28 September 2006

Same week, different news

It would seem that Newsweek's North American readers are too sensitive for the same reading that hardnosed Europeans, Latin Americans and Asians can handle.

The cover of this week's international edition features an Afghan fighter wearing a turban and pointing a grenade launcher towards the reader. The headline? "Losing Afghanistan".

This week's US edition is a little milder. The cover photo is Annie Leibovitz. The headline? "My life in pictures".

By way of explanation Newsweek International's editor, Fareed Zakaria, offered "that in the US, Newsweek was a mass market magazine with a broad reach, while overseas it 'is a somewhat more upmarket magazine for internationally minded people'".

You can see the different versions here.

Come on Yanks. Toughen up! There's a war on.

1 comment:

yank in london said...

You still see it. I don't actually know anyone who reads it. I do see City types on the train with it occasionally.