28 October 2006

Lucy as propoganda

If you thought that the American museum tour of the fossilised remains of a human ancestor, Australopithecus afarensis, known as Lucy was just to afford Americans the opportunity to see remains of one of the oldest known hominids and to learn about evolution.

We you would be wrong. Ken Ham, of Answers in Genesis enlightens us:

"When I see that they're bringing the most famous of the supposed 'human ancestor' fossils to America, and they're going to feature it across America, I can see this is a big push for evolution.

"There's a lot of evidence that goes against Lucy being upright and as a human ancestor and so on. We'll see Lucy portrayed in a particular way...trying to tell the American public that this is your human ancestor and that this is fact. And they won't put all the information in there that contradicts that."

He also refers to evolution as "anti-creationist hype". Good. I'm glad that's settled then.

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