occasional musings on politics, culture and life in general from an american in exile
31 March 2007
Football follies
Palace 1 - Wednesday 2.
Bollocks. Bollocks. Bollocks.
Whatever you do don't embarrass the President
It was not until several weeks after the memo that Tillman's family was informed of what actually occurred. In the interim he was posthumously decorated for heroism.
Fortunately the White House has leapt into the fray and quickly clarified, via a spokesman, that despite the warning in the communication no one could remember informing the President of this and that the President himself cannot remember anything at all subsequent to an incident in Acapulco involving copious amounts tequila and "some sort of powdery substance" when he was in the Texas Air National Guard.
The day the well runs dry
Of course, to go about planning for something that your owners , Big Oil if you're the Decider(TM), don't want the American people to think is a possibility, could prove a wee bit dicey.
A WTO ruling the US will ignore
After all the US makes the rules - it shouldn't have to follow them!
A dangerous precedent
The government's pursuit of the case has obviously at the behest of large meat packing companies who are afraid that they will have to follow suit if Creekstone Farms begins advertising its meat as 100% tested and safe.
Isn't this just the "free" market at work?
Where does Smokey stand on this?
Who's surging whom?
Should we call it a draw then?
A modest proposal
Just think. Had it been in place seven years ago. No Dubya. No Iraq. No lots of other things.
Keeping nuclear secrets
Better late than never?
Those who have forgotten, along with those who are too young, may think of this as a primer.
The home of the brave
I wait with bated breath for their triumphant despatches from the front although I wonder if they, like the troops, will have to provide their own Kevlar vests.
Sorry seems to be the hardest word
Now that he has learned how there are lots of other things he should apologise for such as:
- Stealing the Presidency
- Iraq
- Guantánamo
- Tax cuts for the wealthy paid for by spending the surplus
- American health care
- Corporate welfare
- Iraq reconstruction corruption and graft
- The US attorneys
- Being a twat
- Et cetera
The lights go out in Sydney
There were no reports of anyone in Sydney switching off the air conditioning.
Ungood news from home
But will there be 57 varieties?
Bringing light to the City of Angels
Ah, isn't progress a beautiful thing. Now if they would just arm their officers with guns whose bullets are too small to injure anyone perhaps we might start getting somewhere.
Good thing he is an evil-doer...
Effete & limp wristed organisation attempts to call out manly United States
A propos of United States claims that such acts are part and parcel of the "War on Terra" Mr. Alston said:
"While this argument is convenient because it enables the US to effectively exempt itself from scrutiny, if accepted it would constitute a huge step backwards in the struggle to promote human rights."
Five more years!
One could legitimately point out that, as a citizen of a country that has "elected" the Decider(TM) to its Presidency twice, I have little room for criticism.
It's a miracle!
Well now we can reveal that the Catholic devotee in question is one Sister Marie-Simon-Pierre, a forty-five year old French nun from Aix-en-Provence. According to her (rather tall) tale she was diagnosed with Parkinson's in 2001 and had become unable to write legibly or drive and was in considerable pain. One night in 2005 she scrawled, illegibly, the name of the by then decease Pope on a peace of paper and woke up in the morning cured. She felt so much better the next day, after the late Pope had reached out from beyond the grave and cured her, that she assisted in a Caesarean section birth in a maternity ward. (Remind me not to end up in a hospital where they allow a nurse, who has been suffering from a serious and debilitating disease for over four years, to work in an operating theatre when she comes in one morning and says that she feels better!)
According to the rules laid down by the Church in order for this to qualify as a "miracle" a person's recovery must be "be sudden, complete and permanent - as well as inexplicable". Normally for something like cancer they have to wait ten years but it seems there is no such rule for Parkinson's. So let us assume that they make him a saint on the basis of this phenomenon what would happen if she relapses? Would he be demoted to ex-Saint? Does this get attributed to him just because she illegibly wrote down his name? What if she had written Osama bin-Laden, John Belushi or Satan? Would they have been credited with a "miracle" and been on their way to sainthood?
Does any part of this process make sense to anyone (who isn't a Catholic)?
Now if Peter Taylor wrote John Paul's name last night and Crystal Palace get promoted this year that would qualify as a miracle!
Doing porridge
We still have quite a ways to go as the American incarceration rate is about six times higher than the British one. It will give Gordon something to aspire to once he gets to be in charge. If he gets to be in charge.
People v petrol
When Britishers are taken hostage by a hostile foreign power the reaction of the American people is concern over petrol prices.
Just a note. What the fuck is so terrible about 4 USD for a US gallon anyway? Current British prices are around 90p per litre which works out to around 6.40 USD per US gallon. This is a more realistic price given the damage done by the internal combustion engine.
Gone-zo watch (day 12)
Meanwhile in our who-gets-sacked-first competition, England football coach Steve "I've never really coached a winning team and it doesn't look like I'm going to start now" McClaren, would seem to be in serious trouble having been given the poisoned chalice of a vote of confidence from his boss at the FA. I reckon that it is time to start clearing out the office mate.
(To be continued...)
30 March 2007
An example of joined up government
Well think about this for a bit and then get back to me.
A special note for NRA members - they probably have all your credit card records so buy your guns with cash. Otherwise they'll know where to look when they come to take them away!
Abstaining from abstinence
I wonder if he used white chocolate or dark chocolate
Needless to say the Catholics are less than pleased, although I'm not quite sure if it is the nudity or the confectionary that bothers them. I assume the Protestant community will remain quiet on this one as they have that slightly different version (more gravening, less remembering) of the 10 Commandments and one graven image is much the same as another.
"Stop! Stop damn it! You're killing me here."
Maxxed to the maximum
Bias in the Padilla jury pool
What then indeed.
Choose your friends carefully
In related news Rapture Index opened up slightly higher at 160 in light trading. (Note: 160 is the southern boundary of the range that they hopefully describe as "fasten your seat belts" territory.)
It's official - it's an occupation (or is it?)
"No it isn't" says the US state department, a loyal friend of the House of Saud and saviour of the Iraqi people.
"Yes it is" says the Iraq President and staunch American ally Jalal Talabani. Or does he? The previous link is from an Iraqi satellite TV station. Elsewhere in the Islamic world media in Iran, the United Arab Emirates and the Lebanon are all reporting that Talabani referred to the US presence as "an occupation" with "dire consequences". Outside of the Islamic world I can only find this reference in France and I don't suppose we are allowed to accept the word of "cheese eating surrender monkeys" as credible, are we?
In Britain I have been able to find no mention of President Talabani's remarks to the Arab League anywhere. Nothing in the Guardian, the Times or the Independent or on the Beeb. I couldn't bring myself to check the Torygraph or the tabloids.
CNN cites an Associated Press report that says that the Iraqi President "bristled at the comment" and used the term "occupation" only to note that it had "negative implications". I can no mention of the remarks on any of the other US news networks (although I couldn't bear to search Faux News) and can't find any reference in the New York Times, the Washington Post or the LA Times. You would think that such left wing bastions would be trumpeting the news from their front pages.
I guess I shall have to rely on someone who speaks Arabic to clarify.
Bad fences
Let us take the case of Golden State Fence Company executives Melvin Kay Jr. and Michael McLaughlin. Their company, one of California's largest fence construction concerns, had worked on, amongst other projects, security fences on the US - Mexican border that were designed to prevent illegal immigrants from crossing over into the United States. Obviously the unintentional irony is that a large portion of their employees were illegal immigrants. The two aforementioned executives have now been sentenced to house arrest, over 1,000 hours of community service and probations for their part. The company has also been banned from government contracts and forced to make significant numbers of staff redundant, presumably the illegal ones.
The tale of Rio Tinto and the Troglobites
:"It's a significant project, so we will be appealing...It's just part of being in the mining business. We support the EPA process in general."
"Oh shit. He was on our side."
I'll bet he doesn't even get as much as a "sorry mate" or even a coveted Guantánamo Bay Summer Camp and Leisure Facility souvenir beach towel.
Gone-zo watch (day 11)
Meanwhile things aren't looking good for the other contestant in the who-gets-sacked-first competition, England football coach Steve "I've never really coached a winning team and it doesn't look like I'm going to start now" McClaren, with the news that some of his players had to hide from supporters during the side's less than impressive first half performance against the feared Andorran national side in mid-week.
My money's still on McLaren!
(To be continued...)
29 March 2007
"And we're not giving back the land we stole I don't care what they say"
I side with the College Republicans on this
Republicans at the San Francisco State University aren't going to be disciplined by the University after they held a demonstration in which they walked on depictions of the flags of Hamas and Hezbollah. A student filed a grievance based on the fact that the flags contain the Arabic word "Allah". The President of the group is likely to be dishonourably drummed out of the 101st Keyboarders after he said:
"It’s the very essence of our country ... the ability to disagree and still live in a civil society where everyone still functions even if they disagree with each other."
Faking it?
Now he is claiming that the so-called proof that the British government has claimed it has that the fifteen sailors were in Iraqi waters when they were seized by Iran is based on a few wee falsehoods. So it is much like the rationale for the illegal US invasion of Iraq then.
Feeling safer yet?
:"This isn't about states' rights; this is about national security...What does the environmental lobby have to say about security? Have they all of a sudden morphed into security experts in this country?"
By the way the chemical industry is confident that they will get their way.
Satan comes to Eurovision...
"The song is bad from our point of view...the song has a destructive meaning and we want it stopped."
Note for Americans: if you have never seen the Eurovision Song contest I urge you to make an effort to do so. It is simultaneously some of the absolutely worst television you will ever see and yet it is oddly hypnotic. Maybe it's the drugs.
It's a shame he'll miss the moules frites!
It is with a sad heart that I tell you that "Swift Boat Veterans Against the Truth" financier, Sam Fox, has withdrawn his name from consideration for the US Ambassadorship to het Koninkrijk België / la Royaume de Belgique. Too bad. As he is a mate of the Decider's I am certain he knows no Dutch and hardly a word of French anyway.
Is there a National Bring-a-gun-to-work Day?
So if you want to have a wank in the car on the way home and then shoot someone because of your guilt over your onanistic addiction you'll be all set.
This is where things get complicated
I'd give her the benefit of the doubt. In all good faith she probably believed, greedy bitch that she must be, that she was entitled to one of each.
In the heart of Bush country
According to the story in Provo's Daily Herald at this point the University has "no plans to eliminate Cheney as a part of the graduation ceremonies". That will undoubtedly come as a great relief to the Veep's Secret Service detail.
As if things weren't bad enough
Hey George. It sounds like time for another fly over or maybe even a photo op. What do you think?
Making charity history
Who is counting?
Over to you Tony.
This is why DIY is a bad idea. It's always best just to hire a professional straight away.
A flaw in the argument
Let the market decide!
If we allow neo-liberal, "free" market Capitalism to have its way then, as I have said already, when it comes down to a choice between your Hummer and a hungry child your Hummer wins. And the child? Don't worry your pretty, little head about it because the market knows all.
Calling them to account
So what the hell do we do about it? Impeachment of the Decider(TM) is one possible step but, in my mind at least, it is not sufficient. He must be made to pay a higher price for these criminal acts and there are others (e.g. Rumsfeld, Gonzales) who share the culpability as well. What recourse do we have?
Airport 2007: Rogue Satellite
Do you scream? Is there a sick girl on board? Where's Charlton Heston?
This is the 21st century right?
One night before going to bed she wrote his name in an illegible script asking for mercy and the next morning her penmanship had improved considerably.
Give me a break. I don't like to scoff at other people's beliefs but this is just downright silly. If you want to make him a bloody saint then make him a bloody saint but don't make shit up to try and justify it.
I don't know what to make of this
Paramiltary purges
World's oldest profession assualted in Pakistan
The strange goings on in Shooting Star Lane
Stories that the Minutemen were sending several dozen heavily armed vigilantes to Bozeman in order to search the thistles for undocumented aliens and other terrorists cannot be confirmed at this time.
Important information about tumbleweeds can be found here.
Perhaps they could try putting posters up on trees
Maybe some sniffer dogs could help?
And in the Malvinas
"it has meant no advantage whatsoever for our country... on the contrary, it has exposed Argentina to continuous unilateral and illegal measures on the part of Britain."
Meanwhile in Persia
In the meantime oil companies are smiling as oil prices head northwards again and the American Navy thought it would stir the pot a bit as it engages in exercises nearby. 300 Spartans have also been spotted gathering in a pass on the Greek mainland.
I have a bad feeling about this.
Cut v uncut
Now for the humour:
- The Guardian linked to above notes that "circumcision is a sensitive issue". Snigger, snigger.
- The same article includes a handy dandy section at the bottom laying out the history of the ritual procedure. This states that "in the 1800s removal of the foreskin became widespread in Britain and the US to prevent boys masturbating". As someone who was at one time an adolescent male I can state unequivocally that this was remarkably ineffective.
Gone-zo watch (day 10)
But I am still picking his rival in the who-gets-sacked-first competition England football coach Steve "I've never really coached a winning team and it doesn't look like I'm going to start now" McClaren to be unemployed first after the national side's less then sterling performance against lowly Andorra last night. This is a country with a population of around 70,000 people for God's sake. Only about a third of those are actually Andorrans and the rest are Spaniards. That is less than a quarter of the population of the London Borough of Bromley where I live. I wonder how Bromley FC would fare against them.
(To be continued...)
Join the Army nigger faggot!
At the very least I would think that his comments might just be covered by the "don't ask - don't tell" policy.
28 March 2007
Quote of the day
Obviously Mr. Sturgeon is an optimist.
Well no one ever called it "The Boy Scout State"
Get out of Texas while the going is good
"This is reasonable legislation."Reports that Governor Perry was wearing a Kevlar vest at the time could not be confirmed.
"I am the blamer - goo goo g'joob g'goo goo g'joob"
"If Congress fails to pass a bill to fund our troops on the front lines, the American people will know who to hold responsible."
This (soon to be?) un-United Kingdom
Should the Scots split off on their I think it would be a good time to ditch the monarchy as well (I think I'm breaking a law by endorsing that). I mean you wouldn't want to go to the trouble of changing all the money, the stamps, the passports and the stationery twice would you?
No culpability - no accountability
Sad news indeed.
This is a true case for "regime change"
Snakker du norsk?
Let my sailors go
The British government is now claiming that they have proof that the boats where in Iraqi waters when they were seized.
As far as I know the British government has not attempted to refute Iranian claims that, even if they were indeed in Iraqi waters when they were seized, they could have penetrated Iranian territory within forty five minutes.
Stinking up the joint
Let's make a deal!
But I reckon if one of our allies in the "War on Terra" says he's an evildoer then he is an evildoer damnit and there's not much else we can do other than turn him over. I am sure that the Foreign Office will ask the Pakistani government to torture him politely and in the best possible taste.
Hey, at least they told Janet Rogan, yes it was a woman, that they were sorry.
Gone-zo watch (day 9)
Of course his rival in the who-gets-sacked-first competition England football coach Steve "I've never really coached a winning team and it doesn't look like I'm going to start now" McClaren has a dicey task in front of him this evening as his over-rated squad face the ever danger-less Andorra, ranked 163rd in the world, and anything less than an overwhelming victory and a clean sheet is just an invitation for him to join the dole queue.
(To be continued...)
27 March 2007
Snow has cancer
Remember - if he goes back to work after the surgery it is just a publicity stunt like that damn Edwards fellow.
Who says everything's bigger in Texas?
White House loses 600,000 terrorists!
Twin Cities promise not to be New York
Or perhaps it just means that they will have surveillance on everyone and not just the protestors. Next year's Republican conventioneers should take that into consideration before they trundle back to the hotel room with the young member of the sex of their choice who isn't their spouse or life partner.
Note: I am in no way insinuating that Republicans are more likely to “trundle back to the hotel room with the young member of the sex of their choice who isn't their spouse or life partner” than are Democrats. I am just insinuating that they are more likely to be hypocritical about it so long as they don’t get caught out.
Why the profit motive is dangerous in health care
Eventually the clients die and go away.
Is this a tax or a "user fee"?
Brzezinski on the "War on Terra"
But wasn't that the intent? Unlike sheep frightened humans are easier to herd.
Isn't it standard procedure to hear the question first?
Herbal hooligans get banned
Referees had included "celery tossing" in their reports from earlier matches at Stamford Bridge.
Tony Benn v John Bolton on Question Time
Blessed are the warmakers?
Pity the class of 2007...
And I don't want to hear about anyone trying to slip Dubya a Rolling Rock either. He's not supposed to be drinking.
Keeping Guantánamo full
This could be a tricky one Rev. Falwell so think before you speak
"Pluralism means that we recognize more than one way to be a good Conservative Jew, more than one way of walking authentically in the path of our tradition and of carrying that tradition forward."
I can't wait
How dare the Capitol Police violate his God given Second Amendment rights in this way. I am outraged, outraged, I say!
Going, going, gone
God made him do it
I'm overdosing on Schadenfreude
It's a wonder that his prosecutor wasn't one of US Attorneys on the list.
Why does the Tillman family hate America?
Why, I ask you!
What this doesn't mean
Galloway off the hook?
Does this mean I'll go to heaven and get 70 virgins? What the hell do you mean that's a "different heaven"? How many are there?
Stamping on bullies
The committee also points a finger at Catholic schools, who have so far "refused to follow government guidelines...[on] homophobic bullying". This must be part of their "hate the sin - bully the sinner" campaign I reckon.
Kelly loses out to Daily Mirror!
The watchdog agreed that the story had been in the public interest and was handled in such a way that it was not an invasion of her or her son's privacy.
Meanwhile in the six counties...
There were also shades of the US - North Vietnam Paris peace conference in that they had to find a special table with a diamond shape that both men could be at the head of the table without actually sitting right next to the other. Bless.
Strangeness on the Guardian's front page
It isn't like this was late breaking news. Did the editor go down the pub for a Monday evening piss up and leave the decision to the tea lady?
Gone-zo watch (day 8)
Meanwhile in the race to see who gets sacked first England football coach Steve "I've never really coached a winning team and it doesn't look like I'm going to start now" McClaren has been summoned to have a quick word with the bosses in the next couple of days. In the meantime the ex-England manager, Terry "El Tel" Venables - never a guy you want minding your back, who is now McClaren's assistant is making unhappy noises.
At the moment I put McClaren at 2-1 on to be the first to go.
(To be continued...)
Ted Stevens's tubes clogged
26 March 2007
Remind me not to move to Bournville
Out of the woodwork
J. Scott Jennings, the White House's deputy director of political affairs, gave a presentation to head of the General Services Administration and his forty regional administrators that focused on how they could "help 'our candidates' in the next elections".
Now that is hardly an appropriate use of taxpayers funds. In my opinion of course. Karl Rove probably feels differently.
Es ist verboten
I feel much better. Don't you?
A queston for Scotland Yard
Explain yourselves damnit!
Man on the run
There have been suggestions that authorities in the US government, of much higher rank than the agents charged, are also culpable in the case including the increasingly irrelevant Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.
I wouldn't be surprised if, all of sudden, the case just went away.
Borat must be well pleased
But isn't Kazakhstan in Asia?
1.1 a day
I am sure that none of these 90 souls where killed by guns but rather they were killed by people with guns. Makes all the difference doesn't it?
The Philadelphia papers even have a special online section devoted to violence in the city. It is full of cheerful stuff.
Not proof positive
It is possible that he may plead guilty to something just to get the hell out of well, hell. Should this occur we cannot allow the Bush apologists to hold this up as a shining example of the successes of the detention system and proof that they have indeed captured only evildoers.
If I were him I almost certainly do the same, assuming of course that I hadn't broken down entirely and that I wasn't non compos mentis.
I hope to hell he sues
"This thing has made Largo the laughing stock of the whole country, it's a disgrace. I ask you who would want to live in a weirdo town but weirdoes."
Why we should be thankful that the Iranians captured British rather than US forces
The headline to the article, "US sailors would have shot at Iranians", says it all really. Just what the world needs now; a hot war between Iran and the United States.
Republican Intelligence
In related news the city of NY has asked a court to keep its records of this surveillance secret as the documents "could be 'misinterpreted' because they were not intended for the public".
As the title of a rather entertaining novel I recently read says You Have to be Careful in the Land of the Free
Dubya's amigos
What could be even worse for Gen. Montoya is that this would mean he is removed from US fruit giant Chiquita by only one degree of separation.
Pope Party-Pooper the First
No other than his Holiness and the Bishop of Rome Pope Pius the whatever. He is angry that EU didn't boast of its Christian origins in its birthday communiqué and also that European women aren't breeding fast enough for his liking. There is one problem though in his statement on the European birth rate. Which EU countries have the lowest birth rates? It is the predominately Catholic countries Italy, Poland and Spain. I reckon he'd best sort out his own folks first before lecturing the rest of us, don't you?
So what if it's tacky?
Rather than taking the word of others I think you should visit the site http://www.giveatoss.com/ and judge for yourself!
History in action
The knife in the back
Tread carefully Gordo.
They may be ginger but we should save them anyway!
Note: in a case of political correctness gone mad yesterday's story on this subject in the Observer, in a little primer at the end, notes that the name of the primate derives from the "Malay words 'orang hutan', which literally mean "person of the forest". I should like to point out to them that the words literally mean "MAN of the forest". Let's not alter Malay language without the permission of Malays themselves.
Gone-zo watch (day 7)
The only person in the Western world with a more tenuous grip on his job might be England football coach Steve "I've never really coached a winning team and it doesn't look like I'm going to start now" McClaren who saw his side stumble to a nil - nil draw against Israel on Saturday in a qualifier for the European Championship. England will now struggle to qualify for next year's tournament. In the eight matches since Mr. McClaren has been in charge of the national side he has managed victories over only noted footballing powerhouses Andorra and FYR Macedonia!
I wonder who will be sacked first.
(To be continued...)
24 March 2007
And this time he was sober (we think)
Oh dear. I guess we can at least be thankful that Assistant Professor Alicia Estrada isn't Jewish.
A love story for a grey Saturday afternoon
It is however unusual if the groom in question is a Roman Catholic bishop. He has had to resign his bishopric and the priesthood for what the Vatican terms personal reasons.
I think it's sweet. Let's all wish the happy couple all the best, shall we?
I do love a man in uniform
"If they sway their hips while marching, or if they engage in lustful conduct, I think that will be ground for separation."
Batten down the hatches
Their report (PDF) can be found here.
Sometimes I wonder
I suspect that they won’t.
Defending the abhorrent
She is now suing the Indian Prairie School District and wants to wear the shirt again this year on the "Day of Silence".
I believe Ms. Zamecnik's ideas are wrong, misguided and clearly bigoted. However they do not espouse violence, which is the only restriction that I believe can and should be put on free speech, and therefore she should be allowed to express her opinions if she so wishes. Her fellow students are also free to ostracise her if they so wish.
In search of a safer place
Meanwhile in the Persian Gulf
This brought a smile to my face!
Kudos to the "Gatorific" faculty!
Snoopless in Albion
Mr. Diddy will bravely soldier on alone.
I bet I know what his explanation will be!
The next sound you hear from Mr. Gonzales will undoubtedly be the words "I forgot".
Time to go?
Gone-zo watch (day 5)
(To be continued...)
One by one your rights tumble away
Haggard massage table goes missing
Mike Jones, the former escort who had offered the table and was planning to donate the proceeds to Project Angel Heart believes that EBay succumbed to pressure from an "ex-gay" Christian group out of Delaware called Transforming Congregations. Their motto seems to be "encouraging transforming ministry to all persons affected by relational brokenness resulting in sexual sin". I must confess that I had not heard the phrase "relational brokenness" used as a euphemism for homosexuality before. It just goes to show that no matter how old you are you can always learn something.
Free to pollute
"Call me Mr. Black" or the curious case of the missing title
I pity the poor journalist who might believe that these rules apply outside of the courtroom and dares address the great man as "Mr. Black" or even "Conrad". The best he or she can hope for is a repeat of the hissy fit that Lady Black recently had in a confrontation with the media.
A tale of two autocrats
Meanwhile off to the West in Washington (DC not state!) the Decider(TM)/Proposer(TM), a President with no mandate and without the support of the American people has said that he will veto the Iraq spending bill passed yesterday by the House.
PS3's just flying off the shelves
23 March 2007
A nation of laws...
An Ali G break
Shoot the messenger
The Bush administration approach is to significantly cut the Office's budget and then start making staff redundant before the proposed budgetary levels are approved by Congress.
Good thinking Batman!
A new tack from Tehran
Does Bush have a brain injury?
Somewhere along the line he has obviously taken a blow or two to the front of his head which may explain his own peculiar morality.
You have been warned!
The good Rocky (hint - not from Philly)
"President Bush is a war criminal...Let impeachment be the first step toward national reconciliation — and toward penance for the outrages committed in our nation’s name."
Breadbasket of the world?
In addition, US law requires that most, if not all, of the food donated be grown in America rather than in lower cost nations thereby further reducing the effect of each tax dollar spent.
Inefficiency? Poor planning? Somehow this reminds me of something. If this is running government like a business how did any business run by Bush make any money? Oh, I forget, they didn't do all that well.
PS3 a flop?
Maybe it was the rain.
Slavery on the Bush agenda?
I have only one question. Is this not slavery? If it is why does the US government want to return her to that in the year 2007? (OK - that's two questions but what the hell!)
Addendum to earlier complaint
Dear Sir or Madam,
First of all I should like to thank you for your swift response to my earlier communiqué. Shortly after I sent you the earlier message the snow quite suddenly ceased as is appropriate for springtime. Since you seem to be in a listening mood I thought I would take advantage of such and let you know that I am not all given to fondness for cold, driving rain in any season; winter, spring, summer or autumn. If you would adjust your behaviour accordingly I would greatly appreciate it.
Thanks in advance for your prompt attention.
Kind regards,
Yank in London
After all guns are just penis extensions like sport cars
He couldn't win in Pennsylvania...
Lifelong learning
"The unique counterterrorism system used in the North Caucasus has shaped our state policy and defined roles for all executive bodies in the prevention of terrorism," he said. "The experience has provoked interest among foreigners."