03 October 2006

How does this work exactly?

This adopt-a-zygote thing. I know Bush is all for it because he's done photo ops.

Now they're giving away Federal money, money that could be given back to rich people instead, to promote embryo adoption.

I have so many questions.
  • Do they come with a limited edition petri dish?
  • Can you chose the sex?
  • Can you chose the eye colour?
  • Can you chose the race? (That's a loaded one.)
  • Can you select for the gay gene or the absence thereof?
  • How about the god gene?
  • Do you have to be married?
  • Do you have to be Christian?
  • Can gay couples apply? (Whoops. Another loaded one.)
  • Will there be a test?

All kidding aside I'll be in favour of spending government money on this right after they sort out the infant mortality rate. The US is behind Aruba for christ's sake! Did I forget to mention child poverty? And what about theliteracy rate. Did I mention that?? And health care. What about that?? And.......sorry. I'll just go off for a little quiet time shall I?