occasional musings on politics, culture and life in general from an american in exile
31 December 2007
Bonne année
Try not to drink any more than absolutely necessary!
Today in science
Let there be light...
A note of warning
To me this is not about Mormonism or Christianity but a warning that any candidate for high office who takes his religion to seriously, who considers his obligations to his church or his God(s) greater than those of the electorate he serves, must be considered a danger to American democracy.
You have been warned!
Will he or won't he?
If he does, who will it damage most? On the face of it one would think the Republican candidate, especially if they pick someone too far right or excessively Christian, would lose the votes of more centrist, sensible party members but there is always the risk that a Bloomberg bid could through New York's electoral votes into play and I can't see anyway for the Dems to win without New York.
This will have to be watched.
Today in infamy - fast boat to china edition
One might ask how this anniversary affects the race for the US Presidency in 2008. That is still unclear but I do know that at least one Republican hopeful was against it at the time.
Progress report
Getting better all the time.
30 December 2007
In praise of Chicago
In which I agree with Fred Thompson
Today in infamy
A word to the wise
It's a Kristol-ganza!
29 December 2007
For your listening pleasure
Today in infamy

All Rudy - all of the time
And he himself has a cozy little chat with us. ("Did I mention 9/11? I think I forgot to mention 9/11? I didn't forget to mention 9/11, did I?")
did i mention 911
Who does he think he serves?
First came the iPod...
A Catholic Church for the (first) millennium
(Note: I may have made up the "rapid deployment" part - but the rest is true!)
A man can dream, can't he?
Meanwhile in Iceland...
Philadelphia: your attention please!
The Pakistanis are coming! The Pakistanis are coming!
In praise of Battleboro VT
And to think I fucking missed it
Today in Infamy
What's wrong with Britain?
The Gong Show
Kylie Minogue gets an OBE for services to surgically enhanced buttocks
Michael Parkinson is knighted for services to chat shows
Ian Wilmut (creator of Dolly the Sheep) is knighted for services to making right wing Christians bat shit crazy
Stuart Rose (boss at Marks & Sparks) is knighted for services to affordable lingerie and pre-packaged sushi
Ian Anderson gets an MBE for services to rock and roll salmon farming and flute twirling
Did someone change the Chinese calendar and neglect to inform me?
"The next thing I remember there was cheese everywhere"
Be careful out there!
28 December 2007
Maybe he should run for Vice President
Terrorists strike in America's heartland
Meet the GodMen
The War on Xmas
Of course this only affected brown Christians so it is less of an issue. Fortunately St. Tony's express lane saw to it that wealthy, white Christians were not similarly inconvenienced.
Progress report
Today in infamy - Captain Codpiece likes to pretend it never happened edition
From the department of "if we told you we'd have to kill you"
I thought America was supposed to be litigious...
Dangerous evil doer soon to be loose in Oz
"Red alert! Nan's gone off the map again."
Everyone panic!
In case anyone is interested current prices in the UK are about 7.80 USD per US gallon for unleaded and 8.34 per US gallon for diesel.
27 December 2007
When they say "shop till you drop"...
Great news!
Whither Pakistan?
There are very few answers to these questions that can be viewed as being favourable for the Pakastani people, for American interests and for the world.
Pastafarians 1 - Polk County (FL) School Board 0
As a pagan I realised I didn't know much about the Church of the FSM so I went over to their website and discovered that their beliefs, whilst not to my taste, are eminently more sensible than Mormonism.
Understatement the the year
Today in infamy
Now this just breaks my hear
Why Americans make lousy engineers
Now that America's cities are entirely safe...
Things get complicated
An interesting idea...
Norway - closed for business?
You have been warned
Sometimes democracy works
26 December 2007
Today in infamy

Three years ago today was the Boxing Day tsunami that so devastated South and South East Asia. There are still many homeless and suffering.
23 December 2007
Today in infamy - "so you think Mitt Romney is a Christian" edition
They're making a list; they're checking it twice
Headline of the day
Now the rest of the world is as lucky as we are
Surely there has to be a crime in here somewhere
Now if only someone had smoked a bit of cannabis they might get serious about this.
What do you know!
Suck on that New York!
22 December 2007
Peak whiskey?
Can beatification be far behind?
In a surprising turnabout...
Today in infamy - nice boy from Bromley edition
It ain't necessarily so
Some might say that this vibrating mouse is a clever approach to RSI...
Is Milo Minderbinder back at work for the US Defense Department?
A pat on the back for Gordo
Battery quail
(The article certainly didn't give me an appetite for these birds but it did give me an idea of places for "I'm a Big" Dick Cheney to go hunting the next time he visits this green and pleasant land.)
21 December 2007
Preserving shareholder value!
I hope that at some point America wakes up and realises that the multi-billion (or is it trillion) dollar health insurance industry adds absolutely no value to the process and deserves no place in the provision of health care to all Americans.
Your tax dollars at work
Bush - the legacy
Bill-o descends into self-parady
The blubberer in chief has personally picked the highlights from his show this year. For some reason in each and every clip he appears a complete and utter buffoon and is bettered by his guest. One has to wonder what he would have picked for the year's lowlights.
Schadenfreude alert
Mitt has been telling porkies again!
Fortunately for the ex-Governor and occasional Mormon his staff have come up with a gloriously implausible explanation. The ex-Governor was speaking metaphorically.
I, for one, am relieved that this little oops has been cleared up.
So what's St. Tony been up to lately?
Clearly St. Tony is thinking inside the box.
In some ways you have to admire Captain Codpiece and his evil minions
Today in infamy - anti-anarchist edition
She made it!
Things that wouldn't happen with socialised medicine
No mention of onanism and cecity though
Today's Xmas recall
Why hasn't anyone mentioned...
Xmas comes for the Archbishop
Nice work if you can get it
Romney picks up 10 supporters in Iowa but none in New Hampshire...
20 December 2007
I am sure that there will be many heathens who say that...
I thought I smelled a rat
Department of not exactly news
I am certain that this will get me in trouble with PETA...
Enough is enough!
The importance of pure science
Should anyone be interested one drunken night in my university years I did some basic research on this and their conclusions are certainly correct.
Radical left wing NYT columnist admits he hates families
No work left to do for White House...
They do operate under a curious moral code.
Today in infamy - Illegal Invaders Anonymous edition
Invasion? I thought we invaded Iraq like in the springtime or something.
We did. This was some other dictator who the US had helped to gain and retain power who was no longer dancing to their tune.
Good ole white boy innocent till proven guilty
19 December 2007
I was just wondering
Holy precedent Batman
When does this all add up to impeachment?
"It was previously reported that some administration officials had advised against destroying the tapes, but the emerging picture of White House involvement is more complex."
With God as his running mate
How do you say "poor white trash"?
I reckon if young Jamie Lynn is luck her big sister might stump up for a trailer for her and the daddy.
Man on a mission
Today in infamy - how much did Ken Starr cost edition?
In praise of...
Why don't you slip into something more comfortable?
Note: if your are abstinent this is definitely not for you!
The road to Wignan's queer
Conservatives under attack!
Unfortunately it turns out that Francisco Nava, a junior at Princeton University, was not attacked by two men in ski masks for his conservative views. In point of fact he was only attacked by one man, himself. The police have not indicated whether Mr. Nava was wearing a ski mask at the time. Mr. Nava has also admitted that he did not receive any death threats via email and that his bruises were as a result of undisclosed personal issues.
I hope that David Horowitz isn't already en route. It would be a truly tragic waste of his valuable time and money.
Your attention please!
Shades of Ricky "Man on Dog" Santorum
But what about homosexual necrophilia Mike? What exactly is your position on that?
Merry Xmas your arse!
Today in infamy - backyard barbaques have never been the same edition

Nineteen years ago today the US Product Safety Commission (remember when there used to be one) banned lawn darts. A very sad day indeed.
Hold the Rice
In passing
I am disappointed however that Mr. Roy fails to suggest that "homeophobia" be including in any future hate crimes bill.
But he's an evil doer!
Things that are pissing me off today
I'm a bit grumpy today because I got woken up at quarter to five this morning and also because I am bloody sick of Xmas!
18 December 2007
Don't know much biology
"I'd probably ideally like to keep it all out of the classroom...If it's going to create this much controversy, how important is it?"
Where's Mitt's machismo gone?
"And I put my hand on my heart, and tears begin to well in your eyes, as you can imagine in a circumstance like that. I have five boys of my own. I imagined what it would be like to lose a son in a situation like that."
This is just too easy
Lie back and think of Redwood
Do you think he knows?
Now this is just a damn shame!
All-American hero of the day

Chris Dodd. (Congressman Kucinich still has my endorsement but well done anyway - and thank you and Senators Kennedy and Feinstein.)
And his hair was perfect
If your husband has thoughtfully volunteered to pop down the mall and finish up the Xmas shopping...
17 December 2007
The upside of Gore being cheated of the Presidency in 2000
Be afraid, be very afraid
"He seems like a nice charming guy... doesn’t believe in evolution and has some nutty views about what it is we should do about ending violence in our inner city — we should make sure all of our young people are armed. Republicans scare me."
Mitt just makes it up as he goes along
Just in time for Xmas
For your listening pleasure
(Editor's note: this is best when viewed between 2 AM and dawn!)
Not so much "cut and run" as "run and hide"
An expert opinion
I think that we must trust his judgement.
What is this?

Well this can only be a good thing but West Chester's not been the same since the great old Warner Theatre shut down nearly thirty years ago.
Credt where credit is due
How do we get one of these and can they visit Pat Robertson first?
16 December 2007
Progress report
Get your loofahs out!
A small clarification
That is all.
How do you say "Lady in Red" in Farsi?
This should work out well
If you live in South Carolina and you have children in the public school system there may still be time to move.
Maybe I should retract all those things I said about abstinence only education
Happy birthday Mr. Clarke
Does this make me a male chauvinist pig?
Has the coup happened already and I didn't notice?
I think it is time to seriously reconsidered my objections to having to swear an oath to the Queen and become a naturalised British citizen.
101 reasons not to drink with a creationist
Let's evacuate! Republicans and Christians first
What a feckin' ejit!
What do they teach them?
I am sure that this will help the state's standing the education derby. Where does Captain Codpiece's beloved No
Quote of the day
Stereotypes exist for a reason. When I used to live in King of Prussia PA there was a Dunkin' Doughnuts at the intersection where I used to get on 202. There was never a time in the nearly five years I lived there that I passed the shop, at least twice a day, when there wasn't a cop car there.
If I hear...
I'll be back as soon as the little red pills kick in.
15 December 2007
Whatever happened to fiscal prudence?
Has anyone seen Fawn Hall of late?
Does anyone here know the Heimlich maneuver?
My fellow Americans...
That is all.
Headline of the day
Who says nothing exciting ever happens in Scandinavia?
From the department of "does anyone care?"
No deal is better than this deal
I am certain that Captain Codpiece and his evil minions are already spinning this to prove what a green little shit he is and will describe this as a great victory attributable to his genius alone.
Cue the "War on Xmas" indignation
Mary is a waitress in a cafe (and a virgin). Joseph is an asylum seeker who has to go to Liverpool to get his visa renewed. Joseph is less than happy with her pregnancy irrespective of its divine source. The baby is born in a pub (real ale available for traditionalists) and the shepherds are homeless and sheepless. There is also music and dancing (I may have made up the dancing) with songs by The La's, The Shack and John Lennon.
I for one will not be watching.
*I confess that I have shamelessly stolen this designation from Bill-o O'Reilly
Attention: UN Security Council members
When they came for the toilet cursers I did nothing because I was not a toilet curser
Too fucking right, I say.
What can we say now?
"I was sitting on the floor of the interrogation room," said the man, an art shop owner in his 20s. "There were five of them asking questions. The first day I was beaten very hard and they asked: who organised the monks? I told them we were following the monks, respecting the Buddha, they weren't following us."
"I was interrogated all night for three nights. They kicked and punched me on the side of my head with their fists. They asked me the same question over and over. I told them: you can ask anything, my answer will always be the same. I don't know who organised the monks. They didn't like that answer."
So the interrogators forced the young man to half-crouch as though he were sitting on a motorbike, made him put his arms out as if gripping the handlebars and demanded he imitate an engine, loudly.
The initial humiliation gave way to intense pains in his legs, arms and throat after several hours. When he fell over he was beaten again. He was held for a month and is still not sure why he was detained. He suspects the police identified him from photographs of civilians who marched with the monks. But he was not alone in the cells of police station No 14.
What indeed.
Finally, after nearly seven years, it turns out that...
If only they spoke English
Speaking of birthdays
They're havin' a party
Happy birthday Art.
14 December 2007
He's not exactly Roger Ebert is he?
Well at least he won't be dead anymore
Get your asterixes out
What may be the most interesting thing to see play itself out, after the brutal condemnation of Barry Bonds, is how the baseball community and America as a whole reacts to the inclusion of one of the sports lily-white favourites, pitcher Roger Clemens, on the list. If he is not treated with the same anger; if is not suggested that he be stripped from the record books; if it is not vociferously argued that the be barred from the Hall of Fame then those who argued that there was a racial element to the vilification of Bonds have some evidence to support their position.
In the meantime the list of drug abusers named is available here.
My own team, the hapless Phillies who I love in a sad and desperate sort of way, got off rather lightly with only Lenny Dykstra and David Bell listed. Dykstra is no surprise; who can forget the shots of him with his mouth stuffed full of chewing tobacco, with the juice just dribbling out of his mouth, sneaking out of the dugout for a crafty fag between innings. This was a guy with an addictive streak. As to David Bell, did ever actually play for the Phillies? I can only recall him being on injured reserve for about three years. It would seem that steroids are no good for your back!
More on this later after I get a chance to work through the names.
In praise of New Jersey!
This is just so appalling
Have they no understanding of the pressures on a young child and what this might do to their self esteem?
I am sure that this was just an oversight
He may be tall but has he got a jump shot
This doesn't sound like cricket
Is Mitt Romney about to buy Clear Channel and its massive portfolio of radio stations? It sure looks like it. Isn't there some sort of rule against something like this? If not, why not? Explain.
Are America's rich getting much, much richer?
Veto pen on standby Captain!
I don't see what a veto is necessary. Couldn't they just do one of those signing statement things, simply just break the law as they are wont to do or, most believably of all, Captain Codpiece could just claim that he didn't understand what they meant.
Today in infamy - what international law edition
Absolutely Fabio
Oh the hubris
"The US will lead, and we will continue to lead, but leadership also requires others to fall in line and follow."
The main American resistance is to any mandatory reduction targets for greenhouse emissions. The Yanks prefer "voluntarily" targets which you can think of a proposal as put forward by your average teenager. "I'll do it if I feel like it. Or I'll got skateboarding."
Nationalise it?
13 December 2007
Yes, you too can be President
Extremely approximate transcript below:
Ms. Interlocutor: "I'd like to see a show of hands. How many of you believe that global warming is a serious threat."
(Ex-)Senator Thompson: "There weren't any hand shows in the script. I've gotta talk to my agent."
Unidentified white male: "Hey. I haven't got an agent but I'm with him."
(Ex-)Governor Romney: "I can not talk about this issue in less than half the time it took Fred to not talk about this issue."
Ms. Interlocutor: [repeats question]
[General cacophony]
Senator McCain: "It's good to talk."
Senator McCain: "As someone who has been travelling the world for the past hundred years actually causing climate change I am the only candidate with actual experience on this issue. My policy is to pretend that climate change is not real but to do something about it anyway. Technology! Capitalism!"
(Ex-)Mayor Giuliani: "Me too! Energy independence! Let's embrace." [Staccato burst of subliminal 9/11s.]
Ms. Interlocutor: "What price should we be willing to pay?"
(Ex-)Governor Romney: "It'll be free and no foreign oil sold to us by evil doers. Did I mention it was free? Just don't call it America warming. I will do it globally AND unilaterally."
(Ex-)Ambassador(?) Keyes: "I quite mad you know (and I don't mean angry). There are some people that these white men in suits don't want you to hear from but that can't be me because I'm here. (Why am I here?) Betrayal! Border! Vote for me! (Have noticed that I am black on the outside?)"
(Ex-)Senator Thompson: "Is this a good time for a joke about the guy who's black on the outside?"
(Ex-)Ambassador(?) Keyes: "If the bunch of us idiots would just shut up there probably wouldn't be any global warming."
Not that you would want him to be your lawyer
Destroying the traditional family - one pachyderm at a time
For our next trick....
All of that aside I am fascinated by the news that scientists are Tokyo University have managed to create a mouse that is (stupidly) unafraid of cats.
I can bring you exclusive news and tell you that these same researchers plan the exponentially more difficult task of creating a Democratic politician with a spine. I will keep you posted.
The Bush that stole SCHIP at Xmas
I say keep sending it back until the intellectually challenged twat signs it.
Meet the new war
Premature electrocution
I guess we should be thankful that they don't give these folks guns. What's that? What do you mean they have guns too?
*The wall was unharmed but the carpet is still in hospital. Taser International says that any injuries to the carpet were caused by misuse of the weapon and that all members of the Taser weapons family are safe to use on floor coverings of all kinds.
Not for the faint of heart
Xenophobic splintering
I eagerly await the announcement of the creation of the Continuity Minuteman and the American National Liberation Army (Minuteman Division).
Ethnic cleansing nears completion
DO NOT PUSH THIS BUTTON!!!! (Part the second)
He should count himself lucky that his name isn't Mohammed al-Tikriti. If it had been he would be enjoying an all expense paid holiday at Guantánamo Bay Beach and Leisure Resort. Nonetheless I don't see any reason why he shouldn't be waterboarded before being sent home. It can't do him an harm and there is no way of knowing what fiendish plots he might subconsciously be aware of. Perhaps thousands of lives could be saved.
All his lap dogs
In praise of the House of Lords
Having difficulties keeping up with the discussion?
Stress position Detainee is forced to stand erect for several hours. Or forced to stand erect for several hours, with his arms held out to the side. Or shackled to the ceiling with his arms extended, sometimes without his feet touching the ground. Whichever, it's certainly stressful.
Note: Faux News viewers will find the meaning of "euphemisms" here.