23 October 2006

Gilad Atzmon - Jewish antisemite

Is it possible for a Jew to be anti-Semitic?

Pizza Express is getting stick for hosting a series of performances by Gilad Atzmon, an Israeli saxophonist. He is Jewish and he has served in the IDF but that doesn't stop some in Israel from accusing him of anti-Semitism. Jewish groups in Britain and Israel have called for the performances to be cancelled.

He is defiantly opposed to zionism and racism (against Arabs as against Jews). Many of his views are clearly controversial even if they didn't come from a Jewish source.

Is this just another case of opposition to zionism being equated with anti-Semitism? If we are asking (perhaps demanding) Muslims to be critical of Islam and the desire for a Muslim homeland (the caliphate) shouldn't we also ask (or at least tolerate) Jews and Christians to be critical of their religions and their states?

I report. You decide. A summary of his political thinking may be found here.

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