01 February 2007

Two heads are better than one

I think it is well past time for changes in the British government, don't you? After of all the PM's approval rating is down in George Bush territory and not undeservedly.

First is the Lordships-for-Lolly scandal which saw the arrest, for the second time, of New Labour fund raiser Lord Levy, on charges of perverting the course of justice.

Second there is the BAE controversy that refuses to go away. Today's news is that Tony Blair forced the Attorney General, Lord Goldsmith, to call a halt to the Serious Fraud Office investigation of corrupt practices in their dealing with Saudi Arabia. This is the self same Lord Goldsmith who, again under pressure from Tony's minions, changed his minded and decided that it was legal for the United Kingdom to participate in the invasion of a sovereign nation without United Nations authorisation.

So the Attorney General should go for succumbing to political pressure and ignoring the law and the Prime Minister should go for any number of reasons from which you may take your pick.

It probably wouldn't hurt to have an election while we are at it. Not that I want the Tories to win but a new and unelected Prime Minister, presumably Gordon Brown, would have no legitamacy.

NB - whilst we're clearing out we shouldn't forget my favourite minister, Ms. Ruth Kelly, who continues to try to find a way to allow her beloved Catholic Church to continue to discriminate with public funds.

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