13 October 2006

"When did God create black holes again?*"

I've said before I am fascinated by what is happening on the cutting edge of science and maths even if I only have a glimmer of what they are talking about. So what is happening in the scientific realm today?

NASA scientists have been performing a survey of black holes. They've found quite a few and the largest ones they have found are hungry!

The researchers have identified over 150 active galactic nuclei which are objects at the centres of galaxies believed to be black holes the size of millions, even billions, of Suns that are devour nearby matter. Team leader Jack Tueller said: "We are confident that we are seeing every active, supermassive black hole within 400 million light years of Earth".

*Note: I think it was on Thursday (aka the fourth day) when he was seperating "light from darkness". (Don't anyone tell the wingnuts but Stanford U. keeps the Christian creation story in its folklore section!)

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