26 October 2006

But will they corner the market on "Jesus of the toast"?

jesus The internet is constantly bringing us new and intriguing ways to stimulate the economy through spending our money. The new auction website, http://homeschoolbuy.com/index.php? has now launched offering products targeted at the home schooling and Christian markets. It is apparently a direct challenge to Ebay since Ebay stopped accepting the teacher editions of textbooks.

Unfortunately a search for jesus+toast as yet yields nothing. Oh well, they're only new!

I must say that the products available for auction featured on the homepage don't really remind me of either home schooling or Christianity. The include Cinnamon Bun Candle soywax (whatever it is it is currently under offer for 5 USD!), BERRY MAGICAL STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE! (no offers), Josef Lidl 3/4 Violin (no offers), Personalized Homework System (no offers) and, last but not quietest, 3 BRAND NEW BOOM BLASTERS INSTRUMENTS! (no offers).

Well. What are you waiting for? Get cracking folks.

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