26 October 2006

As nature makes fatter Americans, Americans make bigger toilets

Presenting this week's product of the week; the Great John Toilet from Laredo Texas. It has important features such as "Extra-Elongated, Extra-Wide seating area, yet it can be used by any sized person" (i.e. non-fat people can use it too - so if you're a mixed family you needn't be afraid of installing it!). Their "Why Buy a Great John Toilet" page goes even further, explaining that

"Standard designs are not meant to withstand a big person. For STABILITY, we designed a super wide base. To insure STURDINESS, we also added reinforcements into the base. Our toilets are tested to 2000 lb. To eliminate the problem of the SEAT SLIDING, we provide "Anti-Side" fins for safety. This also prevents pinching. Finally, GJ has added a second SET OF ANCHORS at the front sides of the base to increase protection against movement of the unit from the floor."

2000 pounds (909 kilos)? Even Americans aren't that fat yet but then a good business must always ensure that they plan for the future. Curiously they only have outlet in Texas (America's fattest state) but five in Connecticut. What gives?

Note: I notice that they seem to employ people of fairly normal dimensions but when it's time to advertise everything seems to get bigger.

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