26 May 2007

Attention Minutemen!

Whilst you folks have been wandering around in the desert near the Mexican American border looking for someone to mow your lawn or watch you kids you have been ignoring the fact that dangerous and Canadian terrorists, who could possibly be French as well, could slip into the country unnoticed by sneaking out of the stacks in the Haskell Library in Stanstead Quebec (that's Canada) into the entryway of the Haskell Library in Derby Line, VT (that's America).

Where have you been? Who knows how many of the Francophile evildoers have brazenly entered the country quite possibly carrying copies of Jean Paul Sartre's L'Etre et le Neant or even the insidious Astérix le Gaulois with which to poison the minds of innocent young Americans.

Au nord mes amis!

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