01 February 2007

Guns don't kill people...

...the NRA does! Especially if you live in Pennsylvania and you are black.

As a former long time Keystone State resident I can tell you with some reasonable assurance that the state's federal system gives legislators from relatively sparsely populated rural and / or mountainous counties a stranglehold on any legislation. The NRA pours huge amounts of money into those areas which is spent largely on propaganda and the nurturing of pro-gun candidates. This results in a situation where Philadelphia, along with smaller cities such as Pittsburgh, Harrisburg etc, is not allowed to regulate gun ownership at all. Even such perversely mild attempts at regulation such as limiting gun purchases to one a month, that's right twelve a year or one hundred and twenty a decade, get no where. And people die. The people are disproportionately young, male and black so it is difficult to stir up concern in the middle class, white suburbs which probably could swing the vote. Curiously the "every life is sacred" right to life groups are completely disinterested or, more often and more curiously, on the side of the unlimited gun ownership (see post earlier today).

So I say, quite arrogantly, that my argument is proven. The NRA kills people. Full stop. Over and out.

They also killed Bambi's Mum!

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