bill (right wing nut case), an author (and right wing nut case) and "commentator" (and right wing nut case). When he was a kid he must at the playground he must have put everybody on one end of his teeter-totter and then couldn't figure out why it never got off the ground!
A monumental idiocy
Yogi's voice
Frankly - I think that's too flattering to them.
Is surging anything like spiralling?
Why is Canada more free than America?
Superman rendered harmless in Serbia!
David Halberstam - RIP
Still some freedom left
For those who thought that bring these charges was a good idea I would like to remind the of the First Amendment to the US Constitution
Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
Does Bush look good in brown?
- Invoke a terrifying internal and external enemy √
- Create a gulag √
- Develop a thug caste
- Set up an internal surveillance system √
- Harass citizens' groups √
- Engage in arbitrary detention and release √
- Target key individuals √
- Control the press
- Dissent equals treason √
- Suspend the rule of law
Despite Ms. Klein’s arguments to the contrary I am not convinced that he and his minions have, as yet, managed items 3, 8 or 10 although there clearly have been material steps taken that push us in that direction.
So I can only give Bush&Co an impressive but not yet top flight 7 out of 10 on the Klein-o-matic Fascism scale.
Like the mad leading the unstable
I have a hint for Mr. Gaubatz. If you are looking for evidence of the application of American law in a way that fits Qu'ranic principles, especially as regards executions, you probably ought to start in Texas.