11 September 2006

Fanny Cradock - Speed Freak

So Britain's beloved celebrity Fanny Cradock had a wee bit of drug problem. Apparently she was quite the pill popper.

Is nothing sacred? Is no celebrity safe from posthumous exposé?

As reported in yesterday's Observer the forthcoming TV drama Fear of Fanny(no - this is not an exploration of gay lifestyles!) will reveal that she kept a supply of uppers and downers by her bedside. Her staff referred to them as Fanny's hundreds and thousands. Apparently this explains her "explosive, unpredictable personality".

So what's Gordon Ramsey on then?

Note to American readers: In English (as opposed to American) fanny is not a cute word for a child's rear end but rather a very rude term for female genitalia. When you four year old daughter is acting up whilst you are killing two or three hours in a Heathrow departure lounge do not, I repeat, do not be overhead telling her "I'm going to spank your fanny!" lest you get to meet some of the more unpleasant members of the Metropolitan Police.

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