09 February 2007

Personally I'd rather they concentrate on flying the bloody plane

The US government is trying to bring diplomatic pressure to bear on foreign governments so that they will allow the arming of airline pilots on international flights. This is just madness. Pilots are not security forces. Their job is to safely fly the plane from point A to point B not to play cowboy.

Will they use to guns to force Muslims off the plane if they try and pray? Will they be used to intimidate those who would appear guilty of the offence of "travelling whilst Asian"? Will they be used to make Michelle Malkin shut up? (If the answer the later is "yes" I am willing to reconsider my position!)

In related news the Indianapolis Star reports that number of armed pilots in the US is increasing but that they are poorly trained. Oh good. Perhaps I should find out if Amtrak still exists for my next trip back.

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