20 September 2006

L-plate democracy (or anarchy comes to Szabadság tér)

Protests and rioting continued in Hungary last night after the Prime Minister, Ferenc Gyurcsány, admitted that he had lied about the state of the economy during the run up to the last election.

We need to give the Hungarians the benefit of the doubt here. They've only been at this democracy thing for a short while and don't yet understand all of the basic rules.

To the demonstrators: In a democracy it is de rigueur for your elected officials and candidates to lie to you as often as it serves their purpose. Calm down. Your job as the electorate is to forget that they have done so or, preferably, not notice it at all.

To Prime Minister Gyurcsány: Never, never, never admit that you have lied! It was faulty intelligence or my remarks were taken out of context. At the very worst you may, under duress admit to be misguided or mistaken. But don't worry once the voters have enough experience they will no longer notice nor will they care.

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