occasional musings on politics, culture and life in general from an american in exile
30 November 2006
Just say no to extra-planetary emigration
"I just can't concentrate with them pointing at me like that. Let's send out for some muesli."
"people should not be portrayed in a manner which uses sexual appeal simply to draw attention to an unrelated product".
The world is getting too weird for satire
"If I had ever been here before..."
Now they are not so sure. A blind man studied by researchers at Leeds University apparently experiences déjà vu with his other senses such as smell. Akira O’Connor, one of the researchers says
"It is the first time this has been reported in scientific literature"
I haven't thought about this for a long time
When I would comment on it my friends would ask me "what do blind people do in America". My usual answer, after some reflection, was that "I guess they get fucked"!
Now one of those damned activist judges has ruled that government has to do something about it. Not a moment too soon in my estimation.
Driving whilst legless
It's only rock & roll but I like it
The question on everyone's mind is whether they will opt for small intimate venues, mid-sized indoor arenas or have monster blow outs in outdoor stadia.
"Hey. Has anybody seen Yuri?"
Two questions about this particular exercise:
1.) Where do they meet?
2.) Who do they call if someone's missing?
Maybe this guy can find Osama
Just say it ain't so
Had they been paying attention to the Ruler of all He Surveys and his minion they would know that if you simply refuse to ignore the existence of a thing it just goes away...
It ain't figure skating folks
You would think that Christians would be more worried about the violence. I guess not.
Apparently Mr. Knight’s suggestion that the script be rewritten so that the story would be about an ex-gay professional ice hockey player was rejected by the producers.
Nutters for Bush
"Won't you be my neighbour?"
Come on George. Republicans didn't want to be seen with you before the election. What made you think that Democrats would want hang out with you afterward?
Helping the helpless!
Dear sirs,
Even as far away as Britain I have heard of your courageous campaign to save Wal-Mart shoppers from the insidious influence of those unrepentant sinners whose sexual preference isn't Biblically approved. I was however when I stumbled on the attached document. It appears that those who do not yet realise that they ought to be ex-gays have rated the American retail sector by how friendly each business is to those with their repugnant tastes.
It turns out that your focus on Wal-Mart may be misplaced. Their ratings, and let's face it that until they give up their life style choice and embrace Jesus they are in the best position to know, suggest that Wal-Mart is not among the most gay-friendly business out there.
They trail behind Best Buy, Sears / KMart, Walgreens, Borders, Whole Foods, Costco, Staples, Home Depot, Target and the entire Supervalu chain. (I don't understand why they didn't rate Ikea - perhaps that is just a given!)
So I think that you should get out there and start boycotting these other friends of Satan. Operation Save Best Buy! Operation Save Borders!
By the way you should also throw all of your weight behind the good people at Meijer Supercenters. They have a gay-friendly rating of zero. You can't get more Christian than that.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Note: before you go assuming that I am some evil British pooftah you should know that I am the proud bearer of a 100% heterosexual American passport!
Florida election fraud killing dolphins
Given that they are highly intelligent and sensitive creatures I think I have an answer. After the recent failures of democracy in the "Sunshine State" perhaps they are just embarrassed to be there and are losing the will to live.
To think she used to be such a lovely girl
However I did have some sympathy for her and for the lovely passengers on the flight that refused to fly with these obviously evil men after she tells us that witnesses said the men "appeared to be either Islamic fanatics or U.S. Army chaplains on leave from Guantanamo". I'm sure that I wouldn't want to fly with a chaplain from Guantánamo either.
She also informs us that "the only reason Americans feel guilty about 'racial profiling' against blacks is because of the history of discrimination against blacks in this country". Perhaps, Ann, most of us simply feel that racial, ethnic or religious profiling is simply the wrong thing to do.
Perhaps she needs an anger management course. If she gathers up all her friends such as Rush Limbaugh and Bill O'Reilly maybe they can get a group discount!
Better music through chemistry
It seems that he treated the wood with wormwood. Artemisia absinthium is also the main ingredient of traditional Absinthe. Could there be a connection?
American martyr passes unnoticed
Searches of American newspapers yield the following results:
NY Times - 1 hit (yesterday)
Washington Post - 5 hits (all yesterday)
LA Times - no hits
Chicago Tribune - 3 hits
Chicago Sun-Times - 1 hits
Requiscat in Pace.
The end of the affair
Then the second member, offended by the first party's lack of trust, shows up late to dinner.
In an attempt at reconciliation party one says that party two is "just the one for me" but party two fails to reciprocate.
It's all going to end in tears isn't it? I don't think that I can stand the pathos and melodrama. I think I'll just see what's on The Discovery Channel.
Colombian corruption
Now one of his staunchest Latin American allies, Alvaro Uribe of Colombia, is under pressure as links between legislators and a member of the government and right wing paramilitary groups have become public.
Rose coloured genes
I think it is time that some scientists took samples from US President George Bush and British PM Tony Blair and went looking for the "delusion gene". There must be a hereditary factor that predisposes these Western "leaders" to be unable to see what is staring them in the face.
Yesterday we had the President pulling the al-Qaeda genie out of the bottle again to point the finger at the terrorist group for being responsible for all of the problem in Iraq.
He was followed by the British prime minister telling us that NATO forces are winning in Afghanistan.
I expect to here about progress soon!
All roads lead to Moscow
Now British investigators have found traces of Polonium on two British Airways jets that have been used on the London-Moscow run. British - Russian relations are in jeopardy after minister Peter Hain criticised the Russian government's "huge attacks on liberty".
Undoubtedly there will be much more to follow.
29 November 2006
"I am shocked, shocked I say!"
Doctor? Schmoctor. Who needs it?
Revisionist history
This should please American scholastic publishing companies who will now have to replace all of those high school history books that suggest, with no basis at all, that the United States had a civil war in the nineteenth century.
Forget Bull Run (I & II). Forget Appomattox Court House. Forget Antietam. Forget Gettysburg (and Lincoln's address). Forget Sherman's march to the sea. None of that actually occurred.
"Welcome to the My Pet Goat wing
Rumours that the institution will be a replica of a one room school house so as not to dwarf the book collection can not be confirmed at this time!
Same story - different spin
"Briton tortured into confessing bomb plot: lawyer" Vive Le Canada
"British Muslim tells of torture in Pakistan as US officials stood by" the Guardian
Curiously neither the NY Times nor the Canadian story mention the presence of American officials at his torture or questioning (choose one based on your own prejudices).
Stay away from Stare Kiejkuty
The European parliament's investigation into "extraordinary rendition" is complete and several governments, including the British government, have been found to be complicit. Over 1200 rendition flights passed through European airports.
I will now hold my breath until charges are filed.
Millions for kebab shop owner - Eurofighters for the Saudis
Everyone will end up happy. The Saudi Princes, and good friends of the Bush family, will end up will millions of pounds of much deserved and undoubtedly much needed cash. Wafic Said doesn't have to go pack to flogging kebabs to drunk Londoners on a Saturday night.
Think of the jobs!
28 November 2006
"Yankee go home!"
I wonder how Talabani will translate that for GW.
"Did you invite him? I know I didn't invite him!"
Well if they didn't wonder before he spoke they certainly wondered afterwards!
Obviously they don't believe in the REAL god
Go Quakers!
I wonder
Asbestos - good and good for you
The department issued, after six year's work, advice warning automotive workers that asbestos in brakes could be harmful to their health. Three weeks later a former OSHA executive, now working for the auto industry, called for the warnings to be removed but the scientist responsible would not. He was then threatened with suspension if he did not remove the warning. He still did not.
OSHA now wants the health advisory to include reports, unsurprisingly funded by the auto industry, which says that asbestos is cool.
How blatantly in servitude to big business are they willing to be?
God's little acre
Someone should investigate.
Iraq pantomine
Well he may not but I do!
"Oh yes it is!"
"Oh no it isn't!"
The war in Iraq is a failure
Sad but important reading.
Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow
The findings, expected to say that the US kidnapped suspects and flew them out of Europe with the full knowledge and complicity of some EU governments, are unlikely to make pleasant reading for the Bush administration or those governments involved.
Details when available.
Join burglars against pornography
Dennis Prager asks....
So I thought I would selflessly do some research on Mr. Prager's columns and find out if he is ever angry:
28 November - "America, Not Keith Ellison, decides what book a congressman takes his oath on" - Mr. Prager is very angry that new Muslim congressman, Keith Ellison (D MN), is planning to take his oath of office with his hand on a Koran. "He should not be allowed to do so -- not because of any American hostility to the Koran, but because the act undermines American civilization." I wonder how he would feel to find out that should I ever be elected I plan to take my oath with my hand on The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins
21 November - Why I smoke (cigars) - Mr. Prager is somewhat angry that "anti-smoking" zealots are offended by his cigar smoking, which is neither dangerous nor addictive. "There is no issue of addiction regarding cigars or pipes. I have been smoking both since I was 15 years old, and could stop tomorrow if I wanted to." Right.
14 November - The smugness of the war's opponents - Mr. Prager is very angry that opponents of the Iraq war, who are wrong, are occasionally nearly as smug as he is himself.
7 November - Is a gay who opposes same-sex marriage a hypocrite? - Mr. Prager is angry that someone outed a major Christian leader and opponent of gay marriage as an "alleged" gay. "As defined by every dictionary I consulted, Haggard is not a hypocrite."
31 October - Note to angry Republicans: Stay angry, but vote Republican - in what is a disappointment as a Halloween themed column Mr. Prager is angry at Republicans for being angry at Republican lawmakers who are lying assholes. He accuses them of succumbing to their emotions. "One of the great realizations one comes to as the years pass is how small a role reason plays in most people's decisions."
24 October - A vote for Patty Wetterling can hurt children - Mr. Prager is angry at Patty Wetterling, a then candidate for Congress in Minnesota, because he says that she made have told some untruths (Shock! Horror!) in a campaign ad and therefore America's children are in danger. Frankly I couldn't quite follow the argument.
My conclusions:
- Mr. Prager is very, very angry
- Ergo Mr. Prager is an atheist and, by extension, guilty of attempting to deceive honest, God fearing folk into believing that he is an honest Christian.
I'm happy we've cleared that up!
WMD found in Mayfair!
It could just be a white Xmas
Not to worry. I'm sure some got through!
US Supreme Court v climate change
I wonder if the bookies will take a bet on 5-4 for the automakers.
The design delusion
The undeniable fact that Darwin's theory has never been proved is not generally addressed because the theory has been given the status of holy writ. - Alick Bartholomew - Bath
To put Darwinism beyond the reach of criticism is, it seems to me, the worst type of fundamentalism - John Ratcliffe - Ripon, North Yorkshire
Where is the evidence that teaching intelligent design or even creationism in schools, alongside Darwinian theory, does any damage at all? Arguing from evidence is surely important in any scientific discussion; why abandon it here? - John Hallett - Nottingham
Berlusconi has a heart!
It's a fucking shame. It really is.
The FCC responded that both networks are out of touch with America thereby implying that the FCC is somehow in touch with America. You figure it out.
They also said, specifically in relation to the Fox action,
“By continuing to argue that it is okay to say the F-word and the S-word on television whenever it wants, Hollywood is demonstrating once again how out of touch it is with the American people.”
If "Fox" is the F-word what is the S-word?
Bad news for Al Gore
The former US Vice President (and elected non-President) does come in at a respectable number nine. However that means that he is two positions behind the heir to the British throne, Prince Chuck.
At number one, and deservedly so, is Rachael Carson whose trail blazing book, Silent Spring
Who'll get custody of the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man?
We'll need a new name, a new flag, a new a national anthem.
Ideally if this is to occur it should be done all at once with the UK breaking up into four nations and ditching the German royal family all at the same time. (Hey look it's going to happen. Can you imagine living in the realm of King Chuck the First?) Otherwise it will go on forever and cost a fortune in new flags and passports.
Imagine that Scotland gets its independence first and monarchy is retained by the balance of the country. The issues that the newly independent Scotland will face will be easy enough to resolve; they've already got a flag, the country will be the Republic of Scotland, Hadrian's Wall will be rebuilt (this time by the Scots) and all they will have to do is pick a national anthem.
For what is left of the UK the problems will be more difficult.
"The Slightly-Less-United-Than-Before Kingdom of Less Than Great Britain and Northern Ireland" is a bit of tongue twister.
The What's-Left-of-the-Union Flag (it should only be called the "Union Jack" if it is on a ship) without the St. Andrew's Cross will be a little lacklustre.
We can keep the anthem if we keep the Queen. No one likes it anyway.
At least the confusion over nationality in the UK will be sorted out for once and for all. At the moment if you ask a UK citizen what nationality they are they are most likely to reply "English", "Scottish", "Welsh" or "Irish". About the only folks who describe themselves as British are the Northern Irish Protestants and citizens of Asian or Afro-Caribbean descent.
As I type* this....
So all of you who have been sitting ramrod straight all your lives because that's what Mum told you to do kick back and relax!
(*Note: should we still call it typing? When was the last time you used a typewriter? Of couse we still call using a phone "dialing" and floppy discs haven't been floppy in ages.)
Fast forward
A spokesman for the Norwegian Nobel Committee which is responsible for naming the annual Nobel Peace Prize has announced that the prize is to be permanently retired. The annual gong has not been awarded since 2006 and the unnamed spokesman said that the committee had agreed, after long deliberation and in consultation with the Storting, that there was "no longer any point in even looking for anyone remotely deserving". The monies set aside for the prize are to be used for one big Xmas piss up for the committee members and their families after which they shall retire to specially prepared bunkers near the Arctic Circle where they will quietly await end days.
In other news the Rapture Index has reached a new all time high of 217, 8 below the maximum.
Auntie gets poached
I'm sure that the Beeb will survive this latest setback but given its current state of affairs I am less sure about ITV, at least in its present configuration.
27 November 2006
They used to call it plagarism
English crumble
More like two civil wars and one something else
In addition to Lebanon he counts the Israeli - Palestinian conflict as a civil war when we all know that it is a 100% justified internal security operation.
I mean he just lives there. We shouldn't expect him to know more than a clutch of pundits smug and warm, er, I meant SNUG and warm, in a Washington studio!
"Peace on Earth, goodwill towards men" (void where prohibited by by-laws)
In the spirit of the season I would like to wish you Merry Xmas anyway Bob!
My country needs me (apparently)
Just for fun I went and took the CIA's personality quiz. They think I am an Innovative Pioneer! I think they want me to sign up.
Do you reckon they'll come looking for me? Do you think they know where I am? Hey, who's that at the door?
We interrupt this post for some light music. Yank in London should resume shortly.
Designed in Washington - assembled in Iraq
I wonder what the state secret is here. Perhaps it is that the war isn't going quite as well as they wish us to believe.
War breaks out all over
Good. Just in time for Xmas then.
Too late for Milo
Now researchers from Texas A&M University believe that they have developed a genetic engineering technique that would make the toxic seeds edible by humans thereby creating a potentially large new food source.
This is what genetic engineering should be used for not for making corn that allows farmers to dump more herbicide into the soil!
Rice safe! America saved!
This is good news for everyone who has been eating it for an unknown period and now know that they are 100% safe. Bayer had not originally sought approval for the rice after a limited trial but got expedited approval after it was found to be in general rice stocks after experimental controls obviously failed. The company is facing a number of law suits. Good luck!
By the way the long grain rice sold in my local Sainsbury’s now comes from Uruguay rather than America!
It's probably just because they're loud...
It is certainly not because anyone of my generation or near my generation is old enough to be a member.
Don't forget to bring extra batteries for your hearing aids!
When freedom isn't free
The act is only two years old. So much for open government. We didn't really believe them, did we?
...and on the eighth day God made DVDs
This is clearly not going to help the PM in trying to boost his legacy through his new found love of science.
Clearly Richard Dawkins has his work cut out for him.
The thirty nine shots
I just wonder who will save marriage from the New York police....
Harbouring terrorists
I can't wait to see the retaliation they will take upon themselves for harbouring Salah Abdallah "Gosh" the head of the Sudanese secret police who is accused of being complicit in the murder of 300,000 of his countrymen and Osama bin Laden's former best buddy.
Mr. Abdallah has spent time in the US at Langley as recently as last year and in Britain where he has come for medical treatment twice in the past nine months on official visas. The UN has included Mr. Abdallah as one of seventeen Sudanese officials on whom sanctions should be imposed.
Will Tony bid farewell in disgrace?
It's just too sweet to contemplate, isn't it? So much for the historic legacy!
26 November 2006
Not so different from the old boss
When he was at the CIA in the 1980s he advocated "dealing" with the Sandinista government in Nicaragua in a four point plan that entailed:
- US air strikes "to destroy a considerable portion of Nicaragua's military build-up".
- Warning Cuba and the USSR that the US would not allow further weapons deliveries to the Nicaraguan government.
- Tougher economic sanctions including a naval blockade
- Switching diplomatic recognition from the legitimately elected government to the rag tag band of right wingers and oligarchs that comprised the so-called "contra".
It is good to see that we are likely to be pursuing a new and independent course in Iraq then.
Hey! I'm normal!
Science has leapt to my aid by acknowledging that this is a perfectly normal human behaviour known as the "Levy flight". I am no different than a memeber of the Ju/'hoansi tribe searching for mongongo nuts!
That's made me feel much better!
Now where have I put my cup of tea?
The plot thickens
What is clear so far is that Mr. Litvinenko was poisoned with a fairly rare and incredibly toxic radioactive isotope known as polonium 210. The ingestion of even a tiny amount of this substance leads to almost certain death.
What is unclear is who killed him and why. Suspects include:
- Mr. Litvinenko himself although his motivation is unclear unless the death were accidental.
- Russian security forces under the direction of President Vladimir Putin
- Russian security forces loyal to but not under the direction of Putin
- Russian opposition forces, inside or outside the security services, who wish to damage Putin by implicating him in this crime
Will we ever know? Probably not with absolute certainty. (Can we say we know who killed Jack or Bobby Kennedy with absolute certainty?)
In the meantime we are about to welcome Russia, with open arms, into the WTO. Oh well, that's only business. It's not personal.
India reverts to type
This story of a fifteen year old woman of the Dalit (untouchable) caste who was raped and insisted on a case being opened against her attacker. The problems were that a) she was a Dalit and b) he accused attacker was from an upper caste. She said that the man had threatened to kill her unless she dropped the case.
Last week a man broke into her home at night, doused her in kerosene and burned her alive. Her upper caste neighbours refused to take her to hospital and she subsequently died of her injuries.
In India as a whole there has been no outrage over and little coverage of her killing.
So, if you are so inclined, remember Asha Katiya in your prayers.
US meddling aids the enemy!
Yet another victory in the "war on terra".
Lunatic batters down the asylum gates
It would seem that even his former friends at the UDA (Ulster Defence Association) thought he was dangerously unsettled and sent out four hit squads to prevent him from getting to Stormont. Showing their true ineptness they failed and only the unarmed security guards prevented him from bombing Gerry Adams and others.
Interesting a current Google news search for "michael stone" returns 1,060 hits, a search for "michael stone" + paramilitary returns 395 hits whilst a search for "michael stone" + terrorist returns only 10 and one for "michael stone" + terror only returns 6.
In contrast "gerry adams" + terrorist gets 252 hits.
BA and the cross
Ms. Eweida denies making that she is making a political statement whilst ironically making the political statement that
"Jesus has to be glorified. I am not politically motivated or minded, I just follow the Biblical truth."
One wonders how open this new policy will be. Will they allow the wearing of Wican symbols for instance or the peace symbol if one's religious or philosophical beliefs demand pacifism. Meanwhile I am sure that the wing nuts are congratulating themselves about their victory over evil and Godless Mammon.
24 November 2006
Crisis! What crisis?
102. That's depressing and I'm sure they've missed a few as well.
Object to this!
You have an epiphany and you realise that you cannot continue to serve without violating your own philosophical and / or religious principles so you apply for conscientious objector status.
You are "interviewed by a military chaplain, examined by a psychiatrist, and questioned by a hearing officer who recommended C.O. status and immediate separation".
Ergo the Marines deploy you to Iraq.
I hope he lives to tell and, even more importantly, isn't required to kill whilst the government is fighting in court what their representatives have said that they should do.
Peace on Earth, goodwill towards men (but not Swedish women)
The Swedish government has complained to the Israeli government about the lack of a proper investigation.
Fortunately David Wilder, who is a spokesman for the (illegal) Jewish community of Hebron, has written an open letter to the Swedish ambassador which explains everything. Allow me to summarise Mr. Wilder's seven key points as follows:
1.) We are non-violent to the best of our ability.
2.) There have been foreign organisations in Hebron for over a year and we haven't been very violent towards them.
3.) If this incident actually happened it mush have been outside agitators - not us!
4.) Ms. Johansson and her fellow provocateurs were asked to leave the area before the incident occurred (if it occurred) and they didn't. Also it was the Sabbath and Ms. Johansson et al were taking pictures and if they hadn't the incident which may or may not have occurred would not have occurred.
5.) Jews didn't kill Jesus and they didn't say so either.
6.) After the beating, which may or may not have occurred Ms. Johansson was given first aid.
7.) If anyone actually beat Ms. Johansson they were obviously and cruelly provoked by "ultra-extremist anti-Israel and anti-Jewish organizations". We cannot justify unnecessary violence so if there was violence and we have to justify it then it was by definition justified. If the Swedish Foreign Ministry would only make their provocative, anti-Jewish citizens leave then any acts of violence that might or might not take place in the future won't take place because the victims would not be available for violence to happen to them.
Cleanliness is next to dead
The man obviously takes his ablutions seriously.
First the good news
Now the bad news - since when has Bush listened to experts?
(Oh - the expert also says that Israel could go it alone.)
Taking sides
"Trust us!"
So long as they don't try sneaking into America
Should they get to America I am sure that they will be treated fairly and not determined to be economic migrants. Right?
The spirit of bipartisanship
Get your veto out!
It seems that the pharmacutecal companies already have a candidate in mind. Glad to see they are keeping an open mind and waiting until any legislation is actually written.
When London makes a tougher mayor - nature makes a tougher pigeon
I just saw one eating the mortar out of an old brick wall. Really!
Two steps back
One more reason to stay single I reckon.
Trident the soon to be lost opportunity
Twenty five billion pounds is a significant amount of money to spend on a weapons system; one that will not function as a deterrent to rogue states or terrorist groups, one that must never be used; one which Britain (along with Russia, France, China and the US) has an obligation to do away with under the non-proliferation treaty.
What better example could Britain make to the world at large as to how to make the world safer than to resign its charter membership in the nuclear club? There will be considerable benefit to the taxpayer as well.
Unfortunately it would appear to be an opportunity that will be spurned.
Murdoch et fils
It’s headline, “He's an immensely likeable person and that does seem slightly counter to what you'd expect”, is a quote from an unattributed colleague. The underlying message in the quote is, of course, that his is Dad is a (not so) little shit. Hardly news but interesting.
Another victim of man?
Here's hoping.
You can find out more at baiji.org.
Just a problem in execution
"Our idea was brilliant. Bush is to blame."
Something about rats and sinking ships lingers in the dark recesses of my mind.
23 November 2006
Making the homeless even more homeless in sunny California
How to ruin a serviceman's or servicewoman's Thanksgiving
Unfortunately the story doesn't tell us what percentage hung up on him.
My secret plan to retain The Ashes
Also pray for rain; lots and lots of rain!
It's not Thanksgiving everywhere
7 dead in Gaza.
Botched hostage rescue in Nigeria - British worker dead.
Darfur is crumbling.
Dick Cheney hasn't had a heart attack in Baghdad or anywhere else.
This looks like fun. It's a shame I'm so far from Salt Lake City.
Meet John Safran.
Ouch (II)
Not-so-strange bedfellows
Who else agrees with them? fundamentalist Islam.
They also share similar aversions to gays, abortion rights and women.
A day in the life of lethal force
As is the woman's God given right the woman owns a pistol.
The police try to break down her door to execute a search warrant for drugs.
Woman (who probably doesn't hear all that well) shoots five cops.
Cops shoot woman.
Ninety two year old woman isn't going to make ninety three.
Guns don't kill people. Search warrants do.
Macaca's revenge
This early Xmas present has warmed the cockles of gun nuts everywhere!
For a list of places where you may soon be able to stuff a rod in your pants look here.
A day in life of "non-lethal" force
Police shoot man with Taser gun (twice).
Man dies.
Giving thanks
Apparently some schoolteachers in America share my ambivalence and are trying to be a bit more sensitive to the other side. I eagerly await the chorus of right wing disdain, scorn and outrage.
I didn't have to wait very long.
Try not to eat too much!
Don't forget to say your prayers
They sure know how to treat repeat customers.
"The President can bomb anybody he likes" (or actually who he doesn't like)
How does he sleep at night? Hell, how do I sleep at night?
Nonetheless I have never mislaid my willy!
Appropriate uses of EU veto power
It is good to see that the Czechs, even though relatively new to the EU, understand that the veto should not be wasted and should be reserved for the truly important things in life such as ensuring that beer tax doesn't go up!
Crises in Congo - Congo has nuclear plant
In light of these events don't you think that we should be a little more than worried about this?
"I'm going to the loo. Will you watch my handbag for ten minutes?"
One would be wrong.
Reports that young Bush, who was not identified as either Jemma or not-Jemma, was missing a favourite fake ID, several airplane bottles of vodka, several condoms and a pet rabbit have yet to be confirmed.
Green zone now too dangerous
(Note for those of you at home: Amman used to be known as Philadelphia!)
Am I becoming a Tory....
However yesterday Mr. Cameron was on form, in my opinion at least. First he called the government out over its inaction on the Darfur crisis and then he quite rightly accused the government of playing politics with security.
I wonder how I will look in blue.
Father may I have "something for the weekend"?
There are many who will undoubtedly interpret this as a sign of liberalisation in the Roman Catholic Church but I am sure that it is just enlightened self interest. After all this will help to protect priests from picking up STDs from altar boys and therefore reduce the church's medical costs.
Surprisingly, as of 11AM they are done slightly on the day. Let me call my broker.
Is this a timetable I see before me?
Just to make sure that she wasn't misinterpreted she specifically said that this was neither cutting and running or an announcement of a timetable for a withdrawal but rather were "just some words coming out of my mouth".
I wonder if she had a call from Jim Baker.
22 November 2006
Note to the Americans
Has anyone seen the Halfoat family?
Boy was I wrong and it didn't take me long to realise it either. The life of a Native American, then and now, wasn't something to aspire to.
But guess what? It still sucks!
NASA scientist calls for Exxon boycott
He criticises the “scientists” in the employ of ExxonMobil and also the companies adverts including one that crows:
"They call it pollution, we call it life"
"It is time to stop patronising that company."
NASA scientist calls for Exxon boycott
He criticises the “scientists” in the employ of ExxonMobil and also the companies adverts including one that crows:
"They call it pollution, we call it life"
"It is time to stop patronising that company."
I'm afraid to look...
21 November 2006
It's a good thing he doesn't have a Muslim name
Since he's "clean cut", white, probably middle class and on the cross country team at high school the US Department of Homeland Security doesn't seem to be bothered that he is creating nuclear fusion in his basement.
I think it's wrong that Iran, which is a large country, isn't allowed fission and this spotty adolescent is getting away with fusion.
In praise of....
Researchers have discovered that male chimpanzees prefer an older, fuller figured female as a mate.
I see absolutely nothing wrong with that.
Don’t forget that Friday is “Save Wal-Mart from the Pooftahs” Day
So this Friday, Black Friday, do something for your country. Go stand in front of your local Wal-Mart and heckle anyone who looks even remotely camp (if male) or tough (if female). This may be your last chance to save marriage from the forces of darkness!
Should they stay or should they go?
Now for the new news. 39% of Israeli settlements on the West Bank are on land that is legally owned by Palestinians. Do two illegalities make a legality?
I think not. I say “evict ‘em”.
Matthew 5:9
They were chosen after theirNovember 2006 summit with the then bitterly divided Iraqi government led to the end of the civil war and insurgency in Iraq. The normalisation of relations between Iraq and Syria was soon followed by the establishment of a free trade zone encompassing first of all of the middle east (including Israel and Palestine) and subsequently Africa, many former Soviet Republics, the Indian subcontinent, Malaysia, Indonesia and nearly all of Africa. (It should be obvious that this bloc also controls a great deal of the world's oil supply!) Peace broke out all over. (The combined Isaeli / Palestinean football side is waiting for approval from UEFA and FIFA to enter the upcoming World and European cup competitions!)
George is going home a bitter man and the is no legacy for Laura to pack.
If I published it
It is a shame really because Roxanne and some others were launching a campaign to browbeat the publisher, Judith Regan, into donating the proceeds to abused women. Let's not waste their effort. We can still email her and inform her, as if she doesn't know deep down, what an idiot she was in the first place.
"I'll be in the garden shed darling. I'm just knocking a submarine together."
I can assure you that I will never want money bad enough to attempt any journey in a submarine that I, or indeed anyone I know, was responsible for constructing.
Bad news for Mark Foley
"are not always bad for boys. I don't think they make you homosexual. Sexual choice is made for you early on in life anyway - if you like girls, you like girls."
Bad news for Mark Foley
"are not always bad for boys. I don't think they make you homosexual. Sexual choice is made for you early on in life anyway - if you like girls, you like girls."
Going David Blaine one better!
Nonetheless the escape sounds pretty impressive. He was shackled, he broke two bullet proof windows and squeezed out between bars after lubing himself up. This was a guy who seriously did not like confinement!
You go big. You go long and I'll hit one of you behind the Mazda.
Yesterday the Washington Post reported details of a new Pentagon strategy document that seems to offer a confusing plethora of options. Sounding a bit like the quarterback in a game of street (American) football there are three primary approaches on offer:
- "Go big" - send more American troops to Iraq until they outnumber the native Iraqis and Halliburton has built more McDonalds, Burger Kings and Pizza Huts than there are halal butcher shops.
- "Go long" - send some American troops home but those that remain stay longer thereby justifying the expense of building those not-so-temporary military bases.
- "Go home - your dinner's almost ready" - aka "cut and run" - fuck off out of there and now - the option seemingly preferred by the majority of Americans and is therefore likely to be ignored by their leaders.
Just plain Scilly
Of course, in the tradition of great amateur leagues everywhere, they do retire for a few pints and general camaraderie afterwards.
All hail Ryan Howard!
It's been a long time (twenty years) since the Phillies had an MVP but from what little I've seen of him Ryan Howard richly deserves the award. In that time I have gotten married, gotten divorced and emigrated to another country.
I sincerely hope that this bodes well for the future and maybe, just maybe, they can perhaps build a team around him. The power is excellent but it is the batting average that proves to me, at least, that is the real thing. As a third generation Phillies supporter if there are one or two things I have learned it is patience and a healthy dose of fatalism.
Time will tell of course but I remain unrealistically optimistic.
20 November 2006
Shag for peace!
You should not, therefore, be surprised that I am even willing to go so far as to have sex (to orgasm!).
Veteran activists Donna Sheehan and Paul Reffel want to coordinate a "global orgasm for peace" on 22 December. (I'm a bit dubious about this as it is nigh on impossible to get two people to come at the same time let alone millions.)
In any case you can found out more at their surprisingly safe-for-work website www.globalorgasm.org.
No one should get nervous or anxious about this. If you’re a bit rusty and out of shape you still have over a month to practice. Novices welcome! Remember it's for the good of mankind!
What Harriet Harmen said to the deputy US Ambassador (an imaginary monologue)
"Do you fancy some tea? I have a lovely Darjeeling you know.
"And before you go old chap Ken would like to know when you're going to settle your account re the congestion charge. He says he can't leave it open forever. He takes Visa, MasterCard and Maestro but not American Express or Diner's Club."
Who would Jesus torture?
So whose side is God on anyway?
Good news for science
Charles Darwin will be well pleased.
Climate talks end in failure
Last week's climate talks in Nairobi ended in no real movement on any issues and the US position continues to be the biggest, if not the only, stumbling block. In order to demonstrate the spirit of openness and compromise that the American team brought to the talks I quote from Paula Dobriansky, head of the US delegation:"
The president is very committed to the policy and strategy which he has set forth...there are absolutely no plans to change current policy towards emissions"
A lottery no one will want to win
I do think that the risk that their own children might have to serve in future wars will temper the enthusiasm of many in the electorate. It might have kept us out of Iraq. John Kerry's failed attempt at humour notwithstanding it is disproportionately the economically disadvantaged that make up the bulk of the "volunteer" army. No matter what we do the truly favourite sons will find a way to avoid service.
I do think however that from a strictly political perspective it is the wrong issue at the wrong time for the Democrats. There are many other priorities that need addressing and there is no doubt that the move would prove unpopular. However, like most American males I do wonder what the Bobbsey Twins would look like in uniform.
It's not as if they are Real Americans or anything
Fortunately when all was said and done Native Americans at least had the US Federal government to look out for them.
MARY AND BILLY BOY HOLIDAY bought their one-room house from a medicine man in 1967. They gave him $50, a sheep and a canvas tent.
For the most part, they were happy with the purchase. Their Navajo hogan was situated well, between a desert mesa and the trading-post road. The eight-sided dwelling proved stout and snug, with walls of stone and wood, and a green-shingle roof.
The single drawback was the bare dirt underfoot. So three years after moving in, the Holidays jumped at the chance to get a real floor. A federally funded program would pay for installation if they bought the materials. The Holidays couldn't afford to, but the contractor, a friend of theirs, had an idea.
He would use sand and crushed rock that had washed down from an old uranium mine in the mesa, one of hundreds throughout the Navajo reservation that once supplied the nation's nuclear weapons program. The waste material wouldn't cost a cent. "He said it made good concrete," Mary Holiday recalled.
As promised, the 6-inch slab was so smooth that the Holidays could lay their mattresses directly on it and enjoy a good night's sleep.
They didn't know their fine new floor was radioactive.
Fifty years ago, cancer rates on the reservation were so low that a medical journal published an article titled "Cancer immunity in the Navajo."
Back then, the contamination of the tribal homeland was just beginning. Mining companies were digging into one of the world's richest uranium deposits, in a reservation spanning parts of Arizona, New Mexico and Utah.
From 1944 to 1986, 3.9 million tons of uranium ore were chiselled and blasted from the mountains and plains. The mines provided uranium for the Manhattan Project, the top-secret effort to develop an atomic bomb, and for the weapons stockpile built up during the arms race with the Soviet Union.
Department of unintended irony
Why is he innocent?
He would have murdered her and her companion differently!
Why are the Faux affiliates refusing to air it?
I have nothing to add.Essentially because it is bad taste!
Where is James Bond when you really need him?
The Kremlin's response to suggestions that there might be official Russian involvement in the poisoning, as Mr. Litvinenko was investigating the murder of Anna Politkovskaya, is "Rubbish".
One for the conspiracy theorists
I think most people will agree with me that this ruling by a (damn activist) judge goes too far. Not only has the request by the patient's family to remove a ventilator and feeding tubes been denied but the judge has mandated treatment of the patient with a "miracle" drug. The 53 year old woman, who has been in a persistent vegetative state for over three years, is to be given zolpidem which has had some success in "waking up" severely brain damaged patients. Even if the woman regains consciousness she will most likely suffer from severe mental and physical disabilities.
Time to update the living will everyone.