occasional musings on politics, culture and life in general from an american in exile
31 May 2008
"Oops, we didn't mean Malaysians are terrorists...
1,000 reasons John McCain shouldn't be President
"They started it! They invaded Poland!"
Because 365 days of hate isn't enough
"This is an event that is, on its face, very offensive because they're in there demonstrating their same-sex affection...It's a party on their part. Most of them hang out on Main Street; they hang out in the restaurants. They want to be seen."
Simply not good enough
Captain Codpiece - still just a Frat Twat*
He's bound to grow up someday; I just won't live to see it.
*That rhymes in English!
Could it be an election year?
Nonetheless I reckon Americans should brace themselves for some solo Ernies and perhaps even an Elmo or two as the election draws near.

1,000 reasons John McCain shouldn't be President
"As soon as the kangaroos arrive we'll be ready to start"
1,000 reasons John McCain shouldn't be President
30 May 2008
Is your father an idiot?
Why not get him a (No) Answers in Genesis book bundle for Fathers' Day?
Do not pass go, do not collect 200 Euros...
For starters he's never going to play for the All Blacks now, is he?
Today in infamy - "dead man in Deptford" edition
For those of you who haven't read Anthony Burgess's outstanding novel about the murder of Kit Marlowe, A Dead Man in Deptford
Let the proselytising begin...
You are the American State Department...
- Do you inform the illegal occupier, who relies extensively on American support and finance, that this is unacceptable and force them to allow these undoubtedly deserving and intelligent young people to further their education?
- Do you cancel the scholarships?
If you took the first choice you've forgotten who is running the country!
Quote of the day

"McClellan could have resigned in protest or simply moved on with his dignity intact. Now he looks pathetic, vindictive and opportunistic. Not much of a legacy."
From an "assessment" of Scott McClellans' revelations by the White House's favourite gay escort and pseudo-reporter Jeff Gannon.
Is it 2004 already?
Shorter Pat Buchanan
Calling all wing nuts
How is this possible?
Is it "New" Labour or "No" Labour?
29 May 2008
Is our childrens principals learning?
Of course Ms. Deason's previous school was in Texas so that may explain the lower standards.
Who left anorexic hagette Ann Coulter in charge?
"Kill their leaders?" √
"Convert them to Christianity?" √
All's well on the hearts and minds front then.
Will there be pictures (or explanations of foot tapping codes)?
A question for both all five Presidential candidates
Damned liberal American media continues to shamefully ignore Middle Eastern Bible burnings!
Uh oh, God's gonna hate this!
Bush on blow
"Heh. I snorted something. I thought it was coke but I was just a stupid rich kid. They probably ripped me off and I only did meth! Heh."
I must react to the drug different. I remember snorting coke it's the things I did afterwards that get fuzzy!
See John flee! Flee, John, flee!
I may have more to say on this later.
One smallish step for mankind
The United States joined those beacons of freedom and peace China, Israel, Pakistan and Russia in refusing to even discuss the matter. India also did not attend the session or sign up to the agreement. The company one keeps says a lot about oneself I think.
White House hails bus Scott McClellan pushed Captain Codpiece under...
"is disgruntled about his experience at the White House...For those of us who fully supported him, before, during and after he was press secretary, we are puzzled. It is sad. This is not the Scott we knew."
Over on Faux News former Presidential aide turned professional
Because it's your bloody job lady!
28 May 2008
Keep your fingers crossed
I know what you did this summer
"Save the planet? Sure. Why not?...
Didn't someone we all know and love used to be governor down there?
Shorter Pat Buchanan
When they came for the cluster bombs I did nothing because I was not a cluster bomb
1,000 reasons John McCain shouldn't be President
"George! Look out! A bus!"
Just how toxic is Captain Codpiece?
Note: this is in no way intended to disparage Jamaica. I haven't been there for a very long time but I had two lovely holidays there when I was in my twenties involving sun, sex, beautiful food and perhaps some other stuff.
Tasers save lives!
They should start charging for this! (Sadly that pun is intentional.)
Because there's no good reason why the owners should have a say
American Jewish academic refused entry to Middle Eastern country for criticising government!
27 May 2008
What's the French word for "pander"?
Germany to deny exclusively Jewish nature of the Holocaust...
Good news for Gordo!
Why does the President need a "special" chopper?
As they used to say in the early days of the automobile: "Get a horse"!
We are not alone!
I have two questions
All this fuss is over an RJ (recipe jockey)?
A warning to Jimmy Carter
The real role of pure science
Would you like to know about science....
*Not during Lent though!
26 May 2008
It's been a busy week for the Virgin Mary
A Faux News two-fer!
Why we must do something about global climate change
The traitors amongst us
Today in infamy - "because ethnic cleansing is so so American" edition
25 May 2008
"That's not the library, it's the loo!"
The EPA plans to re-open some of it's shut libraries but in very tiny spaces. They probably just don't want to waste any energy.
What's the Italian for "nimbyism"?
Today in infamy - "déjà vu all over again" edition

On this day in 1925 Tennessee school teacher John Scopes was indicted for teaching evolution in the public schools. Thank God that can never happen again, eh?
I reckon he means this literally
Be afraid; be very, very afraid
According to arguments by government lawyers at a hearing in the case of Ali Saleh Kahlah al-Marri, a legal US resident who has been held without charge on US soil for over six years, the President of the United States "can send the military into any U.S. neighborhood, capture a citizen and hold him in prison without charge, indefinitely".
Not at all totalitarian or unconstitutional or even terrifying. I am now going to go and hide.
From the department of "nice work if you can get it"
1,000 reasons John McCain shouldn't be President
American Gore-ing
"The country is finished. It's all over. But you know, with a new republic like this, if you missed being here at the beginning, the next best thing is to be here at the end."
24 May 2008
Quote of the day (bonus edition)
"Smart candidates don't invoke the possibility of their opponents being killed. This seems so obvious it shouldn't need to be said, but apparently, it needs to be said."
From a Washington Post article by one Libby Copeland about Hillary Clinton's incredibly boneheaded "Bobby-Kennedy-didn't-get-assassinated-until-June" remarks.
Situation vacant
1,000 reasons John McCain shouldn't be President
Brace yourselves
Please pay attention
Oh fuck, now I really, really want a cheese steak (with provolone of course).
97th and falling
It depends on what the meaning of "earned" is
And this is the way the race ends...
Why is the US media silent as Mideastern religious extremists burn Bibles?
1,000 reasons John McCain shouldn't be President
"Well, in 2004, I expect to be campaigning for the reelection of President George W. Bush, and by 2008, I think I might be ready to go down to the old soldiers home and await the cavalry charge there."
Quote of the day
"People that are really very weird can get into sensitive positions and have a tremendous impact on history."
From that great seer Dan Quayle who obviously saw Captain Codpiece coming. A note to those 30% of Americans who still approve of the Captain's performance at the helm of the nation the word "tremendous" is not a synonym of "positive" or "favourable".
Has Hillary gone fishing for help from sociopaths?
Still remarkably cheap
Question of the day
My Congressman does good!
23 May 2008
My fellow Idahoans,
Your soon to be ex-Senator,
Larry "Not Now and Never Have Been Gay*" Craig
*But I Might Consider It in the Future"
Have you always wanted to be a grass?
1,000 reason John McCain shouldn't be President
1,000 reasons John McCain shouldn't be President
Maybe, just maybe, the illegal invasion of Iraq wasn't about "blood for oil"
Quote of the day
"This is the worst time of my long life...I have never had such meager expectations of the system. I find those expectations verified in the paucity and shallowness every day I live."
From an interview in The Nation with great American patriot Father Daniel Berrigan, aged 87. I have the honour of meeting Father Berrigan when I was around 15 or 16 just after he had been released from prison for destroying draft files in Catonsville MD.
1,000 reasons John McCain shouldn't be President
As far as I am concerned this is far too little, too late. Unlike Senator Obama's relationship with the Reverend Wright, which was of long standing and therefore complicated and difficult to unstitch, Senator McCain and his staff actively pursued the support of the radical cleric Hagee. This demonstrates that either he did not care about these pronouncements, did not believe that would become public or he and his team are incapable of executing even a cursory process of vetting potential high profile supporters. Any of these three explanations must give a voter pause as to whether The Aged One is qualified to be President of the United States.
1,000 reasons John McCain shouldn't be President
I don't want to say "I told you so"...
Breaking news from the universe!!
Where's the beef?
Shall we listen to "generals on the ground"?
Pot, met kettle
"Every day that goes by and more people suffer, increasingly the blame falls on the government."
22 May 2008
Surely this can't be legal
Which is worse: pandering or pointless posturing
So many idiots; so little time.
1,000 reasons John McCain shouldn't be President
A note to Ms. Everhart: I've never "denounced God" either; I just don't believe in Her.
Isn't there a crime here?
John Hagee is starting to grow on me
Good for Google!
"We must condemn all appeasers...
"But Israel is doing it."
"Now that's something completely different."
And quite rightly too!
If nature builds a bigger mouse...
So this is the thanks we get
20 May 2008
What do you know!
It must be because my great-grandfather, the Rev. John Stringer, was a Methodist preacher. (How he ended up with this heathen of a great-grandson is inexplicable.)
1,000 reason John McCain shouldn't be President
I don't often believe the Jerusalem Post*...
*It's the Baron Black of Crossharbour connection.
Quick! Someone ring the National Rifle Association
"Science? We don't need no stinking science!"
Now if he'd just apologise for the illegal invasion of Iraq, illegally spying on the American people, firing US Attorneys for political purposes et al
Is our childrens learning?
In the department of "not so much fun when it happens to you"
It's all happening now
You can follow it all here.
Note: curiously all of the parties are allowing members a so called free vote,ie they do not have to follow the dictates of the party platform, but in reality the votes will be anything but. Instead of, as one would expect in a representative democracy, looking to their constituents for guidance these rebel MPs will be following the dictates of their church!
19 May 2008
Why democracy is a bad idea
So Irvine, how's the anger management working out for you?
"I recently had a wee confrontation in Miami Beach. Hands-up time: I detest cyclists who use the pavement. Obviously, I understand how dangerous the roads are in medieval UK cities, and if people are respectful I'll tolerate it. But I will cheerfully admit to getting fucking heart-sick at (usually stupid, spoiled, rich) cunts who cycle down the sidewalks in the USA when America is all big, straight roads and careful drivers. Not only are the poncey wankers too shit-scared to drive on the road, they often expect you to get out of the way.
"A few weeks ago some wankstain pedalled towards me at speed, ringing his stupid wee bell. This had happened before but this time I wasn't for standing aside. In fact, my intent was to step back at the last minute, and lash out with the anticipation of separating him from his bike. Fortunately for us both, he was as cowardly in interpersonal encounters as he was in the face of the traffic and braked and swerved at the last minute, almost coming off over the handlebars. As I smiled in satisfied vindication, he regarded me in a bemused and irate manner. I cheerfully told him that if he'd made any contact with me I'd have dragged both him and his crappy fucking bike into the traffic. He retorted that I had anger management issues - they actually say things like that in Miami Beach, which kind of wants to be in California. Nonsense.
"Nevertheless, and this is another reason why the expression of public, interpersonal rage is dodgy, I felt guilt creep in. The guy was obviously scared. He wasn't the demon I had made him out to be, just a stupid youngish chap caught up in his own thoughts and selfishness. He'd go home feeling crap, debased, and a little humiliated. I fought the urge to patronise him with some dreadful speech about how that might make him think twice before cycling on the sidewalk. Further up the road, it struck me that he could have had a gun."
In breaking sports news
I'll bet they've never been to Boise
I'll bet they haven't even got a word for "appeaser"!
Once again on the side of angels
Oops there goes another McCain lobbyist!
Shorter Reverend Swank
Should any of you actually have the strength to read this vile sputum I trust you will find it most enlightening.
You learn something every day!
The horns of a dilemma
It is a difficult decision to have to make but I think that the status quo could not have reasonably been maintained.
The word of the week
18 May 2008
Above the law
Damn meddling UN
Privatise it!
So why'd he go a begging then?
How far we have fallen
"It is a grim story, of decision-making driven by fear and ideology and incompetence, a story of crime and of cover-up. It seems likely that the charges against him were dropped because proceedings before a military commission would have turned the spotlight on his treatment and - even more dangerously - on those most senior individuals - politicians and political appointees - with whom responsibility lies. The abuse of Al Qahtani has backfired, as many down at Guantanamo predicted it would. The truth as to his involvement, if any, in the events of September 11th will not be established. He will no doubt linger in a limbo of legal uncertainty in the bowels of Guantanamo or whatever other place may be found for him, a totemic figure whose treatment will be invoked by those who seek to harm the United States. "
From an essay by British human rights barrister Phillipe Sands as to the tale of Prisoner 63 at the US run Guantánamo Concentration Camp Beach and Leisure Resort on the PBS website.
17 May 2008
But is "treason" a high crime or misdemeanour?
Because I'm in that kind of mood
The Republican case for impeachment now!
Clearly Bush must be impeached now before he succeeds in turning America into Cuba!
(It should be noted that St. Tony and Cherie are champagne drinking, country estate owning socialists.)
In which I hope Mitch McConnell is right (for once)
Slow news day at the Guardian?
If this were a real emergency...
1,000 reasons John McCain shouldn't be President
This can only be a good thing
He is not, however, as terrified as I have been by the reality of first John Ashcroft and then Alberto "Gone-zo" Gonzales.
1,000 reasons John McCain shouldn't be President
You learn something everyday!
Well no one said no permanent prisons, did they?
Perhaps this is the "double Guantánamo" that Gov. Romney got so excited about.
Capturing the Republi-con Zeitgeist
Huckabee falls off the VP bandwagon
Everything's political
You do realise that this is not the intended purpose of "humanitarian" aid, don't you?
Britain (fails to) lead the way
How do you say "no can do George" in Arabic?
So go ahead, convince me.
Keep up the effort Senator Obama. I can be persuaded.
16 May 2008
First came "don't ask" followed shortly by "don't tell"...
The next logical step is "don't enlist".
The war on vowels
The above was the title of an email I got from the lovely folks over at about the hateful ruling from the California Supreme Court yesterday. But what's with the "s_x" thing? You're writing in English not in Hebrew (or Arabic) where the vowels generally aren't written. What's up with this anyway?
Are they so afraid of S-E-X that they can't bring themselves to evenly spell it? I pity their husbands/wives.
Can we make this retroactive?
Is "malarkey" better or worse than "bullshit"?
"This is bullshit, this is malarkey. This is outrageous, for the president of the United States to go to a foreign country, to sit in the Knesset ... and make this kind of ridiculous statement."
In which I praise Chris Matthews
1,000 reasons John McCain shouldn't be President
He also seems to have picked a rather odd time to start his re-election campaign but then at his age he probably just forgot his first term hasn't happened yet!
Watch out California!!
Er, on second thought, I wouldn't worry.
We write letters
Dear Mr. President,
As an American who has lived in Europe for the past fifteen years I often find myself in the position of having to try to explain or defend either the policy of my government or the statements of its leaders to my friends and colleagues. Your comments yesterday before the Knesset in Israel, in your role as America’s head of state and the country’s chief diplomat, have led to a flurry of communications from those I know well ranging from simple requests for an explanation of your intent to expressions of outrage.
You and I are roughly of the same generation as are many of my European friends and acquaintances. As such they have lived through a period in which Europe was recovering from and rebuilding in the aftermath of the Second World War and therefore they understand, in a way neither of us can, the price paid for appeasement. Even though many of these people speak English as a second (or third or fourth) language they cannot understand your apparent confusion between the concept of negotiation and acts of appeasement.
It is not appeasement to talk to one’s enemies. It only becomes so if one one-sidedly accedes to their demands. If there is no conversation between sides in opposition there is only one means left to resolve their differences; violence and war. Certainly we all agree that in any and all circumstances acts of war must be a final and ultimately regrettable resort and that to engage in war is an expression of our failure as human beings.In addition to the many concerns and queries of my friends and colleagues, which I find I am unable to adequately address, I find several other aspects of your remarks to be of great concern.
First of all it seems to many of us that your poorly worded statements appear to be a direct attack on Senator Obama, a Democratic candidate for President and the probable nominee of that party. In your remarks to the Knesset on the occasion of the sixtieth anniversary of the founding of the state of you were acting in your role as head of state and representing all of the American people. This attack, if it was intended as such, was inappropriate in that role and it was especially unbefitting as your were speaking on foreign soil; soil whose status is in dispute. There can be no adequate explanation for your misuse of such a forum. If you intended these comments to be directed at Senator Obama you must retract them forthwith and apology. If you did not intend the Senator as a target you must explain to whom your statement was directed and why.
Secondly choosing the occasion of a speech on the anniversary of the state of Israel to launch such an attack, whilst inexplicably failing to talk about peace and the painful concessions that will be required of all sides in order to achieve a lasting peace, will allow some parties to the conflict to legitimately dismiss you and your administration as honest brokers in the search for resolution and peace for all of the peoples in Israel and Palestine.
I hope that you have already taken the opportunity to reconsider your remarks. If not, I hope that this missive may prod you to do so. I am certain that you will, given time to reflect, realise that damage has been done by these statements; damage to the peace process between the state of Isreal and the Palestinian people, damage to America’s stature in the world and damage to the American political process. I trust once you recognise this that you will urgently take steps to undo this damage to the extent that it is still possible.
Yank in London
Having put an end to war, poverty,...

Cherie we hardly knew ye!
Her apparent disdain for confidentiality in her intimate recollections has lead to calls for her to be sacked as a judge by prominent members of the legal profession including a former senior judge and a senior barrister.
I hope she isn't counting on her judgely earnings to finance her families burgeoning real estate empire.
Crossing the line
This thinly veiled attack on Senator Obama also ignores the fact that his own Secretary of Defense has called for talks between the US and Iran and that his own government has spent considerable time
Despite the clear inaccuracy of his intended point it is also well beyond the pale to use the forum of a speech, in his role as head of state, to a foreign parliament to embark on issues related to domestic politics. It also makes clear that he has no intent to act as an honest broker in the middle east thereby eliminating any slim chance that there might have been to see any progress towards peace during the thankfully short remainder of his term.
Somehow I doubt that will bother him much. After all peacemakers don't wear codpieces!
15 May 2008
And in other news...
(In all seriousness it is an excellent speech from Mr. Edwards and is worth watching.)
"Single Bullet" Specter loses the plot (again)
Now he has decided that there is a problem in American so severe that it requires that an independent Federal investigation is required. "What is this problem?" you ask. Is it high gas prices? The firing of US Attorneys for political reasons? The politically motivated prosecution of a southern Democrat to prevent him regaining the governor's mansion in his state? The suppression of science for political gain and the profit of huge multi-national businesses?
None of these?
What then? I don't know how I overlooked the scandal that is how the New England Patriots used video cameras to cheat at American football!
Paging John Hagee
With the death toll in the recent terrible earthquake in China now estimated to be approaching 50,000 souls I am hopeful that you can explain to me how much worse the tragedy would have been had there been plans for a gay pride event in Sichuan province.
Yank in London (an apostate Christian)
"How I Got Preggers" by Cherie Blair
Today in infamy - "where was John Yoo in 1252?" edition
He's not a toff, really, he's not!
It's good to see we're still tackling the big issues
"a male sexual dysfunction characterized by ejaculation which always or nearly always occurs prior to or within about one minute of vaginal penetration; and, inability to delay ejaculation on all or nearly all vaginal penetrations; and, negative personal consequences, such as distress, bother, frustration and/or the avoidance of sexual intimacy."
Meanwhile back in the reality based community...
I can't decide which is worse
But let's face it folks. He is the son of privilege and in the circles he travels in giving up golf would be considered just as terrible a sacrifice as having to sell one of the holiday homes (at a huge and barely taxed gain) or deciding not to buy a fourth car.
Do you want the good news or the bad news?
The bad news is that the Department of the Interior has carefully worded the finding to ensure that off shore oil and gas drilling in areas of the bears' habitat is not effected, at least until the oil and gas runs out, and is taking steps to prevent the regulation of CO2 and other greenhouses gases because they "don't have the science to do that".
How may days until Xmas?
14 May 2008
Oh how I wish I were an alien*
*Note: I mean the little green man space kind not the Spanish speaking, river swimming, coming to steal my hard earned lifestyle kind!
In which I admit that Captain Codpiece in one heck of a guy!
I wish I had his courageous patriotism but I'm afraid I'm flag-lapel-pin-aphobic.