occasional musings on politics, culture and life in general from an american in exile
31 March 2008
Breaking news
PA primary news
A vision too far
Does this food item resemble in any way our Lord and Saviour? No!
Does this food item resemble a penis with arms? Yes! Case settled.
What do Robert Mugabe and George W. Bush have in common?
Well worth £3 million, don't you think?
Spend Ben Stein's money!
Is this an endorsement?
Victory is ours!
What will he say and when will he say it?
Still way too high!
"Take me out to the ball game...
...Take me out with the crowd,
Buy me some peanuts and Cracker Jack,
Tell this wanker to never come back."
Feel the love as Captain Codpiece throws out the first ball in Washington.
It's 2018, do you know where your children are?
"I'd like a one way ticket, first class of course, on the Bush Crook Express."
Let us all bid a loving adieu to Secretary Jackson.
30 March 2008
Progress. What progress?
Pot - meet kettle
Whither Basra?
Sorry - I must have been dreaming for a moment. What a stupid question.
It can happen here (but not if we're careful)!
The smack down of the year
The question is - "will anyone pay"?
29 March 2008
I hope they know what they have let themselves in for
Caught cheating!
Now this is a surprise
Beyond reason?
Damn the Inquirer!
Uh oh, the Captain isn't going to like this!
Fighting the Eternal Global War on Terra - one nipple at a time!
Meanwhile the battle against terrorist teats has moved on to the great state of Florida where advertisements in Orlando for the upcoming Wrestlemania XXIV feature post nipple-ectomy pugilists.
Things are not going so well however in the Green Mountain State though as the Vermont Human Rights Commission has found that an airline discriminated against Emily Gillette when they removed her from a flight for pornographically feeding her two month old child. What do we expect from a state with a French name?
Supporting the troops - Republican style
Nice and cozy.
Another Bush crook bites the dust
28 March 2008
Today in infamy - "it's been a long hard decade" edition

Ten years ago today Viagra was first marketed for erectile dysfunction and the world will never be the same.
Headline of the day
A new cause célèbre for the "every life is sacred" folks?
Welcome to the twenty first century.
Maybe I was wrong
Saving the planet - one boondoggle at a time
A stealth reconquista afoot?
Left wing traitors demand closure of Guantánamo Bay Beach and Leisure Club
Oh well. It doesn't matter who they used to be. Off to Gitmo with them!
It's not that I wish Mark Thatcher ill...
"And this time I meant it!"
Praise the Lord and sell the ammunition!
Better than working for tips, eh?
Dear Mr. President,
Retribution - perhaps. Blind vengeance - yes. Justice - no.
Your friend,
Yank in London
Note also the conflation of al Qaeda and Iran, despite all evidence to the contrary. Do I hear the drums of war (again)?
27 March 2008
Well you can't say that they are unafraid to tackle the difficult problems
Kudos where kudos are (is?) due
The Green Zone News
But what about my insalata tricolore?
Why democracy in America is doomed
Am I the only one who is ashamed?
"It's victory John but not as we know it!"
Shorter Robert Novak
Another diplomatic success!
Yes - the world is a safer place now, innit it?
26 March 2008
"Sorry mate. You're barred."

A group of pub landlords are trying to engineer a campaign to see to it that Chancellor of the Exchequer, Alistair Darling, is barred from every pub in the land after he endangered that truly venerable British institution, a pint of real ale, with another crippling increase in beer duty in his latest budget. Well if I have to make a choice between Mr. Darling and a properly pulled pint of Britain's finest it really isn't a difficult choice!
I just love to watch participatory democracy at work
At a loose end in Basel this weekend?
Hillary's "don't vote for me argument"
God 1 - Gordon 0
Now where did I put them damn triggers again?
Damn cheese eating free trade haters!
And there's some sort of something stirring up the tabloids re the most recent Mrs. Sarkozy as well. (Probably NSFW)
Supporting the troops
25 March 2008
Question: what do these people see when they take Rorschach tests?*
*Answer: Jesus, Jesus, Virgin Mary, Jesus, Jesus, doughnut, Jesus, Virgin Mary.
Welcome to Bottom Feeders Anonymous
Those of you that thought that rabies had been wiped out in the UK...
Another brilliant idea
"We know that there was never any danger to the aircraft or to the occupants on board."
Shorter Rev. Swank
Oh dear
I have only question
Why does the Faux network hate the baby Jesus?
How do I loathe thee - let me count the ways
How dare he? How fucking dare he? He, who demonstrated his lack of courage and patriotism through his priorities being elsewhere all throughout his five Vietnam era draft deferments, has neither the right nor the perspective to make such an offensive and incorrect statement. I am certain that the families of each and every one of the dead 4,000, irrespective of they attitude to the ware itself, will agree with me. Captain Codpiece does not bear the burden; "I'm a Big" Dick does not bear the burden; these families do!
24 March 2008
Today in infamy - "don't worry - in 20 years we'll own the Supreme Court - this won't cost us a dime" edition
Remember - it's only a number
22 March 2008
Today in infamy - "sharia in America" edition
Faux Follies
Perhaps the young Wallace does have a drop or two of his father's blood in him after all.
They should feel right at home
They shouldn't have any difficulty finding referees!
And he looks so sad
Whatever happened to that Freedom Agenda thing-a-ma-bob?
Does the Easter Bunny own snow shoes?
20 March 2008
What are they going to use for money?
Why wasn't I notified?
A tragedy averted!
In many ways this is a good thing because there is only a very small portion of the Philadelphia population, largely to be found at Penn, that speaks anything that could be confused with English. If Mr. Vento were to refuse service to anyone who did not speak English properly he would rather swiftly go out of business.
How low can he go?
Tell us something we didn't know already Dick
CHENEY: On the security front, I think there's a general consensus that we've made major progress, that the surge has worked. That's been a major success.
RADDATZ: Two-third of Americans say it's not worth fighting.
RADDATZ: So? You don't care what the American people think?
CHENEY: No. I think you cannot be blown off course by the fluctuations in the public opinion polls.
How did Captain Codpiece spend the 5th anniversary of the illegal invasion of Iraq?
Think before you drink
19 March 2008
We will be remembered as liberators!
A reminder
Any suggestions?
1,000 reasons McCain shouldn't be President
Ah, life is good
A spokes-insect (arachnid?) for the bed bugs said that they were working to "rid the newsroom of these pests irrespective of the cost".
1,000 reasons* John McCain shouldn't be President
*Do you think I can make to 1000 by election day?
A great man has passed on
God invents new dimension - string theory still unproved!
Iraq a success!
Five years - what a surprise!
A great speech
However, for me at least, it was probably enough that I will support him over Hillary even though neither fit well into my political philosophy and Obama's health care ideas require significant reworking. The right wingers will find plenty to pick at, largely out of context, including Senator Obama's failure to believe that America is perfect thereby proving that he is not a true patriot.
18 March 2008
Better than the shroud of Turin!
So impressed were they by this miracle no one seems to have thought to ask why God destroyed the woman's house in the first place.
Oh, the humanity!
If this guy wasn't a rabbi...
Will no one rid me of this bothersome butler?
And yes this, the 187th inquest into Diana's death, continues.
Just like the good old days
Quote of the day
The whole world is (just) watching
Meanwhile in the UK the British government has taken stern action and is suggesting to its citizens that they ought not travel to the Himilayan ex-country. There goes my weekend break in Lhasa.
I know what "I'm a Big" Dick Cheny didn't give up for Lent!
He's at it again claiming an association between pre-(illegal)-invasion Iraq and al Qaeda despite all of the evidence from his own bloody government to the contrary.
Is there a twelve step programme for this? Shouldn't there be?
What a fucking joke
Oh, if SCOTUS does allow the regulations to go forward, the rest of the world, with the exception of Riyadh, Tehran and Vatican City, will be laughing.
17 March 2008
Are you ready for a meltdown?
"I'm a Big" Dick Cheney proves the "many worlds" hypothosis
Four more years!!!!
Ya think?
I may have to give Philly a new nickname
Progress report
But the surge is working, right?
Just who the fuck are these people?
Campaign Diary: Baghdad
There may be whitewash ahead
You're welcome!
But haven't they hasn't she already "lost everything"?
I reckon it all hinges on what the meaning of "everything" is.
Bear market or market for Bears?
16 March 2008
What next?
Crisis in Britain
Today in infamy - America doesn't commit war crimes edition
Either they were shitty teachers or he was a lousy student.
Pity poor George
Quote of the day
Prepare for the Rapture!
Welcome to Rhode Island
15 March 2008
Maybe there's hope for Oklahoma after all
Have aliens abducted the real Ian Paisley?
I just read it again and, unless Auntie is lying, that is indeed what he said.
Truly unbelieveable
For (possibly fictitious) examples of the newspapers journalistic excellence click this link!
Whatever you do, don't mention the wars
For those of you who don't have access to the Times here are his theses:
1. The West is much more violent than the Muslim world. Millions of Arab civilians have been killed since colonialism began.
2. Faced with the warmongering of the West, it is really not surprising that support for Muslim extremists continues to grow.
3. Terrorists in Islamic disguise are murderers. The same holds true for the ringleaders disguised as Christians who wage wars of aggression in contravention of international law.
4. Muslims were and are at least as tolerant as Jews and Christians. They have made a major contribution to Western civilization.
5. Love of God and love of one's neighbor are the central commandments not only in the Bible but also in the Qur'an.
6. Western policies towards the Muslim world suffer from a shocking ignorance of even the simplest facts.
7. The West must treat the Muslim world just as fairly as it treats Israel. Muslims are worth as much as Jews and Christians.
8. The Muslims must champion a progressive and tolerant Islam, as did their prophet Muhammad. They must strip terrorism of its religious mask.
9. Nothing fosters terrorism more than the West's "war on terror". Muslim countries must resolve their problems with radical Islamism themselves.
10. What is needed now is the art of statesmanship, not the art of war - in the Iran conflict, the Iraq conflict and the Palestine conflict.
A moment of silence, please
Dear Mr. President
Yank in London
Nothing to fear but fear itself
I think not.
Need a gift for a wingnut?
This is what happens when you do what the voices in your head tell you to
And Iraq is a clusterfuck after Captain Codpiece listened to the voices in his head.
Will someone please wake me when the coup is over?
What's in a name?
To think or not to think that is the question
I can only assume that the EU leaders proposing this are frightened of losing out to India and China as they have nothing to fear from the US where freedom from knowledge seems to be the current vogue.
Just how stacked does the deck have to be?
Unfortunately the answer is a resounding "no".
The "We Don't Torture as Long as You Don't Find Out about It" President
Yesterday in infamy

I'm not sure how I missed but yesterday was the 125th anniversary of Karl Marx's death. Perhaps I'll go and visit his grave tomorrow even though it is well north of the river.
14 March 2008
"Three Quarks for Muster Mark!"
Note: do not attempt this around physicists as you will soon be found out.
Today in infamy - "isn't Relativity just a theory too?" edition
"What you gonna believe, me or you're lying eyes?"
Republicans hoist upon their own petard
Gate open? Tick
Close gate? Tick
US Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson wants tighter regulation of the mortgage industry. Good thinking Hank!
What a busy day!
For those of you who didn't pay attention at school the following is the first bit: 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209
7494459230781640628620899862803482534211706798214808651 3282306647093844609550582231725359408128481117450284102 7019385211055596446229489549303819644288109756659334461 2847564823378678316527120190914564856692346034861045432 6648213393607260249141273724587006606315588174881520920 9628292540917153643678925903600113305305488204665213841. The balance of the first million positions are to be found here.
Are the profits of your telecoms provider safe enough?
Balancing the US budget
Your Friday Schadenfreude
Why settle for two wars when you can start three?
Truth speaking
13 March 2008
"For Christ's sake are you done if there yet?"
Your tax dollars (not) at work
For reasons I do not understand Senator Vitter did not resign and was not forced to resign after admitting to availing himself of the services of prostitutes in Washington and back home in Louisiana. Perhaps ex-Governor Spitzer can explain.
Guns don't kill people...
So does this mean that Christianity kills?
Pat Buchanan performs the "I'm Losing My Rag Rag"
Everything's political
12 March 2008
Do it yourself week at the Guardian?
Progress report
Running the government like a (badly run) business
One, two, three: "Let's bomb Iran"
"Whatever I do, I can't mention the dollar"
I think I may have been young at just about the right time
11 March 2008
BREAKING NEWS: Dangerous middle eastern terrorist orders assasination of Israeli Prime Minister!
From the Department of "Better Late than Never"
Today in infamy - "making Faux News possible" edition
Who says Americans have no sense of irony
"Is this heaven?"
Shorter Dennis Campbell
And may the best man win...
I think the best solution would be to award the contract to no one and to send every American a cheque for 117 US dollars!
This just breaks my heart
Couldn't happen to a nicer bunch in my estimation but one suspects that if they end up unemployed their life will still be many order of magnitude easier than most of those that they put on the dole.
Where would Jesus sit?
I wonder if she remembers that Jesus was a "transient" (aka lesser human being). Probably not is my guess.
In which I prove I am fair and balanced
The cries from the right have been deafening all day. For some reason they're not so concerned with this guy or even this guy but I am sure that is not hypocrisy so it must be anti-Judaism!
10 March 2008
What sound does John McCain make when he walks?
Torture. First he was against it; then he was for it (sort of); now he's against it again.
Well. Short term memory is the first thing to go.
"Well they are on the bloody road map now"
Disclaimer: this post can in no way be construed as either anti-Judaic or supportive of terrorism so don't even try, OK?
Let's make a deal!
There is only one caveat. He has to take his sidekick the undead "I'm a Big" Dick Cheney with him!
Bad news for homeopaths
If you're looking for a city to move to North Jersey looks a good bet as they are the only area reporting codeine in the water.
The Reds are coming! The Reds are coming!
Are you feeling lucky?
Does anyone else feel like weeping or is it just me?
Feel (and hear) the hate!
How many times do we have to tell you...
09 March 2008
For your listening pleasure
Supporting the troops?
Why I love the FA Cup
Is he still wearing his armour suit?

Australian authorities believe that they have found the long lost grave of outlaw Ned Kelly. Kelly fought the law and the law won, but not easily.
Are Jews a backward race?
Will the king (or queen) maker be a Nutter?
By the way I can't help decide who will win PA as I have already voted in the Democrats Abroad primary on Super Tuesday. Damn!
Now this is interesting
A taste of things to come?
Prepare yourselves...
Every life dollar is sacred
Ah, life is good.
For my American friends
(Isn't it great to see America leading the way in the fight against climate change by extending daylight savings time by 3 weeks? No sacrifice too small, I say!)
08 March 2008
Today in infamy - "a nation turns its lonely eyes to you" edition
We're all going to die!
Why you should never confuse Texas with Sweden
Perhaps Pennsylvania's Governor Rendell should consider this new product line as a revenue enhancers for the state's State Liquor Stores.
When they came for our mince...
Cat vitamins??!! (Note that these are not, as I originally thought, vitamins made FROM cats but rather vitamins made FOR cats.)
Is Faux News going knickerless?*
*Perhaps they should trial it on Faux Business it might boost the ratings!
So where are Kukla and Fran then?
Go back to sleep Ollie. Fawn should be around soon with your medication.
Those Yalies have all the luck
How bad is the state of the US economy?
John's new (evangelical) friend
Watch and learn.
Perhaps the anti-feminists are right...
Since when do 14 year old lads need Viagra? At that age the real challenge is to keep the bloody thing from getting hard (and then keeping your hands off of it)!
And now for a few unkind words about the Church of England
On second thought perhaps I should wait until it IS stricken from the books. I really can't afford a solicitor's bill at the moment.
Fasten your seat belts

Get ready for Bert and Ernie to race towards Elmo as November approaches.
Do something!
07 March 2008
For the attention of the American Secret Service
I thought you should know.
This could prove tricky
For my American friends
Error in estimate of age of Grand Canyon increases...
Of course this is all just silliness because those-who-will-be-saved know that this great testament to God's greatness was formed by Noah's flood only 4300 years ago.
How silly of them.
Déjà vu all over again
Sigh. I hope none of you were planning on a holiday in Europe this summer.
What His Highness wishes
WTF? Over.
Looking for something to do in Philly on 16 March?
I think the great whore of Revelation 17 is pretty hot, what about you?
(Am I the only one who is uncomfortable about being on the same side as Bill Donohue?))
06 March 2008
Today in infamy - "it was just about property rights" edition
Is there no food safe to eat in America anymore?

Now it's Aunt Jemima's pancake mix that has had to be recalled due to salmonella contamination.
The other surprise, for me at least, in this story is that Aunt Jemima's pancake mix is still on the market. Does she still look like this?
As usual, I have a better idea
All those in favour?