It is always tragic when someone dies an unnecessary death. It is doubly tragic when that person is young and should have a long life in front of them. The scope of the tragedy is beyond measure when the person is young and dies because of a decision based on beliefs that they have had brainwashed into them. We should all mourn the unnecessary passing of
14 year old Dennis Lindberg of Washington State who died because the Jehovah's Witness belief system that had been pumped into him by his aunt and legal guardian told him that he should not have the blood transfusion that would have saved his life.
Shame on anyone around this, undoubtedly brave young man, who stood by and allowed
this murder, and that is clearly what it is, to happen. This is inexcusable and how those who were responsible for this young man's well being can escape prosecution is beyond me. As far as I am concerned this is no different than using religion to justify any
killing including acts of religious inspired terrorism, be they the bombing of abortion clinics or flying airplanes into skyscrapers. This should not be allowed to occur to a minor in the name of religious freedom. Where are the right to lifers on this bloody issue?
Anyone who disagrees should go read the chapter from
Christopher Hitchens's book
entitled "Is Religion Child Abuse?". Then I suspect that your head will explode.