25 October 2006

Ollie advises Nicaragua - or else

How did disgraced plotter Ollie North get a visa to get into Nicaragua? Do you think any foreign citizen who plotted to overthrow the US government, funded anti-government insurgents and financed international arms deals would ever get a US visa? I don't think so.

What would the US authorities do if Hugo Chavez came to this country to campaign for the Democrats? Well Ollie's in Nicaragua campaigning against Daniel Ortega.

I've saved the best bit for last. He has accused Latin American left wingers (in his world I suspect that a left winger is anyone who isn't actually a Nazi) of emulating "Adolf Hitler, ... using elections -- not revolutions or military coups -- to take and then solidify power. It's a tactic that seems to have escaped the striped-pants set in our State Department."

Damn them! Elections indeed. What will they think of next? Ban elections I say. All governments to be chosen at the pleasure of King George.

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