04 October 2006

Fighting the good fight in the jungle that is Toronto!

What's the difference between Conrad (Lord) Black, former proprietor of the Daily Torygraph who is currently awaiting trial on charges of racketeering and fraud and, say, Ernesto 'Che' Guevara?

Funny you should ask because if you the good Lord they are brothers in arms. They are, after all, both "freedom fighters"! Wouldn't have suspected this would you?

This is the same Lord Black who fought a court imposed spending limit of $50,000 a month. It has since been replaced by a higher figure rumoured to be near $200,000 a month. (What could you get in the Bolivian jungle for that?)

It's too bad that Alberto Korda is dead because I'm sure that the great Lord would look stunning in a beret!

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