22 January 2007

Catholics to be more equal than others

I confess I have been hard on British Communities Secretary Ruth Kelly of late. I also confess I haven't been hard enough. Her brief allegedly includes tolerance and equality but she wants toexempt Catholic adoption agencies from requirements in new anti-discrimination legislation that would disallow these groups from excluding gays. I wonder if, should scientists eventually discover a gay gene if she will allow genetic testing so that Catholic couples don't have to adopt gay babies. In the interim perhaps she should just allow for any homosexual adopted to children to be returned to the agency once their perverse predilection manifests itself.

Did I forget mention that Ms. Kelly is a Catholic and reputedly a member of super secret reactionary Catholic group Opus Dei?

Did I also forget to mention that Ms. Kelly is supported by the Prime Minister in this?

Time for both of them to go I think.

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