Hmmm. I may have to give it a read.
occasional musings on politics, culture and life in general from an american in exile
31 May 2007
Nazis & the INS?
Hmmm. I may have to give it a read.
Where do they keep finding these guys?
Apostats everywhere
I hope that there will be just as much discussion over the claims by an Israeli rabbi that conversion to Judaism cannot be set aside. Rabbi Haim Druckman's statements relate to a decision by a religious court (yes there is such a thing in Israel!) that a woman who had converted fifteen years ago but failed to keep the mitzvot. In Rabbi Druckman's opinion once a Jew always a Jew.
Whilst we're not looking
Tear 'em down
Time for the de-installation crews I'd say.
The lowest common denominator
The first show drew around 8 million viewers fully 7.9 million of which I imagine to be middle aged men entrapped by some twisted sexual fantasy involving the twins.
In case you are wondering I was one of the 52 million British residents that didn't bother to watch this mindless piffle.
The Imperial Vice Presidency
Nineteen and losing
It is important that you know that these selfsame Phillies are the losingest team of all time having lost more matches than any other team in any professional sport. The current tally is 9,981 leaving us just 19 losses away from the coveted 10,000. If I were in the states I would give anything to be in attendance on June or at worst July day when the milestone is reached. If it happens in Philly how will the crowd react? Will they boo hits by the home side and cheer runs by the opposition? Will there be a standing ovation? Will ticket stubs from the match become collectors’ items?
I have so many questions.
The freedom agenda
Now if we could just manage to do the same with those pesky Democrats...
Whither Palestinian youth?
A job well done I'd say.
Antipodean angst
One more reason for organic living
I, for one, am relieved!
I am so happy for my friends, acquaintances and colleagues who, unlike me, have had to bear the burden of perceived inadequacies in this area throughout their adult lives.
Progress report
Payback time
What a surprise
Mr. Tillerson "earned" a pitiful 4.1 million USD last year although he was only in charge for six months. I'm sure he will do much better this year!
Mela-mine v. Mela-yours
This will teach her!
Christ if you can't trust the coppers to use firearms responsibly what hope is there for a heavily armed nation such as America?
Peace in our time...
The full rankings with backup detail may be found here.
Does torture pay?
I cannot stand the suspense
Reality radio
Leftward Ho!
Footprints everywhere
Perhaps my countrymen can push for a similar proposal on their side of the Atlantic.
Now this is a military industrial complex
The launch party however doesn't seem likely to happen after the government warned hotels, clubs and restaurants in Islamabad that hosting the party would not be advisable.
Why do you think they called them cheetahs?
Bush does a good thing (no kidding!)
The bad news of course is that a material portion of the funds will be spent on programmes run by right wing religious groups that promote abstinence as the only method to avoid infection and that refuse to allow the distribution of condoms.
Still some of the money will do some good.
A day in the life
Key quote to be found near the end of the article:
"I will probably bin it fairly soon. I think the writing is on the wall for Baghdad. I think it is about to go ballistic. The Baghdad security plan is not going to work." (Emphasis mine.)
St.Tony's travels*
In defence of the Sierra Leonians (sic?) the British Prime Minister's intervention in the country's long running civil war did provide a lesson in how the power of the West can be used for good. It is perhaps not coincidental however that the United States did not take part in any of the military action in the West African country.
*Note: not to be confused with St. Tony's travails - see also Iraq, BAE Systems and Lolly for Lordships.
Gone-zo watch (day 72)
Elsewhere tonight is the first match that England will play at the new three quarters of a billion pounds Wembley stadium under Steve "I've Never Really Coached a Winning Side and It Doesn't Look Like I'm Going to Start Now" McClaren. He has, in an act of desperation, brought back David Beckham to face Brazil in tonight's friendly and then Estonia next week in the must win Euro qualifier. Should England lost that match McClaren looks a dead cert for the sack.
(To be continued...)
30 May 2007
Why do governments only listen to the lawyers when they say what they want them to?
Well Theodor Meron, undoubtedly another self-loathing Jew, who was the Israeli Foreign Ministry's legal adviser during and after the war wrote a memo to the foreign minister Abba Eban saying just that. Furthermore Mr. Meron, who moved on to become a respected international jurist, says that the settlements are still in violation of the Hague and Geneva Conventions.
Bring out the pork
That should lead to lots of prime lobbying jobs for departing Senators, Congressmen, Generals and Defense Department staffers!
America thy name is irony
I suggest that they could begin this effort in Washington DC perhaps in the White House. They could run some seminars for those in high office who seem to have forgotten the basics. I would suggest such interesting topics as:
"Why the Whole World is a Free Speech Zone"
"Why the Fourth, Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments Mean Your Need a Court Order to Wiretap"
"Habeas Corpus - A Beginner's Guide"
"Why Article VI, Clause 2 of the Constitution Means That Ratified Treaties (e.g. the Geneva Conventions and the UN Convention Against Torture) Trump Presidential Power
"I thought I heard buzzing"
There is no mention of the level of compensation the intended recipient is entitled to.
Guns don't kill people...
The fiscal policy behind Bush's immigration deal
That old GW - he's dumb as an (idiotic) fox.
The end of the silence
Question: is the Murdoch run newspaper the Times trying to tell us anything by carrying this story on its entertainment page? I thought old Rupert was a good Christian and believe in all this rubbish.
Say it ain't so
Whether the investigation is related to this story entitled "U.S. to Study Protection for Alaska Loon" I cannot possible say.
The invisible hand of the market stymied yet again by government socialists
However those dastardly Commies in Bush's Department of Agriculture say "not so bloody fast". Implementation of a court ruling that was to take effect on Friday that would have allowed the company to freely pursue free enterprise has been put on hold after the Feds announced that they were appealing the decision.
Will they get a good draft pick?
The pair had made the playoffs (i.e. produced an egg) but the Super Bowl (i.e. eaglet surviving) was just out of reach.
No four star General left behind
According to American General Peter Pace, head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the answer is false. I leave you to come to your own conclusion as to the answer.
Extra! Extra! US environment adviser speaks the truth
"The U.S. has different sets of targets."One certainly can't argue with that.
The shores of Tripoli
Time for a rethink?
It is unlikely to change my mind in the end but if someone were to dangle Karl Rove in front of me as bait I would be likely to be sorely tempted indeed.
TB flights
"Why, man, he doth bestride the narrow world like a Colossus."
The first stop was Washington DC where who knows what goes one when he is alone with the Commander Guy.
Then it was on to Baghdad for a surprise visit so that he could personally thank the troops for dying in the name of the "Blairgacy".
Now he is triumphantly stomping across the Dark Continent accompanied by a writer and two photographers from that serious foreign policy publication Men's Vogue.
Where to next I wonder.
No room at the inn
Blair's autocracy
*Note: from this point forward I shall be refering to the "Blair legacy" as the "Blairgacy" in order to conserve valuable keystrokes.
Is anyone else getting a sense of déjà vu?
So how do they react? They up the ante. Perhaps this time the Russians will force America to spend its way into bankruptcy and the IMF could be sent in to clear up the mess.
Gone-zo watch (day 71)
Meanwhile the competition for second spot in the who-gets-sacked-first contest is heating up as England football Steve "I've Never Really Coached a Winning Side and It Doesn't Look Like I'm Going to Start Now" McClaren admits that recalling David Beckham could have been the last act of a desperate man. Should England fail to win in Estonia next month he is sure to go. I wonder how the head WAGS feel about the imminent return of Posh.
(To be continued...)
29 May 2007
The Natural Unhistory Museum is open
Welcome to the Creation Museum. I don't plan on going even if I get really, really close!
"Patience my arse I'm going to kill something"
It turns out it might have been prophetic.
Jerry Falwell reincarnated!
The down slope
It isn't likely to get much better either. For the second time today I feel lucky to be old!
Progress report
What happens after
At least we can rest assured that the Commander Guy and his minions have at least a good a plan for this eventuality as they did for post-invasion Iraq.
The overlong goodbye
Obama's curious plan
I am sure Sen. Obama will be accused by the right wingers of being a socialist but it is a peculiar type of socialism indeed.
Don't forget the sun screen
The website for the global event, probably not safe for work, may be found here.
Brazil to go to Catholic Hell
How high is too high?
Meanwhile in "America's Hometown" (and mine)
The Commander Guy goes to Cloud Cuckoo Land
There I was thinking he had given up on the booze.
The contractor that couldn't shoot straight
That "Freedom Agenda" thing
A coward honours heroes
"Now this hallowed ground receives a new generation of heroes, men and women who gave their lives in places such as Kabul and Kandahar, Baghdad and Ramadi...Like those who came before them, they did not want war, but they answered the call when it came."
A message to American taxpayers
Now. Here we go. The US government makes up the accounting rules that it applies to itself as it goes along. It doesn't use what are known as Generally Accepted Accounting Practices (GAAP). If you take these rules, which corporations must adhere to unless they are Enron or WorldCom, and apply them to the Federal government last year's deficit was 1.3 trillion USD rather than the 248 billion USD that the government claims. That comes to 11,434 USD per household more than the income tax paid. To make matters worse, especially for those under thirty, the cumulative deficit is actually 59.1 trillion USD or 516,348 USD per household.
Suddenly it doesn't seem so terrible to be old.
Weekend sport
There was the richest match in football, worth an estimated £60 million to the winner. It wasn't a bad match and Derby County won by a score of one to nil. That means my Palace get to play West Bromwich Albion again next year.
At the other end of the spectrum, admittedly shown only on the news, was the annual Coopers Hill cheese rolling competition in Gloucestershire. Here the contestants stand to win a lot less, a cheese, but it sure looks like a lot of fun if a bit dangerous. There were twenty five volunteers from St. John Ambulance on hand to assist. I wonder if they have an over 50 competition.
Less than human?
I have a word of advice for Lord Goldsmith; once you define something as a "human right" there are no exceptions unless you chose to define someone as less than human. It really is quite simple and I don't see what it is you don't understand.
Note: the British Army's senior legal adviser, Lieutenant-Colonel Nicholas Mercer, ruled that the ECHR did constrain British forces in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Gone-zo watch (day 70)
(To be continued...)
28 May 2007
The police state the police don't want
Why is Putin's Russia like Dubya's America?
Of for the good old days when you could get away with this in America. Wait a second - you still can get away with this in America. How silly of me!
Finally a reason to intervene in Zimbabwe
After all private property is important!
Who's counting?
More proof that the French hate America and God
Shame. Shame.
No no child it wasn't me
There are also reports that his paramour, Shaha Riza, has dumped him. I suppose that is the fault of the press too and nothing to do with the fact that he was rubbish in the sack.
Dying for a drink
Hey. Isn't having a state monopoly over anything, including booze, just one small step from communism? Someone should point that out to them. Let the market rule!
Way down south in the heart of dixie..
Haven't they learned anything from Nixon? You're supposed to keep these thoughts secret!
What's a drought good for?
Gone-zo watch (day 69)
(To be continued...)
27 May 2007
Happy bank holiday
His legacy is more important than freedom - just ask him
By the way Tony I think Gordon and the missus are coming round to Number 10 this afternoon to measure up for curtains.
And you thought the Cubbies sucked!
Lose their 10,000th game! Only 21 more to go; a mere doddle for the likes of them. And to think my family has been supporting them from the very beginning. I'm not sure what that says about the Stringers but it sure says something.
Stay tuned for further, sad developments.
There must be a better way
Adventures in learning Kentucky style
I fear though that the headline from this ABC story about the opening ("Creation Museum Marries Adam, Eve and Dinosaurs") might be subject to misinterpretation and cause considerable angst amongst those folks most likely to visit. After all marriage is supposed to be between one man and one woman rather than one man and one extinct reptile!
No vacancy
So if you want to do porridge you should think of committing your crime today as there are only 320 spots left!
Will we still need ash trays?
"Thank you sir may I have another tax exemption?"
*Note: for Americans - public schools in Britain are not actually open to the public unless you have lots and lots of money and the right bloodlines. They are the equivalent of America's most expensive private schools.
Perhaps they should call it Neo-Labour
Gone-zo watch (day 68)
(To be continued...)
26 May 2007
God's Army (and Air Force)
Well if they did they were wrong.
*Note: their website seems to be temporarily unavailable!
"I am shocked, shocked I tell you!"
Well let me tell you. It is because the insurance companies are gouging the doctors.
Hey wait a minute. That can't be right can it?
(The full report (PDF) from the American Association for Justice, based on the financial statements of fifteen major malpractice insurance firms is available here.)
In which I celebrate the Detroit Free Press...
"The Bush administration's failure to bring Posada to justice further undercuts the notion that it is committed to fighting terrorism wherever it finds it."
High hubris
"It would be an insult to hold that great country to low standards...We want [insert country name here] to be a partner in the world, and we want [insert country name here] to be strong, but strong in 21st-century terms" America would like to see [insert country name here] "with strong, democratic and independent institutions in and out of government; with a strong civil society, free press and active opposition; with strong and independent middle and entrepreneurial classes...We do not exempt [insert country name here] from our belief in the universal potential of freedom."
A) Iraq
B) Israel
C) The United States of America
D) Pakistan
E) The Russian Federation
(The answer is C) The United States of America. No wait - I got carried away - the answer is E) The Russian Federation.)
Green food
This should confuse the Commander Guy no end
Attention Minutemen!
Where have you been? Who knows how many of the Francophile evildoers have brazenly entered the country quite possibly carrying copies of Jean Paul Sartre's L'Etre et le Neant or even the insidious Astérix le Gaulois with which to poison the minds of innocent young Americans.
Au nord mes amis!
So help me L.
I can hardly wait for the first Scientologist witness to take advantage of this ruling by taking his or her oath on a copy of Battleship Earth
I hope he enjoyed it!
The Commander Guy signed into law a bill that provides financing for the illegal occupation of Iraq after Democrats in the House and Senate punked out.
Shame! Shame! Shame!
If it says Libby's, Libby's, Libby's on the cell door
"Mr. Libby, a high-ranking public official and experienced lawyer, lied repeatedly and blatantly about matters at the heart of a criminal investigation concerning the disclosure of a covert intelligence officer's identity...He has shown no regret for his actions, which significantly impeded the investigation."
Democracy - Texas style
Now things are getting a bitted stirred up in the state's House of Representatives because the Speaker, Republican Tom Craddick, is refusing to countenance attempts to remove him from office. He reign has been so ham-fisted that even the other members of his party can't stand him. Yesterday when fellow Republican Fred Hill tried to enter a motion to allow a vote to remove him from office Speaker Craddick refused to recognise him and when that was appealed he said that "the speaker's discretion to recognize a member on a motion on any matter is unappealable (sic)". After Craddick left the building Democrats attempted to storm the podium but were "restrained" by capital police.
If only the Democrats had been exercising their 2nd Amendment rights to carry firearms perhaps they would have succeeded!
Is it cruel and unusual yet?
Good work everyone! Kudos is due you.
Persona non grata
Wolfowitz to Wal-Mart?
"If it were done when 'tis done, then 'twere well It were done quickly"
Note: I may have paraphrased what Sir John said just a wee bit.
Excuses, excuses, excuses
What is the reason this time you ask?
Answer: the target missile wasn't flying high enough. Should they have announced that? Doesn't this tell the evil doers just what they need to know? I assume that Iran, China and al-Qaeda will all now embark on a development programme for low flying ballistic missiles.
I want to be alone!
The bear at the heart of the incident, who is known only as Yogi, is quoted as saying that he "finally freaked out" after being tailed by what he termed the "humarazzi". Said Yogi:
"Everywhere I turned he was always there. When I can out of the den first thing in the spring what do I hear but 'Yogi over here', 'smile' and 'click, click, whirr, whirr'. Even if I was just popping round the hive for a bit of honey he was omnipresent. I just couldn't take it anymore. I think something snapped in my head. I hope he's alright but I never want to see him again."
Pot meet kettle!
Snigger. Snigger.
Coke splashing out on water
Only time will tell if this major investment will have a better pay off for the Atlanta company than its "Source de Sidcup" bottled tap water venture back in 2004.
Followup required
"Separately, the Guardian has learned that, to the fury of civilian organisations, US forces are using an aid agency's property as a place to interrogate Afghans."
New twelve step programme required
In my defence I travel by train whenever practical although I cannot honestly claim this as a sacrifice I have made to save the planet. I just prefer travelling by rail and couple with a pathological aversion to airports.
The unravelling Ukraine
Rumours of their death may have been greatly exaggerated
Lest we forget
British court finds UK guilty of war crimes
Perhaps the case against the government should now be turned over to the International Criminal Court. I shall hold my breath.
Standing alone
A note to anyone living at or near sea level; this might be a good time to consider relocation inland.
Gone-zo watch (day 67)
Elsewhere later today we should know how desperate England football coach Steve "I've Never Really Coached a Winning Side and It Doesn't Look Like I'm Going to Start Now" McClaren, the other contender for runner up in the first annual Yank in London who-will-get-sacked-first-competition, is as he is set to name the England squad for the upcoming friendly against Brazil and the European Championship qualifier against Estonia. It appears likely that David Beckham will return from exile but even if he does it will only be a stop gap measure as once he begins to play in America against lacklustre competition his form will assuredly fall off and he will no longer be up to the challenge.
(To be continued...)
25 May 2007
Conrad Black cleared!
"I don't think he has any credibility...I don't think any jury in the world would convict anybody on the basis of what he said. I repeat my long-standing view that this was never a criminal case - except possibly against him."
We have met the censors and they is us
Too good to pass up
The details are a little unclear but according to a spokesman "she's a little sore, but is doing fine". There was no news available as to Ms. Abdul's condition.
As sweet as
Van Morrison
A totally unnecessary apology
"It came out in the trial very clearly, Jonathan Pollard took money for what he did, he sold out his country. The fact that he wasn't executed is the mercy that Jonathan Pollard will receive...This is a very emotional issue in the United States. I know he was helping a friend but that's what makes it even more emotional for Americans, if a friend would cooperate in aiding and abetting someone who is committing treason against his own country."
Can you imagine a similar volte face over a statement about a traitor who had sold out America to any other country? The UK? Russia? China? Iran?
I don't think so. I demand that he apologise for the apology!
"The General" can't get his kit off
Have I got this right?
This is helpful to the prosecution how?
Bending the law
- The international legal norms which protect humanity from poison and the deliberate spread of disease which have been put in place by decades of negotiation risk being undermined.
- Widespread but responsible deployment of drugs as weapons would inevitably result in their reaching the hands of state or non-state actors for whom lethality among those targeted is not of concern. This would simply be chemical warfare with a medical label.
- Using existing drugs as weapons means knowingly moving towards the top of a ‘slippery slope’ at the bottom of which is the spectre of ‘militarization’ of biology; this could include intentional manipulation of peoples' emotions, memories, immune responses or even fertility.
"I'll have one of each please"
Was Jesus a shark?
Gone-zo does his homework
Oops there goes another fire ant
Thailand takes another step in the wrong direction
Now the country, which is embroiled in a bitter and violent conflict with Muslim separatists in its south, looks set to name Buddhism as its official religion.
I expect an even smaller murmur this time.
Freedom of speech ≠ freedom to hear?
So just exactly what did he say that he didn't want anyone to hear?
Moqtada's back and this time he's angry
"No, no for Satan. No, no for America. No, no for the occupation. No, no for Israel."
New tool
Become a Bushie in three easy steps
Step 2: say "I will tell the truth"
Step 3: say "I won't testify without immunity"
"I shit in your general direction"
Protect your soldiers!
You have been warned.
Is the US harbouring terrorists in Iraq?
The US is, rather curiously, urging restraint.
It didn't work for me
Well researchers from the Arthritis Research Centre of Canada are reporting that drinking four or more cups of coffee a day dramatically reduces the incidence of attacks.
Well it hasn't worked for me. I probably drink four or more cups five days out of seven since my late teens.
Truth in advertising
"We've got you surrounded! Come out of there with your leg off."
Congratulations are in order
The bad news for Sammy is that only three of his four grandparents are not Satan.
The carnage continues
Whip me, beat me just don't burn me!
"An MFB spokesman said 18 firefighters 'were tied up for some time but disciplined and controlled firefighting contained the blaze'"
Air America
"It's a mess, and it's going to get worse. A lot of things were done after 9/11 that are going to be looked at for years to come. There are going to be commissions, inquiries, court cases."
(Good) terrorists in America
What is M. Dillais doing in America? Well it is obvious isn't it? He is selling weaponry to the US government including those branches involved in the global and everlasting "War on Terra"! Oh, the irony!
Greenpeace has demanded that he be deported but the US government has yet to respond other than to say that "the law is very clear: persons involved in acts of terrorism are not admitted into the United States". That clears that up then.
By the way has anyone seen Luis Posada Carilles lately?
An apology not far enough
Lucky them.
So much for a quiet retirement
Ergo Jacques Chirac no longer has immunity from prosecution.
Ergo Jacques Chirac just might be in deep shit trouble.
On the other hand what is 30 million Euros amongst friends anyway?
Gone-zo watch (day 66)
Considering the situation seriously for a moment it is absolutely clear that Gonezo must go. There are really only two scenarios to consider.
The first is that despite all of his testimony before Congress and other public pronouncements he was intimately involved in the sackings of the US Attorneys and that he bowed to political pressure in selecting those who would go. This is what I believe to be the case. If it is true then he must go as he has lied to the American people and he has lied to Congress under oath which is a crime that should be prosecuted.
The second scenario is that he truly did delegate the responsibility entirely for these decisions. Prosecuting US Attorneys are the public face of the US Justice Department. One can make a reasonable argument that they are the most important employees in the entire organisation. If Gonezo believed that it was acceptable for him to leave these decisions to others without even the slightest involvement on his part or at the very least his approval of the decisions having been informed of the reasoning behind them then he is clearly unfit to lead an organisation as important to the American people and to American ideals as the one he does and therefore he must go.
At the end of the day it doesn't matter at all which of these is the truth the man must go and he must go now!
In related news the other contender for runner up in the first annual Yank in London who-will-get-sacked-first-competition, England football coach Steve McClaren is growing increasingly concerned over his rival's incredible staying power and is considering taking desperate measures, such as recalling David Beckham, in order to hang on to his job.
(To be continued...)
24 May 2007
How many wives you got mister?
Well they are pink!
Supporting the troops
Semper Fi my arse.
Boom boom
I mean how the hell is America supposed to be able to blow the hell out of anyone we want to; whenever we want to if we haven't got the latest shit in our silos? And it was only 89 million USD as well. Halliburton wouldn't even bother to get out of bed for that kind of money.
Because human rights aren't for everyone
Wouldn't a better solution be for Mr. Reid to find some remaining speck of the old Empire where he could open his own personal Guantánamo Bay Beach and Leisure Resort*. I've had a look and the Pitcairn Islands, St. Helena and especially South Georgia all appear at first blush to be excellent candidates.
*Note: the US Navy is so humble about the excellent facilities that they maintain that the official website for the Guantánamo Bay Naval Base doesn't even mention the resort facilities that are maintained there for lucky foreigners.