occasional musings on politics, culture and life in general from an american in exile
31 October 2007
Does he have photos of Captain Codpiece doing something untoward to His Pet Goat?
Note to the Americans: the etymology of the word "democracy" shows that it comes from the Greek word demos (δημος), meaning "people" and the Greek word kratos (κρατος), meaning "power". Therefore who have no support amongst the δημος, such as Mr. Chalabi, get to have no κρατος in a democracy. Got it?
Justice done
Please just make it stop!
Climate change ruining Australian economy

Drizabone has had to lay off of half of its staff because there isn't enough rain anymore to make it worthwhile to buy a raincoat, even a really good one!
Become a Republican - they've got a really big closet!
I heartily agree (and have been doing so since 2000)
Where can I get a ticket?
Happy Halloween - you're under arrest!
Today in necrophilia and just in time for Halloween...
Clearly what we need is more stops with more and better searches
Eat less - skip Micky D's - live longer
The entire and entirely depressing report, all 500+ pages of it, can be found here.
Maybe routine but certainly not torture
An unnamed source in the Sri Lankan government said off of the record that "we've got the CIA manual right here and according to their rules none of this is torture".
Get the redactors ready!
In praise of Warren Buffet
I am sure that most of his peers amongst the obscenely wealthy heartily agree.
What do you know!
Prince Harry's bird trouble
The state of America's health
The entire study (PDF) is to be found here.
Her columns may be found here and have also been collected in a book, Take Off Your Party Dress: When Life's Too Busy for Breast Cancer
Let's recap
Why does Meir Sheetrit want to destroy Israel?
Running out of time
Note to Gordon Brown: Diego Garcia is British Sovereign Territory and you can tell him that he cannot use the airbase for such an illegal act. No really. You can!
And this time they're angry!
I really shouldn't be telling you this...
In which I prove I am not Clear Channel
I am, apparenently, a Hitler appeaser
Do want the good news or the bad news?
The good news is they found some 7,000 year old tree stumps that they had been looking for.
"I swear there was a tank just here!"
Today in infamy (but only if you're Catholic)
Soon long gone

Today's soon to be extinct primate is the Gorilla gorilla diehli from Nigeria and the Cameroon, aka the Cross River gorilla.
Enjoy your holiday...
30 October 2007
Sweet Blackwater deal
Coming soon to an Ebay near you!
Today in infamy
Most children left behind
The rent comes due
Note to Uncle Sam: whilst you are in a paying mood can we have the not inconsiderable sum that you owe London for the congestion charge? The Olympics bill is already playing havoc with my council tax!
Surf's up on the Tigris
Sox victory means that week long fan's dream finally comes true
Progress report
In case any right wingers read this I do not want to be accused of ignoring the fact that this means that some Iraqi policemen actually showed up for work yesterday. Satisfied?
End of an era?
And yes this story does give me an opportunity, that I simply cannot resist, to titillate you musically with Kraftwerk.
How to get sacked successfully
I have got to get me one of these jobs.
A brief detour down the high road
Does America really want a President who can't do his maths?
"For God's sake don't flush!"
Headline of the day
The story provides no further explanation as to what "I'm a Big" Dick Cheney's spirit guide was doing in Poweshiek County Iowa.
Thanks but no thanks
After all if the CPSC worked harder and found more toys full of lead what would be left to give to America's darling (and not at all overweight) children this Xmas! We should just leave product safety in the hands of those who know best - the business owners and their actuaries who can make appropriate, market driven decisions based on the trade offs between the cost of settling lawsuits and lost sales/higher costs.
When cows attack
Value for money?
What they (accidentally) didn't tell you just might hurt you
What did they leave out?
- FEMA will have plenty to do as climate change will cause extreme storms, like Katrina, to occur more frequently (obviously bad for your health).
- Malaria and dengue fever are on the way so buy some mosquito nets the next time you head down to buy more duct tape.
- Buy something nice for the grandparents for Xmas this year; they're probably going to die soon.
- Smog will worsen increasing the likelihood of lung disease. So if you haven't quit smoking yet don't bother.
- Severe water shortages will become common in the United States, especially in the West.
- Wild fires will become more widespread and occur more frequently.
"I'm a Big" Dick's bad news
And, pray tell, was the reaction of the Clove Valley Gun and Rod Club when asked for comment? Threaten the reporter in question with arrest.
For once I think Reverend Al doesn't go far enough. I think a demand that Cheney resign immediately is the only possible recompense for this "error". It is absolutely impossible for "I'm a Big" Dick or his team to be unaware of this ornamentation. There will have been Secret Service and Cheney staff advance teams crawling all over the venue for days, if not weeks, in advance.
Please Mr. Cheney. Just go now!
The goods news out of New York state is that this time, as far as I am aware, no human beings were shot by the Vice President either accidentally or with full intent.
War drums winning?
Above AND beyond the law
It's a better deal than even Scooter managed.
Roman slum lord to evict 4,000
Soon long gone

Today's adorable photo of a soon to be extinct primate is the Madagascan silky sifaka (aka Propithecus candidus).
29 October 2007
The failure of American democracy and justice
It makes me sad. It really does.
"Perhaps you didn't understand me when I said that you HAD TO go!"
Can Christianity be cured?
Twisted American knickers
I know that those who are not deep thinkers and might try to compare these actions to the release of known terrorist Luis Posada Carilles by American authorities and the refusal to extradite Sr. Posada to either Venezuela or Cuba where he is wanted on charges of organising the bombing of Cubana Flight 455 in 1976. The plane blew up over the Carribean and all 73 aboard died.
Well I can tell you that there is no similarity at all between these two cases. One is a bad, Muslim evildoer who attacked lovely Americans and the other is a good, Catholic choir boy who attacked evil communists! Unfortunately I can't shed any more light on this or I would have to kill you.
Britain receives expert advice on terrorism
Recall the ambassador!
In defence of the DHS Shahid Malik is brown AND Muslim AND had been running around the nation's capitol talking about acts of terrorism. He had been meeting with senior staff at the [drumroll] DHS! This is the second time Mr. Malik has been detained at US airports something that doesn't seem to happen to other, whiter cabinet ministers. Who says they aren't profiling passengers? Are they telling porkies again?
Why does the US Department of Energy hate America (and freedom and the Baby Jesus)?
Maybe we need some faith based nuclear site security enhancements. We could tell the anti-abortionists that abortions are being carried out inside.Once there have surrounded the facilities even a pregnant thirteen year old with a court order who is bearing her father's child won't be able to get through. What chance would al Qaeda stand?
Coming soon to an Ebay near you
When the lights went out in Gaza
Cue the outrage
It depends on what the meaning of "not" is....
I'd say the curse is lifted
Now let's see what we can do about that billy goat out in Chicago.
Rome beatifies hundreds of fascists
What's the fatest growing religion in America?
Today in infamy
Have we learned our lessons? Not entirely.
What size shoes was he wearing?
That's vongole!
No reports as to what sort of pasta they served it with.
The upside of the collapsing dollar
American football is for poofs!
I do think that the study may have stacked the deck a bit as it looked only at high school players who didn't make it at the university level and then became cheerleaders instead.
It's not as if there are many people who fit this profile out there in the real world, right?
Pas prêt-à-porter
Remember you are what you wear!
Out! Out damn Scot!
*Note : since there is no actual constitution in the UK I am never certain what it is politicians intend to change when they say that they changing the constitution but they keep on saying that they are changing something and they would never lie to us.
Now that Gore has a Nobel maybe Captain Codpiece will go to Cooperstown
Paging Special Agent Starling
Don't, however, expect this to drive down the price of a leg of lamb for your Sunday roast. Rather than being sold for food the lambs will be incinerated (not by your Mum either). Apparently they are too young to be the kind of lamb Brits like and the French won't take them because of the foot and mouth thing.
Tough on "net migration" - tough on the causes of "net migration"
I know some people that would volunteer should the Conservatives win the next election!
Catch the last flight out
Working class hero?
We can only hope that this act of protest was intentional on Keith's part and that he hadn't just gone wandering off, in an altered state of some sort, and run into the march by accident. We'll probably never know and neither will Keith.
Los desaparecidos
Are they dead? Is the US government lying about the secret prisons? Both?
It just makes my chest swell with pride that I was graced to be born an American.
Today's daily double
Yeah but can you make a FlufferPlumpynutter (PlumpyFlutternutter?) with it?
It's nice that there is good news ever now and then.
Soon long gone
Today's irrepressibly cute photo of one of the 25 most endangered primates is of Madagascar's Lepilemur sahamalazensis aka the Sahamalaza Peninsula sportive lemur.
@ 16:41
Of course if you were flying out of London Gatwick yesterday you would have had an extra few hours of summertime as the clocks didn't go back; leading to all sorts of fun and the odd missed flight I would imagine.
Those of you in the US. who normally would exit daylight savings time at the same time that we exit British Summer Time, are to be the beneficiaries of Captain Codpiece's boldest, and only, move to combat global climate change. You will stay on daylight savings for an entire additional week which should lead to the country saving enough energy to produce enough hydrogen to fuel the Gropenator's "green" Hummer for nearly the entire year!
27 October 2007
Brace yourself for the backlash
Oh dear
Maybe they should all calm down. I'm sure it was just because it was raining and she didn't want he hair to go all frizzy. I wear a head scarf a lot for just that reason. Give the woman a break!
A modest proposal
Surely even those zealots who insist, despite all the evidence to the contrary, that the Second Amendment of the US Constitution gives an unfettered right to bear arms outside of a militia structure must agree that there are no restrictions on legislation that would mandate that these
Why Grandma what a Big Dick you have!
I'm not sure this works for me
Apparently some folks believe that atheists, like me, need a symbol of some sort to counter that Christian fish thing that is ubiquitous in America, but not elsewhere.
I have only two thoughts on the subject.
- I don't think we really need a symbol. An idea is powerful enough.
- Even if I did think we needed a symbol I'm fairly certain that the one chosen shouldn't be it.
"Why didn't you duck you fucking idiot! I said duck, damnit"
One hot pepper
I'd have thought he could have held out until the Xmas party
Lust is blind.
Our great human being of the week is...
No word if Judge Harris is related in anyway to Philadelphia Municipal Judge Teresa Carr Deni who decided that raping a prostitute was really just theft of services.
Very progressive thinkers - the both of them.
Marriage on the rocks?
Note to gay marriage-phobics: this probably could have some impact as regards "destroying traditional marriage". I thought you should know.
The not so endless summer
If you are unfamiliar with the sport that is fifteen minutes of playing time that will take three or more hours to complete the Guardian offers a handy, dandy bluffers guide. (If you can't ba asked the real football kicks off in twenty one minutes!) My favourite bit is it's description of the mode of play:
"Game advances through series of staccato set plays, with one team in control of the ball until turned over.
Looks a bit like
Football with nothing but carefully rehearsed set pieces. Like watching Watford play Wimbledon in 1986.
Soon long gone

Today's picture of the world's most endangered primates is the Madagascan White-collared lemur (Eulemur albocollaris).
26 October 2007
Your tax dollars at work
In completely unrelated news Captain Codpiece flew over the affected areas, stopped to hug some people (possibly FEMA employees posing as people) and promised the locals that they would not be forgotten in Washington like those folks in that other state whose name he's forgotten whose lives were terribly affected by the storm whose name he can't remember. He then flew off to raise some money and then clear some brush.
Today in infamy
One does wonder...
You are fooling no one Mitt
Another chink in that special relationship?
What are they thinking?
Quote of the day (part the second)
"Islam, unlike Christianity, is an all-encompassing ideology...It is not just something you do on Sunday. ... We (as Americans) don’t get that."
Dana Perino makes a true and verifiable statement!
The rest, as per usual is complete and utter bollocks.
"But it is true that many people die from cold-related deaths every winter. And there are studies that say that climate change in certain areas of the world would help those individuals."Hey, wait a second, she may just have a point. If there were no snow then Sonny Bono would still be alive!
Why are Bush&co coddling terrorists?
So let's cut out the coddling and get bombing already! There are terrorists on the loose!
I think we should excuse "I'm a Big" Dick Cheney for this
Why spoil a perfect record?
More good news!
Has he been arrested yet?
Traded in the Hummer yet?
Did they have freckles as well?
And grown men wept
What will history say?
I reckon it's a toss up.
Soon long gone
Scientists have listed twenty five species of primates, man's closest cousins, that are on the brink of extinction thanks to man's generous exploitation of the planet to sate his basest, consumerist urges.
The first on the list, from Madagascar, is Prolemur simus or the greater bamboo lemur, pictured below. More on the other twenty four later.

The future is not so bright
I can only assume that Captain Codpiece hit the snooze alarm and slept through the wake up call.
The weekend drug report
Neither Pete Doherty nor George Michael could be reached for comment.
This park ain't big enough for the both of us
Blair! The Book!
Blue Jesus
I wonder where Judge Roy Moore stands on this issue. It's a tricky one! Perhaps they can just come up with some sort of curtain arrangement like John Ashcroft used for Justice!
Far too small a price to pay
First of all let us consider the charges to which BP is pleading guilty. It has admitted to artificially inflating the price of propane in the US costing consumers in excess of 50 million USD. It has admitted on one felony clean air act violation for the explosion at a Texas refinery in which 15 workers were killed and over 150 injured. It has admitted causing the largest oil spill, over 200,000 gallons of crude, on Alaska's North Slope.
These are all serious crimes and yet BP has got off with "probation", whatever the hell that means for a multinational corporation, and a fine. If we compare the fine to the company's 2006 profits of 59 billion USD the fine amounts to less than 0.5% of one years net profits! Even worse compared to the market capitalisation of about 242 billion USD the fine is only about 0.14%.
Now imagine the uproar if an American citizen, perhaps through drunken driving, caused the deaths of let us say 5 other Americans and was given probation and a fine that amounted to 0.5% of their annual salary. If we use the median American income of about 46,000 USD for a family of four that would amount to a fine of about 230 USD!
Can you hear the outrage? I certainly can. Perhaps we need to ensure that others get to see just how easily BP is getting off for their negligence, mismanagement and outright fraud.
The rich get richer
Quote of the day
"Deep down I knew that if hell existed, it was a real place full of ruthless, venal people, like the commodity pits at the Chicago Board of Trade, Disney World, or oral arguments before the United States Supreme Court."
Richard Dooling - from his entertaining novel Bet Your Life.
25 October 2007
One wonders why
Is it a country? Does it begin with "I"?
Sounds like an equitable deal to me!
"We'll renew the base on one condition: that they let us put a base in Miami -- an Ecuadorean base...If there's no problem having foreign soldiers on a country's soil, surely they'll let us have an Ecuadorean base in the United States."
How do you spell S-C-A-P-E-G-O-A-T?
Thick as a brick
I never realised my incredible, far reaching influence until now!
You may call me The Kingmaker!
The Grandmother of all flip-flops!
According to the New York Daily News he said as recently as three months ago that he would never, ever do such a thing even if it meant that he would win the presidency!
Somewhere oil company executives are walking around with enormous erections*
*This includes any and all female executives as well!
Today in infamy
US considering use of military force in Iraq!
Well it worked before
I think there is a simple solution. God needs to tell Oral that She will separate him from his mortal coil unless the good people of American contribute the funds necessary to clear the over draft by, say, April Fools' Day. Don't believe for a moment that it wouldn't work!
Never mind the capital...
Money well spent? You decide!
Note: I was going to work out the total cost per barrel but decided it would be too frightening, even for Republicans.
Rudy sleeps with the fishes
My personal war on Xmas
Packing heat
Crazy mixed up criteria
Listen - just stick to an assessment of the farming methods involved and let us, the consumer, make our own decisions on transport method and remuneration of farmers and agricultural workers. We're smart; we can do it. OK?
No middle ground
Today the Guardian publishes his first interview with a British paper. It is worth a read irrespective of which camp you are a member of.
Progress report
"He just told me that nearly each day they pull into a parking lot, drink soda, and shoot at the cans. They pay Iraqi kids to bring them things and spread the word that they are not doing anything and to please just leave them alone."
Premature pontification?
Hey look we are all looking forward to the four year headline bonanza that his victory will bring but shouldn't we wait until at least one person has voted?
Note: despite the obvious fun that will be had I am not sure that I want Mr. Nutter to win after his campaign rejected the campaign motto that I thoughtfully suggested to them: "Nutter for Mayor - Who Else Would Want the Job?"
Perhaps they were just trying to do something about overcrowding on the Tube
You have been warned.
And the sooner the better!
In which I provide an unimpeachable argument for Conocoleezza Rice to use during her upcoming visit to Turkey
"Hey. We did it and look how it's turned out!"
At least it is not socialised medicine!
"You say 'Obama' - I say 'Osama' - let's call the whole thing off"
The misogynist military?
I am really looking forward to this!
Conocoleezza comes up short
Come on Connie - you can do it. Even Fonzie managed to admit that he was w-w-wr-wr-wrong!
Something very wrong here
For those of you who have forgotten -
In the department of not really news: O'Reilly is still an idiot
"Although those wizards, I’m very very suspicious about what they’re doing in their spare time. So, I think, this is my conclusion, is that J.K. Rowling is a provocateur, did it on purpose, and now is going to let all hell break loose."
In related Bill-o news: still no apology to Shawn Hornbeck. Perhaps Shawn is an agent provocateur as well. Allowing himself to be kidnapped, imprisoned and sexually abused and then letting "all hell break loose". I will await clarification on this issue from Mr. O'Reilly.
Important endorsement announcement
24 October 2007
He's gone veto mad!
Israel to commit a pre-meditated war crime
Israel has long fervently claimed that the Fourth Convention doesn't cover the occupation of the West Bank and Gaza because their occupation simply supplanted an existing illegal occupation by Arab countries. (Confused? I don't understand the logic either.)
Since Clarence Thomas's law degree is only worth 15 cents...
Coming soon to an Ebay near you!
Most American households have incomes greater than 205,000 USD a year!!!
Income data from here.
Today in infamy
Conocoleezza (accidentally) speaks the truth
After all a country thousands of miles away from the Middle East should have more say in how countries in the region interact than a country that is actually in the Middle East. Right?
"American doesn't torture"...
Sacking watch
Now that it is half over...
Speaking for myself I had a halal salami sandwich for lunch today and am also allowing my beard to grow.
It all depends on what the meaning of "eviscerate" is
"Congressman have you no shame?"
If I may speak for Rep. Tancredo, and I believe that in this circumstance at least I may, the answer is a clear and unequivocal "NO"!
"Sorry about ruining your life but shit happens"
First they will come for our guns and then they will come for our fertilizer!
Is this appropriate behaviour even for a certifiably mad Presidential candidate?
"I will follow Osama Bin Laden to the gates of hell and I will shoot him with your products".
Senator John McCain (R - AZ)- 23 October 2007 - to workers at the Thompson/Center gun factory.
Perhaps if (when?) he fails to secure the Republican nomination he can retire from the Senate and become a CIA hit man or a Blackwater USA "operative".
Rudy's new old friend
Rudy has been staunch in his defence of his old friend, who married Rudy once, noting that he has not been convicted of any crime. My question would be what skills and talents does this (sort of ex-)priest have to offer Rudy's management consulting firm or is this just a non-job to keep Msgr. Placa in underwear and whiskey?
This isn't legal is it?
Even if it is not illegal it is certainly unethical.
Those damn dogs!
On the other hand if the thoughts of these scientists contradict the literal word of God as found in the literal worod of God as found in the English translations of the literal word of God in Greek and Hebrew they must be scorned, vilified and disregarded.
A thoughtful gift from the Vatican to the people of Latin America
Hey big spender
Well go on. Get at it!
"and over every creeping thing"*
*Genesis 1:26
Is it what they want?
The worst mayor in America?
I'll have the Tongue of the Judge with some Christians and Moors on the side
You will find Ms. Partington's book on sale at Amazon
If there is a Hell...
Now this is serious!
That was until I heard that Jack Daniel's distillery might have to suspend production due to a lack of water.
Good thing I've switched to single malts. As far as I can tell there is still plenty of water in Scotland.
23 October 2007
How bad is the England football team?
"Father forgive me because I am a complete and utter cunt"
Paging Tony Soprano
We ♥ Oral!!
Blood money doesn't grow on trees...
When will it end? Where will the money come from? (Hint: if you're American and under twenty five you should be nervous.)
My message to the ball-less Democratic Congress:
A very sad day indeed
No wonder the Republicans rarely win New Jersey...
I know it is not because they can't find any fat people in America
The trouble with the American press...
We suck and we know it!
This is running the government like a business? Just what kind of business did they have in mind?

*Note: at current exchange rates 1.2 billion USD is enough to buy me roughly 231 million pints of London Pride!
We pause for an important (unpaid) political announcement
If you want to know more about the great man (I mean Mr. Norris and not Gov. Huckabee) you can visit the Chuck Norris Random "Fact" Generator.